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  • مجموع الأنشطة

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كل منشورات العضو enigma_sinai

  1. Obviously iam not talking about abandoning our Islamic teaching, nah, iam talking about adopting day-to-day "respectful" behavior which goes hand in hand with ours, otherwise, we would be awkward, even daft brushes whenever we get to deal with them nice conversing with ya
  2. yup, don't you think we should follow as we use their language i mean the common attitude
  3. ok ok alright....easy man...don't be grumpy` lol..that reminds me of my Briton friend, whenever i tell her kind words, she thanks me until i got sick of the word but when, i turned to tell her"forget about thanking me", she seemed like confused or bothered or even unappreciated and told me that my phrase is not welcomed here as they thank each others for every tiny thing so, thank you one more time
  4. it doesn't matter man, it's American, and we aren't into academic conference here I like your English
  5. what the difference between media lectures and applications? thanks a lot...helpful
  6. well done i have posted a subject concerns some courses of 311,321,322,323 and 324 maybe you've got any packages related to codes mentioned above
  7. على رأى راشد الماجد..بلا حب بلا وجع قلب..وأيش أخدنا من ورا الحب غير الآلم..غير التعب وايش جانا!
  8. Hello brothers and sisters, hope you all doing alright I would hope, as a gesture of goodwill that you upload anything concern the courses of the following codes: books, written lectures, T.V based lectures, trains, exams etc 311 321 322 323 324 thanks for your time and I appreciate your help
  9. حد عنده فكرة عن امتحان المادة كود 315 نصوص علمية؟ هل سيطلب منا أن نتحدث عن أحد الشخصيات العلمية أم لا؟
  10. اسجل اعجابى لهذه الكلمات والصورة التى استوقفتنى للحظات
  11. Hi Mr. Hamdy i think that your first sentence is incorrect where word"supporting" functions as an adjective, whereas the noun"support" which is required
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