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كل منشورات العضو أمجد1

  1. ألف مليون مبروك يا شخصية عقبال ما نفرح كدة بسبب دخولنا الجنة!!
  2. طب جيد جدا يبقى كام درجة من 20 يا حمدي؟ في الترجمة 1 و 2 جيد جدا
  3. طب انا حابب اعرف درجاتي في كل مادة مش التقدير عايز اعرف يعني جبت كام في الامتحانات هم ليه مابيحطوش درجات
  4. إلى المشرفة العامة marina بردو بنفس الإسم واللون ههههههههههه ونسيت اكتب لأستاذ حمدي كمان بنفس اللون ههههههههههههه HAMDY الله يبارك فيكوا ويجزاكوا داره الجنه
  5. الله يبارك فيكي يا ستار Star. H بنفس الإسم ونفس اللون كدة ههههههههههه
  6. الله يبارك فيك يا حمدي يا عسل بوجودك وبوجود الجميع في المنتدى نجحت
  7. الحمد لله يا عسل نتيجة حلوة ماعدا الترجمة جيد جدا والنحو 2 مشعارف ايه اللي خلاني اجيب فيه جيد جدا انا عارف من الاول ان الدكتورة هاتغلط الطلاب في المادة دي نحو انجليزي 2 على كل حال حمدا وشكرا للملك العظيم!!!!!
  8. الحمد لله الملك الحق الحمد والشكر له حمدا وشكرا لا ينتهيان حمدا يليق بعظمته وجماله وكماله
  9. جدول ايه اللي نزل والنتيجة مابانتش؟ هي نتيجة اداب ظهرت عندكو في الصفحة ولا ايه؟ امال يعني بافتح صندوق الرسايل لا في رسايل ولا في حاجة
  10. هو ازاي النتيجة هاتطلع بكرة والتسجيل هياخد يوم واحد والتيرم هايبدأ يوم الجمعة 21 ولا هيتأجل للجمعة الجاي علشان العيد بردو
  11. لا مش شرط بكرة في غضون 24 ساعة القادمة يعني في خلال ال 24 ساعة يعني ممكن تطلع كمان شوية في اي وقت من هنا لبكرة
  12. تأجيل امتحانات الفصل البيني تقرر تأجيل عقد إمتحانات الفصل البيني في نفس موعد إمتحانات الدور الثاني (للطلاب الراسبين في مقرر أو مقررين والمحتمل تخرجهم في حالة نجاحهم ) . الموعد الجديد للامتحان البيني والدور الثاني في الفترة من 26/11/2011 حتى الأربعاء 30/11/2011 . مع تمنيات المركز لهم بالنجاح والتوفيق.
  13. إعلان نتائج امتحانات دور يوليو 2011 أعلنت نتائج كليات مركز جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح ماعدا كليتي الحقوق والترجمة بالإنجليزية والترجمة بالفرنسية وسوف تعلن النتائج في غضون 24 ساعة القادمة.
  14. ما هي مشكلتي يا ستار بردو اني باكسل اقرا المواضيع الحقيقية دي بتاعت الاخبار ومش حابب اضيع وقتي فيها لكن باضيع وقتي في شرح الجرامر او تعليم لغة اخرى وهكذا او زي مانتي شايفة باعمل وباحاول اعمل شرح للتيرمات اللي احنا فيها طيب ابقي حطي لينك لموضوع في المواقع اللي انتي قلتي عليها علشان انا عارف لما افتحها هلاقي اخبار كتير ومشتتة بتواريخ صح
  15. وانا قلتلك يا ستار ان المشكلة عندي مش في الجرامر الجرامر خلاص محفوظ ترتيب الجملة في الانجليزي Subject Verb What comes after the Verb بس في كتابة التعبير او المقال قلتلك ان المشكلة عندي في ان هاقول ايه في المقال مش ازاي اكون الجرامر وغير ان هاقول ايه في التعبير لازم اكون حافظ كلمات باللغة الانجليزية ودي المشكلة
  16. 2.3. Past Perfect After Past Simple Sentence after Past Perfect Sentence Subject Verb2 Object after Subject had Verb3 Object I watched TV after I had studied my lessons After Past Perfect Sentence, Past Simple Sentence After Subject had Verb3 Object, Subject Verb2 Object After I had studied my lessons, I watched TV Before Past Perfect Sentence before Past Simple Sentence Subject had Verb3 Object before Subject Verb2 Object I had studied my lessons before I watched TV Before Past Simple Sentence, Past Perfect Sentence Before Subject Verb2 Object, Subject had Verb3 Object Before I watched TV, I had studied my lessons
  17. 2.2. Past Progressive when Subject was Verbing Object when Subject Verb2 Object Past Progressive Sentence when Past Simple Sentence I was eating lunch when father knocked the door Subject was Verbing Adverb of Place when Subject Verb2 Object I was going to the mosque when I met my father Explanation The sentence that include when before the Subject, should take the Verb in the Past Simple form Verb2 if the other sentence is in the Past progressive tense When Subject was Verbing Object, Subject Verb2 Object When Past Progressive Sentence, Past Simple Sentence When I was watching TV, I ate my lunch Explanation When we begin the sentence with When the Verb should be in the progressive Past form was Verbing if the other Sentence is in the Past Simple tense and we should also use a comma after what comes after the Verb