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كل منشورات العضو darkbluesky75
312 speaking and listening practice
قام darkbluesky75 بالرد على موضوع لـ darkbluesky75 في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
Dear fellow students I have a question about the subject 312; speaking and reading practice. I realize that there is a common question in the exams in which we have to Analyze a dialoge, and state the comments, agreements, disagreement,opinons and facts. But I failed to find anything related to this issue in the book or in the lectures. Can someone please help me with this issue? a Many thanks in advance Sherif
Unfortunately, I don't have any country songs to share, but you can easily find it on the internet. I'm glad you decided to start writing in English, and I hope the rest of the students will be encourged by your positive initiative I'm taking the 4th and the 5th term together. Do you have any information about the time of the term exams?
I would like to thank everyone for the positive feedback. I personally believe that using English to communicate in this website will dramatically increase our language skills. Clearly, we will make mistakes, but we will benefit and learn. I recommended American country songs because they use clear vocabulary, and they sing in a slow rhythm that will help to understand the song. I do not necessarily like country songs, but I feel confident when I listen to a song and realize that I finally understand its meanings. The translated meanings of the Quran can also be a great help because it builds a bridge between what we know in Arabic and what we wish to learn in English. Besides, we use Quran almost all day, so why not knowing what it means in English! We should remember that English is our second language, and we should all be proud that we can read, write and speak it. This makes us unique, and we should never fear from making mistakes Finally, I would appreciate it if you bring to my attention any language mistakes that you may notice Sherif
star H انا بشكرك علي تعليقك وبصراحه انا من عاشقي اللغه العربيه الفصحي ولكن للاسف الشديد كانت درجاتي في امتحانات اللغه العربيه وانا طالب في الثانويه العامه ضعيفه وكانت السبب المباشر في دخولي كليه العلوم وليس طب الاسنان كما كنت اتمني. كان السبب وراء درجاتي الضعيفه هو موضوع الانشاء للانني كنت اكتب ما اريد وليس مايتمني ان يقرأه المصحح,فجاءت درجاتي متدنيه. شائت الاقدار ان اعيش في الخارج,واصبح التحدث باللغه الانجليزيه هو اسلوب حياتي الجديد, فأصبح التحدث باللغه قوي مع مراعاه انها ليست اللغه الام بالنسبه لي, واكتشفت ايضا ان مستوايا في الكتابه ضعيف,والقواعد النحويه تحتاج الي دراسه جيده فقررت الالتحاق بالتعليم المفتوح لدراسه اللغه الانجليزيه بطريقه صحيحه. نحن في مصر نري كل شئ سلبي, وكل جامعه فاشله, ونري في الخارج التقدم والرقي. انا اري ان هذه النظره ظالمه لاننا لسنا اقل من العالم الخارجي في شئ ولكن الاعداء يريدون زرع الاحساس بالنقص والفشل حتي ننهار,كما يحدث لنا الان. المهم في تعلم اللغه الانجليزيه هو الاتي: التدريب علي القراءه وبصوت عالي الاستماع الي الاخبار بالانجليزيه بتركيز وبشكل يومي قراءه مواضيع باللغه الانجليزيه يوميا التدريب علي التحدث باللغه الانجليزيه قراءه المصحف المترجم باللغه الانجليزيه او الانجيل او التوراه علي حسب الديانه سماع الاغاني الانجليزيه ويفضل ال country songs مشاهده الافلام الانجليزيه بشكل دوري مع مراعاه اخفاء الترجمه العربيه المهم ليس ابدا شكل الشهاده ولكن المستوي اللغوي والقدره علي التنافس في سوق العمل بشكل فعال. انا في مركز جامعه القاهره للتعليم المفتوح وافتخر.
