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كل منشورات العضو ATOMIX

  1. أولآ شكرآ يا ياسمين على الموضوع الجميل ثانيآ كلمة BRB فى لغة الشات تعنى :Be right back وتكتب عندما يتحدث شخصان على الشات ، ويريد أحدهما أن يترك الشات لدقيقه ليفعل شيئآ ويعود مسرعآ كما أنه يريد الأخر الا ينصرف لكى يكملوا حديثهما فيقول Be right back أو بمعنى أخر إنتظرنى فأنى قادم اليك ثانيتآ
  2. أهلآ بيك يا أستاذ محمود ، نورت المنتدى ، ويارب تجد ما يفيدك وينفعك ، ونرجوا تفاعلك معنا دائمآ وبالتوفيق والنجاح
  3. أهلآ بيك يا أستاذ ميدو نورت المنتدى ، وإن شاء الله تجد ما يفيدك وينفعك .
  4. قواميس من طرف أستاذه ياسمين ONLINE DICTIONARIES http://www.almaany.com/ http://www.aljazem.com/ http://www.wordreference.com/ http://www.verbace.com/ http://www.lessan.org/ http://www.translationdirectory.com/dictionaries/dictionary035a.htm http://mutarjim.homestead.com/dictionaries.html http://www.schoolarabia.net/new_astronomy/level_3/index.htm http://www.dictionarybay.com/ http://www.lingvosoft.com/English-Arabic-Dictionary/ http://www.collinsdictionary.com/ http://translation2.paralink.com/ http://www.worldlingo.com/ http://translation.babylon.com/english/to-arabic/ http://translation.sensagent.com/ http://en.bab.la/dictionary/ http://www.ahdictionary.com/ http://www.lexicool.com/ http://oxforddictionaries.com/ http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ http://www.merriam-webster.com/ http://oxforddictionaries.com/ http://www.businessdictionary.com/ http://www.wordsmyth.net/ http://thesaurus.infoplease.com/ http://www.acronymfinder.com/ http://dictionary.reference.com/ http://www.investorwords.com/ http://www.onelook.com/ www.yourdictionary.com http://dictionary.law.com/ http://www.crimesofwar.org/?s=battle http://thelawdictionary.org/ http://www.ultralingua.com/onlinedictionary/dictionary http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/ http://www.wordnik.com/ http://dictionary.reference.com/ http://www.etymonline.com/ http://lexicon.ft.com/
  5. وإنت طيب يا بيشوى ، والسنه اللى جايه إن شاء الله تكون أحلى وأجمل ، وان شاء الله الناس كلها تفرح وتجيب إمتياز .
  6. والله يا اخى اصعب حاجه فعلآ هى ترويض النفس ، بالذات إنك تحطلها برنامج إيجابى يفيدك زى الصلاه ، المذاكره ، حسن الخلق ، ....والخ تلاقيها بتأمرك إنك تعمل العكس اهه فالأول والأخر نفس وأماره بالسؤ .... والماسك على دينه كالقابض على الجمر .
  7. لما اخلصهم هحطهملك فى الموضوع ده عشان ده اللى وصلتله لحد دلوقتى.... انا خلصت السيديهات بتاعت الدكتوره كلها وخت فكره عن المنهج وابتديت احل امثله واحفظ قواعد
  8. دى بعض ملخصات الجرامر ترم اول .... انا باخد عنوان كل قاعده وبحطها على الورد وبحط معاها مثال عشان افتكرها واحفظها وهجمعهم كلهم ان شاء الله الـــ 29 قاعده واطبعهم على ورق عشان احفظهم قبل الامتحان 1-Every sentence should have at least one subject and one verb: 2-Do not confuse subjects with objects of prepositions: An object of a preposition is a noun that comes after a preposition, such as on, at , in by behind, to etc… to form a prepositional phrase. This adds meaning to a sentence, but prepositional phrases are not parts of a sentence. 3-[size=16]Note that appositives are not subjects[/size] An appositive is a noun or a noun phrase which is separated by commas. It comes before or after a noun and has the same meaning. Ex. Ahmad, the best player in the football team, scored two goals. Ahmad and the best player are the same person, but the part of the sentence separated by commas can be omitted and the sentence still makes sense because Ahmad is the subject. 4-[size=16]Present Participles are not verbs:[/size] A present participle is the -ing form of the verb. It can be (1) part of the verb or (2) an adjective. It is a verb when it follows a form of the verb be. It is an adjective when it does not. 1- The child is sleeping in the car. 2- The child sleeping in the car was cold 5-[size=16]Past Participles are not verbs:[/size] The past participle often ends in -ed, but there are many irregular verbs. In regular verbs the simple past and the past participle both end in -ed. It is also used as an adjective. He played football. (verb) he has played football. (verb) the match played yesterday was on TV. (adj) The past participle is part of the verb when it is accompanied by the verb be or the verb have. When it is not, it is an adjective as in -3-. Example The machine _______ bought yesterday will arrive tomorrow. has were it just It is clear that the subject is the machine and the verb is will arrive. A and B are wrong and C is a pronoun which is not needed. Answer D is the correct one. Sentences with more than one clause: A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb. Many sentences have more than one clause. You need to know the subject and the verb in every clause. A connector is used to connect two clauses. The connector we use depends on the meaning or the relation between the two clauses. 6-[size=16]Use coordinate connectors correctly:[/size] Coordinate connectors are used to connect two clauses. The connector chosen depends on the relation between the two clauses. The connector may express addition, contradiction or result. Before the connector which introduces the second clause, a comma is used. Nadia is cooking, and Ahmad is cleaning. Nadia is short, but Ahmad is tall. Nadia must go to the bank, or Ahmad will do it. Nadia shouted, so Ahmad left. Ahmad is upset, yet he will come back. Coordinate connectors are: And, but, or, so, yet The pattern used is. Subject verb Coordinate connector Subject verb S V, S v
  9. بس انتى جييبه الحجات دى كلها من موقع أيه ؟
  10. كتر خيرك ... والله كلها حجات لذيذه جدآ ومفيده .... ,انا هنقلها للطلبه فى موضوع المحاضرات الجامعيه بالنسبه للوسام ....الناس لاتقدر بالأوسمه ولاكن تقدر بعلمها وحكمتها وأنتى تستهلى بإفادتك للناس مليون وسام ... وشكرآ
  11. أنا موافق أذاكر معاكى... بس بشرط هتدفعى كام ؟؟؟؟؟ هههههههههه على فكره عنوان الموضوع لذيذ جدآ بس هنقل موضوعك لكلية اداب عشان يبقى فى تواصل اكتر
  12. هههههههههههههههههههه امييييييييييييين يارب
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