in the sentence that begins with When, a comma that separates the word that follow the Verb from the Subject in the second sentence When Subject was Verbing Object, Subject Verb2 Object When Sentence 1 Object, Subject Sentence 2 When I was watching TV, I ate my lunch When Sentence 1 TV, I Sentence 2 The same goes with While But the sentence that includes while should always has a Past Progressive Verb was Verbing While Subject was Verbing Object, Subject Verb2 Object While Past Progressive Sentence, Past Simple Sentence While I was eating my lunch, I watched the TV Explanation When we begin the sentence with While the Verb should always be in the progressive Past form was Verbing and the other Sentence should always be in the Past Simple tense and we should also use a comma after what comes after the Verb in the sentence that begins with While, a comma that separates the word that follow the Verb from the Subject in the second sentence But if we used while in the second sentence, we don't use a comma Subject Verb2 Object while Subject was Verbing Object Past Simple Sentence while Past Progressive Sentence I watched the TV while I was eating my lunch Subject was Verbing Object while Subject was Verbing Object Past Progressive Sentence while Past Progressive Sentence I was watching TV while my mother was preparing dinner While Subject was Verbing Object, Subject was Verbing Object while Past Progressive Sentence, Past Progressive Sentence While I was watching TV, my mother was preparing dinner Explanation We can use the two sentences in the past progressive tense using the Adverb of Time while يبقى هنا نستخلص اربع حالات Past Progressive Sentence when Past Simple Sentence When Past Simple Sentence, Past Progressive Sentence Past Simple Sentence when Past Progressive Sentence When Past Progressive Sentence, Past Simple Sentence Past Simple Sentence While Past Progressive Sentence While Past Progressive Sentence, Past Simple Sentence Past Progressive Sentence while Past Progressive Sentence while Past Progressive Sentence, Past Progressive Sentence ايه رأيك يا ستار شرح معقد صح؟
  18. اوك انا هاكمل مادام انت شايف ان الموضوع مفيد بس انا حاسس ان الموضوع دة بعد كدة في قواد\عد مقبلة هايكون معقد وهايعقد الامور وانت شايف ايه مين تاني حاسس انه معقد 2. Past Tense 2.1. Past Simple Verb 1: eat/eats Verb 2: ate Verb 3: eaten Subject Verb 2 Object Adverb Of Time The cat ate the meat yesterday The cat ate the meat last week We can also use the Adverbs of Time at the beginning of the sentence Adverb Of Time Subject Verb 2 Object yesterday, The cat ate the meat last week, The cat ate the meat ago Subject Verb 2 Object Number Time Name ago The cat ate the meat 3 hours ago الأخت Star.H انا مش باشرح قواعد غلط الدليل لو جينا نشوف الجملة دي هاتلاحظي ان The cat فعلا فاعل Subject وكلمة ate فعلا فعل Verb [center]وكلمة the meat فعلا مفعول به Object والرفم 3 اهو فعلا رقم Number وكلمة hours فعلا اسم وقت Time Name وكلمة ago فعلا حال وقتي ومن الكلمات الدالة على زمن الماضي البسيط Adverb of Time بس انا فاهم قصدك ان الامر معقد وهو فعلا معقد شوية وهايزداد تعقيدا في الجرامر اللي جاي فانا ممكن اوقف ولو عاوزني اكمل هاكمل وتشوفو النتيجة يمكن تعجبكوا [/center]
  19. انا هنا يا جماعة هاعمل نظام حلو اوي انا هاسمي الفعل في التصريف الاول اللي هو (المضارع البسيط) برقم 1 Verb 1 والفعل في التصريف الثاني (اللي هو الماضي البسيط) برقم 2 Verb 2 والفعل في التصريف الثالث (اللي هو الماضي التام) برقم 3 Verb 3 ناخد الفعل يلعب Play Verb 1: Play/Plays Verb 2: Played Verb 3: played Verb 1: eat/eats Verb 2: ate Verb 3: eaten 1.3. Present Perfect just - already Subject (Singular) has just Verb 3 Object The cat has just eaten the meat Subject (Plural) have just Verb 3 Object The cats have just eaten the meat Subject (Singular) has already Verb 3 Object The cat has already eaten the meat Subject (Plural) have already Verb 3 Object The cats have already eaten the meat yet Subject (Singular) has not Verb 3 Object yet The cat has not eaten the meat yet Subject (Plural) have