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  • مجموع الأنشطة

  • تاريخ الانضمام

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كل منشورات العضو somya

  1. انا كنت عاملة موضوع هنا عن البرنامج الي هيتذاع يوم الاحد الي فات دة على القناتين بتوع الجامعة ووعمالة اقول محدش ينسى و انا الس نسيت تصدقوا بقا فعلا باب النجار مخلع هههههههههههههه ممكن الي شافه يقولي حصل فيه ايه
  2. ههههههههههه ميرسي يا مان شوفت وبعد كل الي بعمله 9 يشاهدوا وما يردوش يرضييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييك؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. كدااااااااااا؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ محدش بيردددددددددددددددددددددددددد خسااااااااااااااااااااااااااارة تعبي اهئ اهئ اهئ
  4. هتلاقيها في موضوعي في تيرم رابع هنا اسمه امتحان تيرم تالت ورابع بتاع الدول العربية (متجدد) ادخلي عليه ونوريه بردك
  5. اناا كل ما اشوف اواحدة في الجامعة المفتوحة سواء بنات صحبات ماما او اي حد واانا في الامتحانات اقوله ادخل منتدى المنار يعني بعملكو اعلانات ببلاش اهوه هاتولي بقة خمسة جنيه حق الدعاية هههههههههههههههههه يا اما لقب اكبر يعني اكتبولي لقب البنت الي بتعلن عن المنتدى بخمسة جنيه ههههههههههههههههههههههد ماليش دعووووووووووة هاتو لي خمسة جنيه والحسابة بتحسببببببببب هههههههههههه انا بس حبيت اروشن شوية بدل الغم الي انا فيه من الامتحانات وحبيت اقولكو اني بعلن عن المنتدى ومش عوزة حاجة غير وجه الله بس واني افيد غيري شكراااااااااااا
  6. You can use "prefer to (do)" or "prefer -ing" to say what you prefer in general: • I don't like cities. I prefer to live in the country OR I prefer livingin the country. Study the differences in structure after prefer. We say: I prefer something to something else. I prefer to do something rather than (do) something else. I prefer doing something to doing something else. • I prefer this coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday. • I prefer driving to traveling by train. but • I prefer to drive rather than travel by train. • Ann prefers to live in the country rather than (live) in a city. [b]Would prefer (I'd prefer...)[/b] We use "would prefer" to say what somebody wants in a particular situation (not in general): • "Would you prefer tea or coffee" "Coffee, please." We say "would prefer to do" (not "doing"): • "Shall we go by train?" "Well, I'd prefer to go by car. (not "I'd prefer going") • I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema. [b]Would rather (I'd rather...)[/b] Would rather (do) = would prefer (to do). After would rather we use the infinitive without to. Compare: • "Shall we go by train?""I'd prefer to go by car.""I'd rather go by car. (not to go) • "Would you rather have tea or coffee" "Coffee, please." The negative is "I'd rather not (do something)": • I'm tired. I'd rather not go out this evening, if you don't mind. • "Do you want to go out this evening" "I'd rather not." Study the structure after would rather: I'd ratherdo somethingthan (do)something else. • I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema. [b]I'd rather you did something[/b] When you want somebody to do something, you can say "I'd rather you did something": • "Shall I stay here?" "I'd rather you came with us." • "Shall I tell them the news?" "No. I'd rather they didn't know." • "Shall I tell them or would you rather they didn't know?" In this structure we use the past (came, did etc.), but the meaning is present or future, not past. Compare: • I'd rather cook the dinner now. but • I'd rather you cooked the dinner now. (not "I'd rather you cook") The negative is "I'd rather you didn't...": • I'd rather you didn't tell anyone what I said. • "Do you mind if I smoke?" "I'd rather you didn't."
  7. ميرسي ليييكي انا من الناس الي مش بتحب المطبخ لكن من الصور دي هتخليني أتشجع اطبخ
  8. you are welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllcomeeeeee ya marinaaaa
  9. مش لاقيه بصي انا كتبت ف جوجل formal and informal greetings
  10. وكلنا طيبين يارب وزي ما مارينا قالت الصراحة بعد كلامها مفيش كلام
  • اضف...

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