Dear Reham
I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, as I'm waiting for the results of the first term I tend to judge myself for not giving my studies the proper attention from day one, I thought everything is a piece of cake but then I realized that I could have done much better if I took it alittle bit more serious. I learned my lesson and I'm willing to study very hard the next term with one goal ahead and that is get the A grades or no one will ever feel sorry for you
I would like you to join me for my campain to make all the students post their conversations, remarks and thoughts in ENGLISH. I strongly believe that our study requires us to practice our english in order to, refine our second language, and I understand that most of us are probably scared or even ashame of making mistakes and this negative behaviour will make all of us miss the opportunitiy of learning English
I would like thank you again for sharing your thoughts and I wish you the best luck and hope to get a feed back from you soon regarding my "Type in English" campain
Yours Truly
Sherif Khafagy