not Verb 3 Object yet The cats have not eaten the meat yet for Subject (Singular) has Verb 3 Object for number noun Specified Time The cat has eaten the meat for 3 hours since Subject (Singular) has Verb 3 Object since Adverb of Time Unspecified Time The cat has eaten the meat since yesterday so far Subject has Verb 3 Object so far The cat has eaten three pieces of meat so far Recently Can come at the beginning of the sentence Recently, Subject has Verb 3 Object Recently, the cat has eaten three pieces of meat Can come at the end of the sentence Subject has Verb 3 Object recently The cat has eaten three pieces of meat recently never Subject has never been to country's name Sammy has never been to France
  20. 1.2. Present Progressive Subject (Singular) is Verbing Object Adverb of Time The cat is eating the meat now Subject (Plural) are Verbing Object Adverb of Time The cats are eating the meat now Keywords of the tense The keywords are all Adverbs of Time now - at the moment - look - listen - watch out The sentence order for Look - Listen - Watch out - Shhh Expression Subject Verb Adverb of Place/Adverb of Time/Object Look! a car is coming toward us Listen! The boy is sleeping at the moment Shhh! The boy is studying now Watch out! a car is coming toward us
  21. Verb Tenses 1. Present 1.1. Present Simple Subject (Singular) Verbs Object Adverb of Time The cat eats meat everyday Verbs ending in sh Subject (Singular) Verbes Object Adverb of Time The cat washes its face everyday Verbs ending in consonant + y Delete y and add iesdry = dries Subject (Singular) Verbies Object Adverb of Time The mother dries its face everyday Verbs ending in o Subject (Singular) Verbes Adverb of Place Adverb of Time mother goes to supermarket everyday Adverbs of Time used before the Verb always - usually - rarely - often - regularly - occasionally Subject (Singular) Adverb of Time Verbs Object The cat always eats meat Subject (Plural) Verb Object Adverb of Time cats eat meat everyday Keywords of the tense The keywords are all Adverbs of Time always - never - usually - often - sometimes - every - rarely - regularly - occasionally -hardly Adverbs of Time that precede the Verb which take this order Subject (Singular) Verbs Object Adverb of Time every - sometimes mother reads magazines everyday mother reads magazines sometimes Adverbs of Time that come before the Verb which take this order Subject (Singular) Adverb of Time Verbs Object always - never - usually - often - rarely - regularly - hardly - occasionally mother always reads magazines mother never reads magazines mother usually reads magazines mother often reads magazines mother rarely reads magazines mother regularly reads magazines mother hardly reads magazines mother occasionally reads magazines
  22. !!!!We have a new sentence order Subject Verb Object Adverb of Time The cat ate the meat yesterday Subject Verb Object Adverb of Place The cat ate the meat in the street Some Adverbs of Time should come before the verb finally - eventually - already - Just - still - always - usually - never - often Subject Adverb of Time Verb Object The cat finally ate meat The cat eventually ate meat The cat always eats meat The cat usually eats meat The cat never eats rice The cat often eats bread The cat has already ate the meat The cat has just ate the meat The cat is still eating the meat Already - Just When the Subject is singular Subject has already ate We use already between has and the Verb
  23. احنا هانعمل الموضوع دة ويشمل جرامر اللغة الإنجليزية كله هابدأ باسم الله بالجملة English Sentence English Sentence should begin with a Subject, then a Verb, then what comes after the Verb Object - Adverb - Adjective So REMEMBER!!!!! The sentence order is 1- Subject 2- Verb 3- Object, Adverb, or Adjective Let's take examples Subject Verb Object The cat eats meat Subject Verb Adverb The cat eats quickly Subject Verb Adjective The cat looks sick
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