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  1. من كتاب مادة الصوتيات للتيرم الرابع فيه شرح مفصل و مبسط لاول 4 وحدات من كتاب اللغويات
  2. There are two types of sounds: CONSONANTS and VOWELS. CONSONANTS are sounds like /p/, /g/, /s/, /l/, /m/ and /w/. They are produced by making an obstruction in the air passage, either closing the air passage then releasing the breath suddenly, or narrowing the air passage so that air passes with difficulty. In contrast, VOWELS are sounds like /[size=7]İ[/size]:/, /u/, /[size=12]ə[/size]/,/[size=9]و[/size]/ and /[size=7]3[/size]:[size=12]/[/size]. They are made by passing voiced air through an open air passage, shaped by passing through different mouth shapes caused by different tongue positions and lip shapes. We will start by studying consonants, and then move on to vowels. 17 Different consonants can be distinguished from one another by describing their place of articulation (that is, where two organs of speech come close to each other), the manner of articulation (i.e. the way these organs control the air passage), and voicing (that is, the vibration of the vocal cords). [size=12] PLACE OF ARTICULATION: [/size] Consonant sounds depend on which two organs of speech take part in producing each of them. Based on the place of articulation for each, English consonants can be classified into at least eight types. 1.BILABIAL (the lips come together as in /p/, /b/, /m/) 2.LABIODENTAL (the lower lip and the upper teeth come together e.g. /f/, /v/) 3.DENTAL (the tip of tongue and the upper teeth come together e.g. /[size=12]θ[/size]/ and /[size=12]ً[/size][size=12]/[/size]) 4.ALVEOLAR (the tip of the tongue and touches alveolar ridge e.g. /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /n/, /l/, /r/) 5.ALVEO-PALATAL (the tip of the tongue and the alveolar ridge e.g. /[size=12]ʃ/[/size], /[size=12]ʒ[/size]/, /t [size=12]ʃ[/size]/, /d[size=12]ʒ[/size]/) 6.PALATAL (the front of the tongue and the hard palate e.g. /j/) 18 7.VELAR (the back of the tongue and the soft palate or velum e.g. /k/, /g/, /[size=7]Ŋ/[/size], /w/) 8.GLOTTAL (between the vocal cords opening, such as /h/) [size=12] MANNER OF ARTICULATION: [/size] a) PLOSIVES are sounds produced with a complete closure, forming pressure; then the air is released suddenly with a plosion, e.g. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/. b) FRICATIVES are produced by an incomplete closure; the air passage is narrowed producing an audible friction, e.g. /f/, /v/, /s/, /z/. c) AFFRICATES start as plosives with a complete closure, but are followed by slow release with friction through a narrow passage e.g. /t[size=12]ʃ[/size]/ and /d[size=12]ʒ[/size]/ as in "church" and "judge". d) FRICTIONLESS CONTINUANTS are sounds produced through a closure with less pressure such as /r/ in English (unlike the Arabic trill). e) LATERALS are produced through a partial closure, where the air passage is blocked by the tip of tongue but is allowed to escape around the sides of the tongue, such as /l/ in "light" and "full"). f) NASALS are formed through a complete closure of the mouth, as the uvula is lowered allowing air to pass through the nose, e.g. /m/, /n/, /[size=7]Ŋ/ [/size] g) GLIDING CONSONANTS are formed without a closure, e.g. /j/ and /w/) 19 [size=12] VOICING: [/size] As mentioned above, the vocal cords can assume different positions, modifying the sound produced. When opening slightly, they vibrate producing "voiced" sounds such as /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /z/, /[size=12]ً[/size][size=12]/ [/size], /[size=12]ʒ[/size]/, /[size=7]Ŋ[/size]/, and all English vowels. On the other hand, when producing other sounds, the vocal cords open widely without any vibration, thus producing "voiceless" sounds, e.g. /s/, /f/. [size=12] SUMMARY [/size] 1. There are two types of sounds: consonants and vowels. 2. Consonants are produced by making an obstruction in the air passage. (either closing the air passage then releasing the breath suddenly, or narrowing the air passage so that air passes with difficulty) 3. Vowels are made by passing voiced air through an open passage. Vowels are shaped by passing through different mouth shapes caused by different tongue positions and lip shapes. 