انا موافق يكتبوا في شهاده تخرجي من جامعه ابو دراع مسلوخه بنظام التعليم المفتوح من 8 صباحا -8 مساء المهم تعرفوا تترجموا صح,واللغه تبقي بطلاقه, والمستوي يبقي لائق ومتميز, ودرجه الاطلاع عاليه, وتحصلوا علي الرخصه الدوليه لقياده الكمبيوتر, والتويفل.... وإن الله لايضيع اجر من احسن عملا.... انا في التعليم المفتوح-جامعه القاهره وافتخر وجاهز لتحدي اوباما في اللغه بمستوايا وليس بمسمي الشهاده
المحاضرة الاخيرة ترم رابع 31/12/2010
قام darkbluesky75 بالرد على موضوع لـ om_maram في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الثالث
أتمني من الزملاء والزميلات الموجود معهم إمتحانات مواد الترم الرابع الخاصه بالترم السابق ان يشاركونا إياها ولهم منا الشكر والعرفان, وايضا من حضر منكم آخر محاضرات وعنده معلومات عن الاسئله المتوقعه والملغي والمقرر ان يشاركنا إياها ايضا. سامحوني لو ان مطالبي كثيره ولكني علي ثقه من حسن تعاونكم, ولكم مني الشكر والدعاء بالتوفيق والنجاح.
phonetics 223
قام darkbluesky75 بالرد على موضوع لـ darkbluesky75 في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
كارثة حقيقية والناس في غفلة
قام darkbluesky75 بالرد على موضوع لـ محمود حسن في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's ساحة الحوار والنقاش
حلاقة الذقن...نصائح للرجال
قام darkbluesky75 بالرد على موضوع لـ Hamdy Tawfik-manar9 في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الصحة والطب
تحذير خطير من الموبايل
قام darkbluesky75 بالرد على موضوع لـ sweet_love في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الصحة والطب
I agree with you and it's funny how most people care about the outside more than the inside. India exports the most brilliant computer programers to the U.S and the EU while we still think about how the graduation certificate looks like We live in a defected socity and the political system destroied our qualities, and unless we start to correct our way of thinking we will go down the drain. The look is everything we care about (((((((((
ارغب فى معرفه المزيد عن كليه الاداب
قام darkbluesky75 بالرد على موضوع لـ Sarah 2009 في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
Dear Sarah I would like to welcome you to the open universtiy, and I will be glad answer some of your questions based on my experiance. I'm in the 4th term, and I'm convenced that studying languages require personal desire to earn the knowledge, and countinuing research to improve your skills. The department of English provide the students with good courses and the means to learn the English language. The exams are normally easy, but you should always remember that language is a broad subject that has no limits. The more vocabulary you earn the easier it gets, and the gammer is the key to make correct sentences. I consider the translation degree vauable in todays market specially if you support the future degree with computer skills. I hope I was able to provide you with the answers you were looking for, and I wish you the best luck. Sherif -
I posted my opinion based on experiance becuase I used to be a student in the faculty of science around 1994, and I attended the same college again in 2005. I realized how everything changed and the increasing number of students almost destroied the college. The quality of education went down to zero, and the proffesors became ignorant and not even qualified to teach the high school level. I understood from the main subject that anyone carries a college degree and attempts to obtain another degree then the cost will increase from 400 to 4000. I still believe that having 2 bachelor degrees is a lauxury and the government should not pay for it. I support the financial aid for the poor students, and I think the open education is great and it offers a golden chance for everyone to abtain a valuable education and a respectful degree. I agree with you over the point of India and China, but I would like to remind you that China put restrictions on the birth rates. I think they offer government support to the first child and the family then carries the responsiblilty for any additional kids. The government was able to improve the living conditions but putting rules to control the birth rates. India is considered to be one of the poorest countries on earth and we have a better living conditions compared with the average Indian. The problem in Egypt is political because the totalitarian regeme nearly paralized the whole country, but some changes and new rules are needed. I disagree with tons of rules and laws but I like my opinions to be based on realistic vision more than an emotional reaction. I approciate the debate we have and I truly respect you. Sherif
The universities in Egypt are over loaded with students, and the quality of education has dramatically deterurated as a result of the increasing numbers of students. Moreover, the environment inside the colleges has become health hazard, and the possibilty of catching airborn diseasies is sky rocketing. I consider the open university as the ideal solution because it releases the stress from the normal colleges. The economy demands more skillfull electrictions than physitions, and skillfull plumbers than lawers. The open universtiy offers a clean cut college degree, and it's up to the graduate to inhance the degree with training and computer skills to be able to compet in the job market. I agree with the new system and anyone thinks about obtaining an additional degree should pay for it because the chance was given for the first time for free, it seems fair to me, and the open education is always there for everyone. I agree with the new system