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كل منشورات العضو enigma_sinai

  1. exactly, i would use reduction rather than beating about the bush ok, thanks for being discussable and i apologize to the writer for this irrelevant post
  2. it is ok pal , we are here to help each other and you would catch some misspelling within my writings but hey, you're good in English
  3. don't think that iam steeped in English, i still studying but lets discuss it together in order to improve each other Special SPECIAL is a word that best describes you .. ... SPECIAL" is a word that is(i think that next"is" should be omitted) used to describe something " one-of-a-kinde(you mean kind? because kinde is no longer in use, it's archaic spelling) like a hug or a sunset or a person who spreads love with a smile or kind gesture ... SPECIAL describes people who act from the heart and keep in minde (mind) the heart (hearts) because "others" is plural of others ... SPECIAL applies to something that is admired and precious and that(why would you use two conjunctions?)can never be replaced ... SPECIAL is the worde(word) that best describes you in your leading sentence, you have said"special is a word" but in concluding one you say"special is the word", why the change of the rhythm? ..
  4. the idea is great, but i have some reserves on Grammar and spelling. they make sentence more accurate and meaningful
  5. check this out /montada-f26/topic-t1102.htm#16207 The Link you kindly provided yassir is not valid....thanks for your concern anyway.
  6. أعتقد انه يجب دراسة المواد تدريجياً بمعنى انه لا يصح أن تختارى مواد من الترم السادس وأنتى فى الترم الرابع هذا الآفضل والمنطقى من رأيي
  7. forget about people , but don't forget about Hamdy maybe i pushed it up a little bit? whatever..i like it
  8. رأيت فقيراً يبكي فقلت ما الخبر ؟ ****قال :الأسهم تلاشت و ليس لها أثر ****وطلبت من الصراف سلفة فاعتذر **** وكل شئ زاد سعره إلا البشر **** الأغنام والجِمال والدجاج والبقر **** والألبان والأجبان والفواكه والخُضر **** وابن آدم لايزال ذليلاً ومحتقر **** وازداد الفقر بين العوائل والأسر **** والراتب ينتهي قبل نصف الشهر **** و الدنيا تسير من جرفٍ لمنحدر **** فقلت له :إذا ابتليت بالهم والكدر **** قم وصلِ لله ركعتين قبل السَحَر **** فهو يرزق من دعاه بجناتٍ ونهر **** وتأمل في الطبيعة وضوء القمر **** واستمتع بشذى الورد ولون الزهر **** وأعلم بأن الحياة ليست مستقر
  9. I was feeling down and very depressed when my friend passed me this motivating story Enjoy and I hope it helps you as it helps me The Blue Ring Life is funny. It has it's ups and downs. In my opinion, these ups and downs make it more interesting. It gives us the opportunity to learn and grow, if we let it. About 20 years ago, I lived in Greenwich Village NYC, yes, the big apple. It was many years ago and feels lifetimes away. I met many interesting people during this time. One of them was Carla. She also went by the name Nakhla (her islamic name, given her by her sheik, after her conversion to Islam). I met Carla in the laundromat. Laudromats are great places to meet people. We became friends while waiting for our clothes to dry. I was about 25 and Carla was about 40 (probably more, but she never told). She was a thin, dark, mysterious person, always wearing long, flowing skirts and shawls wrapped around her shoulders and head. She had a pallid complexion and always had too much black pencil around her eyes, adding to her mystique. She was, if I remember correctly, half Mexican and half Hungarian -- or soemthing like that. This too was a mystery. She was, by profession, a dancer. She found a profitable niche in belly dancing. It wasn't so popular back then, we're talking 1985! She made all her costumes by hand, magnificent ones. Most of her work was in Middle-Eastern and Turkish night clubs (obviously), and this is how she met her husband. An apparently-nice Turkish man. They were married, but she was miserable. As it turns out, he was a gambler and had another wife and family in New Jersey. She turned to her sheik, her religious leader, who tried to save the doomed marriage. He told her a story, "The Blue Ring." I, also, was going through difficult times. As we sat in her dimly lit apartment, discussing life's difficulties, she told me this story... The Blue Ring Once upon a time, long, long ago ... good stories always start like this ... there was a very good man. He was wealthy and had a large, healthy family. Four handsome sons and three pretty daughters. His wife was so beautiful and always true to him. He loved all of them and thanked God daily for his blessings. He also had a very large house and expansive fields where wheat, fruit groves and many profitable crops grew. He had large herds of cows, goats and sheep, not to mention the countless chickens. Life was so good, and he was so thankful. One day, he arrived home from a week-long business trip, to find that his house had been burned down. A neighboring tribe, in jealous hatred, had come during his absence and ravaged his home and family. His wife had become terribly ill from this trauma, and was near death by the time he arrived. His daughters had been captured and taken hostage! The vicious neighbors had either taken or killed all their livestock and they burned down the orchards and wheat fields. His wife told him that their sons had gone to find and save their sisters from a life of slavery and shame. The man was broken! He did not know what to do. He remembered that in a neighboring village, there was a wise sheik whom had helped others. In desperation, the man went to visit him, hoping to receive advice. He arrived and the sheik greeted him with a smile. The man told the sheik his tragic story. The sheik, reached behind his cushions and pulled out a small satin bag. Inside the bag was a small box. He handed the box to the man. The man opened the box and saw two rings: one red ring and one blue ring. He asked what the meaning of them was. The sheik said to him, "Put the red ring on your finger." "When you feel that things could not be worse, that you have reached the end, that there is no hope left, you must open the ring." The