4. Consonants can be distinguished from one another according to: •Place of articulation (e.g. dental) •Manner of articulation (e.g. plosive) •Voicing (e.g. voiced) The following chart summarizes all that you have learnt about consonants so far. 20 21 [size=12] EXERCISES [/size] 1. Give the correct term for the sounds produced in the following ways: a. the tip of the tongue touching the upper teeth. dental b. the tip of the tongue touching the alveolar ridge. alveolar c. the back of the tongue touching the soft palate. velar d. the lips coming together. bilabial e. the front of the tongue touching the hard palate.lateral 2. Give the symbol for each of the following sounds with an example of its use in a word: a. voiceless bilabial plosive p f. voiced alveolar nasal n b. voiceless alveolar continuant g. voiced velar plosive g c. voiceless dental fricative ث h. voiced alveo-palatal affricate دج d. voiced alveolar lateral i. voiceless labiodental fricative ف e. voiced palatal gliding consonant j.voiced velar nasal 3. Each of the following sets contains three similar sounds and an odd one. Pick out the odd (different) member and explain why it is different. 1. b, p, s, t 2. b, k, t, p 3. b, m, p, s 4. l, f, v, s 5. t, n, l, p 6. t, d, f, s 7. m, g, p, z 8. t, k, [size=7]Ŋ, [/size]g 9. n, p, v, w
  3. Read them and then write them as you would in normal English spelling. /sɪt/ sit /red/ red or read /klوp/ clap /nok/knock /fut/foot /ʃʌt/shut /əgəu/ ago/ʃu:t/ shoot /ʃƆ:t/short /pɑ:t/part /k3:l/curl /mİ:t/meet or meat /tʌŊ/tongue /weًə weather
  4. In English there are twenty vowel sounds, some of them short, some long; some simple, and some diphthongs (which will be studied later in UNIT 13 below). /İ:/ tree /Ɔ:/ pour /ɑ:/ art, far /u:/ too, moon /3:/ church, err /i/ city /o/ pot /و/ add /u/ put /ʌ/ up, bud /e/ egg /ə/ ago, sister In contrast to consonants, produced by blocking the air passage then releasing it suddenly, or narrowing the air passage, vowel sounds like /İ:/, /u/, /ə/, /و/ and /3:/ are made by passing voiced air through an open air 46 passage. The air moving through this passage is shaped by passing through different mouth shapes caused by different tongue positions and lip shapes. There are four different factors that control the different vowel sounds in English. 1.VOWEL LENGTH: A vowel may be long like /İ:/ as in "tree", /ɔ:/ as in "pour", /ɑ:/ as in "art" and "far", /u:/ as in "too" or "moon", or /3:/ as in "church" and "err"; or short as in /ɪ/ as in "city", /e/ as in "egg", /و/ as in "add", /o/ as in "pot", /u/ as in "put", /ʌ/ as in "up", and "bud", and /ə/ as in "ago" and "sister" . 2. THE HIGHEST POINT OF THE TONGUE: This may be in the front (when producing /İ:/, /ɪ/, /e/, and /و/), the centre (as in /ʌ/, /3:/, and /ə/), or the back (as in /u:/, /u/, /ɔ:/, /o/, and /ɑ:/). 3. THE DEGREE OF CLOSENESS OF THE MOUTH: This can be close (/İ:/, /u:/), half close (/ɪ/, /u/), half open (/Ɔ:/, /و/, /ʌ/), or open (/ɑ:/, /o/), or somewhere between half-close and half-open (/e/, /3:/, /ə/). 47 4. THE SHAPE OF THE LIPS: The lips may be spread (/İ:/, /ɪ/, /e/), neutral (/ə/, /ʌ/, /3:/, /و/), rounded open (/o/, /Ɔ:/, /ɑ:/), or closely rounded (/u/, /u:/). SUMMARY 1. There are twenty vowel sounds in English. 2. There are four factors that determine their pronunciation in English: a) Vowel length: (long or short) b) The highest point of the tongue: (in the front, centre or back) c) The degree of closure of the mouth: (close, half close, half open, open) d) The shape of the lips: (spread, neutral, rounded open, closely rounded) 48 49 EXERCISES 1. Listen to the following sentences and decide which one do you hear. a) They BIT / BET me. b) Ali BIT / BEAT me. c) When did he LIVE / LEAVE? 2. Listen to the following words and decide whether the vowel sound in each pair is the same or different. 3. Listen again and repeat exactly what you hear. 4. Listen once more and write the words you hear in full, then transcribe them. 5. Read the following transcriptions. What English words are represented by the transcriptions? Read them and then write them as you would in normal English spelling. /sɪt/ /red/ /klوp/ /nok/ /fut/ /ʃʌt/ /əgəu/ /ʃu:t/ /ʃƆ:t/ /pɑ:t/ /k3:l/ /mİ:t/ /tʌŊ/ /weًə/
  5. الامتحان دايما بيكون خمس جمل من الوحدات المقررة يونت1 و2و3و4 و عليهم 10 درجات و الجزء الثاني بكون قطعتين سماعي من انجليزي وانت تترجم عربي و كل قطعة ب 5 درجات بس انا سمعت ان الشكل اتغير و بقى الجمل الي من الوحدات عليها 6 درجات بس مش عارفة خلي حد يؤكد لك الكلام لاني امتحنتها الترم الي فات
  6. ألف شكر لكل المساهمين في المنتدى هنا و اعتذر أني مش بدخل كتير معلش عندي ظروف جامدة و مش عارفة حتى اذاكر خالص ادعولي يا جماعة انا محتاجة دعائكم اشوفكم علي خير
  7. امتحانات الدول العربية كلها موحدة الاختلاف بين امتحان داخل مصر أو خارج مصر ومفيش حاجة اسمها خارج مصر أسهل أو أصعب الاثنين في مستوى واحد و صعوبة واحدة
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