sheik continued, "There is a message inside the ring, but you may not read it until you feel that there is absolutely no hope left." The man put the red ring on, thanked the sheik and returned to his barren home. Time passed, the man barely had strength to gather wood to keep the house warm. His wife was getting sicker every day and one day they realized that the food stores had finished. "This is surely the end!" he thought to himself. The man fell on the floor and just began to sob. Through the tears, he saw the ring on his finger and remembered what the sheik told him. He opened the ring. Inside the ring, there was a small piece of parchment. He took it out and read what was written on it. "THIS TOO, SHALL PASS" These simple words seems to be enough to give him the strength to get up. He went to sit beside his wife, to tell her of the ring. They sobbed together at their sorrows, but somehow, after reading the sheiks message, felt that things would change. As they sit in the cold and dark room, wondering their fate, they heard a noise from outside. Suddenly, the door burst open. Their sons had returned! Not only that, the sons had found and rescued their lovely daughters! Now sobbing with joy, they listened to how the sons had rescued their sisters and also the livestock! Yes, things would finally be better again. Within a few days, the man's wife was feeling better. Within a few weeks, the crops had begun to grow again. Within a few months, two of his daughters had married and grandchildren were on the way. The man was overjoyed! He remembered the sheik and went to visit him, to thank him for the message, which gave him the strength to carry on when there was no hope left. He arrived and the sheik greeting him with a smile. They sat, smoking nargila and drinking coffee, as the man told the sheik his story. The sheik asked him, "Do you still have the box which I gave you?" The man, remembering, said, "Yes. It is here in my pouch." The sheik told him to open it. As he did, he saw the blue ring, which he had forgotten about. The man said, "Take the blue ring, since my troubles are over and I'm sure that there will be someone else who needs it more than I." The sheik said, "No, the blue ring is also for you. In this case, however, the situation will be different." "Put the blue ring on your finger. When you feel that your happiness can no longer be contained and that God has given you all you desire, this is when you will open the blue ring." The sheik continued, "There is a message inside the ring, but you may not read it until you feel that you are happier than you ever dreamed of." The man thanked the sheik again, and went on his way with the blue ring on his finger. Time passed. Days, weeks and months. Three of his sons had found good and healthy wives. His daughters had given birth, and now he and his wife had healthy, happy grandchildren, bringing them joy at every moment. Things could not be better, God had smiled upon his family once again. The man was so thankful that he sat on his bed, his eyes welling with tears of joy and gratitude for his good fortune. There, through his tears, he saw the blue ring on his finger, and remembered what the sheik told him. "Now is the time." he said to himself. "I am truly blessed." The man opened the ring. Inside the ring, there was a small piece of parchment. He took it out and read what was written on it. "THIS TOO, SHALL PASS" This is the story that Carla told me. I will always remember it. The message has helped me through some very difficult times, of which I have had many. It is not meant to be ironic nor tragic. It is simply true. It is the nature of life. Light and darkness, kindness and cruelty, health and sickness, prosperity and poverty ... good and bad. It is about learning to appreciate that all things pass with time. It is a never ending lesson. The only true tragedy, is if failing to enjoy the beauty of it. Enjoy every moment. Live, learn and always remember that This too, shall pass
  10. كل ماحولى اصبح لا شىء اين قمرى المبتسم؟ اين نجومى المتناثرة ؟ اين امواجى الراقصة؟ اين شمسى الخجولة؟ أريد أن أشعر بشىء
  11. ونفس وما سواها لقد نادى الله الناس عندما يواجههم بأمر من الآمور ياأولى الآلباب، أى يا اولى العقول لآنه يرمز لآفضل شىء يمتلكه الانسان فى جسده الذى حير العلماء والمفكرون والفلاسفة فى وصف خواصه
  12. العيون هى النافذة للروح شكرا على الموضوع مع انى مش مصدق ولا كلمه
  13. أخى أحمد ليس كل ما جاء به المفسيرين صحيح لكل مفسر نظرته وتحليله الخاص حتى انك تجد التفسيرات مختلفه من مفسر لآخر فى بعض الاحيان ما علينا خلينا فى اللى نقدر نفهمه ونستوعبه
  14. هلا هينار ربما هذا يريحك انتى ولكن يشغل الكثيرين قال تعالى انا جعلناه قرأنا عربيا لعلكم تعقلون الله سبحانه أشار فى كثرا فى أياته بأن الانسان مهما توصل من علم فلن يكون كمثل قطرة فى محيط لا يحتاج الله أن يخبرنا الغازا "لتدل على عدم كمال العقل"وان صح القول عدم اكتمال العلم ربما هناك تفسيرات اخرى حتى ان بعض العلماء يقولون ان مثل تلك الحروف تجدها اكثر الحروف فى السورة عن نفسى لا اجد ان مثل هذا التفسير-ان صح- يفسر شىء
  15. one of my fav topic in ma previous study when nature roars What is Mother Nature up to? Why is she unleashing such rage and wrath against us poor mortals of planet earth? Without warning, rhyme or reason our mother marches up and down our globe mercilessly ranting and raving, dispatching her messengers and envoys to wreak havoc and despair among us, leaving us writhing and reeling from her blows. What have we done now to deserve such scathing punishment? Our early ancestors offered penance and sacrifice to appease her fire and fury. How can we make amends? Earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, floods, fires and storms strike again and again leaving death and destruction in their path. Even on the great and prosperous American continent, with all her sophisticated meteorologists, climatologists and technologists, satellites and computers, Nature is forever dealing her calamitous blows, devouring homes, .businesses, crops and lives as they watch helplessly
  16. البنات مصابات بفيرس الإحباط والبؤس امال احنا نعمل ايه؟ ننتحر؟ :D
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