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Walaa El-moataz

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كل منشورات العضو Walaa El-moataz

  1. هى بتكرر امتحاناتها كتير اوى ودا امتحان الترم اللى فات بتاع الدول العربيه § ete the following statement.* 1-………………………….Were used instead of cups for drinks. 2-………………….. and ……………. Are examples of the roman wheels. 3-the period between the norman landing in 1066 and 1485 marks a rare floweing of …………………. ……………………… . 4-During the stone age , farming technologies were ……………… . 5-Coins were valued only for their .......... In …………. Or …………………. . 6-Architecture is about ……………… not …………………….. *Give reasons for FOUR ONLY of the following statement. 1-The Anglo-Saxon king alfread was accorded the title " The Great ". (Five reasons) 2-Adopting coinage on the british Isles is remarkable 3-The Scandinavian breakfast was discouraging . 4-The Crusades had to be made . (one reason) 5-the Viking pagan graves are particularly useful to archeologist . § *Write brief accounts on TWO of the following topics. 1-The Bullion Economy. 2-The Viking food preservation techniques. 3-The Anglo-Saxon chronicle. 4-The Roman code and signal system.
  2. جزاك الله كل خير يا امجد بجد فى حاجات مكنتش فهماها خالص بس فهمتها من شرحك الحمد لله
  3. دا اختصار الدكتورة للتطبيق السادس ........................................ <LI>Application Six </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>The Anglo-Saxon Viking Age </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>Give reasons for the following: </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>1-Some foreign coins came to the British Isles. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> Some foreign coins entered the region as a result of trading contacts both with Western Europe and the Islamic world to the east. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>2-It was possible to have a precise system of trade and exchange even without a regular coinage. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>Traders carried small scales which could measure weight very accurately, so it was possible to have a very precise system of trade and exchange even without a regular coinage. </LI> <LI>3-Both in England and on the Continent, native rulers regularly paid the Viking raiders. </LI> <LI>The idea of 'Dane geld' policy of paying off the Vikings rather than fighting them and 'Making peace' was a polite expression for 'paying them to go away </LI> <LI>4-Adopting coinage. </LI> <LI>the reasons for adopting coinage were probably political because they wanted their kings to remmber for ever on coins and economics based on the total weight and quality of the silver as much as cultural because the Vikings looked at the more civilised and wanted to be like them </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>5-The Vikings took their families with them when they moved from Scandinavia. </LI> <LI> It is worth notice that the Vikings weren't just raiders, but farmers, traders and settlers - and they took their families with them when they moved from Scandinavia. </LI> <LI>6-The Viking women were not dressed alike. </LI> <LI>There are three main social classes 1- The woman of the slave-class wears 'old-fashioned clothes' and serves bread2-. The woman of the yeoman class wears a cap and a blouse, has a kerchief around her neck and 'brooches at her shoulders 3- The aristocratic woman is just busy preening herself: she wears a blouse of smooth linen, a spreading skirt with a blue bodice </LI> <LI>7-The Scandinavian breakfast was discouraging. </LI> <LI> For breakfast the farmer helps himself to some of yesterday's left-over stew. It has been left in an iron cauldron. </LI> <LI>8- The Viking pagan graves are particularly useful to archaeologists. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>Pagan graves are particularly useful for several reasons 1- the bodies were fully dressed and accompanied by personal belongings, some of which indicate important activities of the living2-Pagan graves provide plentiful archaeological evidence for early Scandinavian settlement in England and Scotland, and for female settlers. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>Write a brief account on </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>1-The Bullion Economy </LI> <LI>Was in the era of anglo-saxon and viking is a system in which the weight and the purity of the precious metal are what is important, not what form the metal takes. Traders carried small scales which could measure weight very accurately, so it was possible to have a very precise system of trade and exchange even without a regular coinage. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>2-The Dane Geld </LI> <LI> The idea of 'Dane geld' policy of paying off the Vikings rather than fighting them and 'Making peace' was a polite expression for 'paying them to go away </LI> <LI>3-The link between issuing coins and Christian kingship. </LI> <LI> Issuing coins was one of the established rights associated with Christian kingship in Europe in the early Middle Ages. The Anglo-Saxons themselves had adopted coinage as soon as they converted to Christianity, and the Vikings did just the same. </LI> <LI> Most of the early Viking coin types were imitations of more established coinage. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>4-The Viking food preservation techniques. </LI> <LI> With n r freezers the Viking family they have several way to savefood 1-Meat and fish can be smoked or rubbed with salt. 2-Fruit can be dried; 3-grains are made into bread or ale4- Dairy produce such as milk is made into cheese. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>5-The Viking food and beverage tools. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> The Vikings had bowls and plates very similar to our own, but made more often from wood rather than pottery. They ate with a sharp pointed knife, which served as both a knife and a fork. Drink was taken in horns, similarly decorated and sometimes with metal tips and rims. </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI> </LI> <LI>6-The Vikings styles of settlement. </LI> <LI>The standard Viking age house was rectangular and had one room in which took place around a central hearth and building was made of timber not frome stone like days of roman .town did not have urban development . </LI>
  4. فى حد عالفيسبوك بيسمع التطبيقات وبيكتب ورا الدكتورة بالظبط اول ما يخلص هنزل حله ان شاء الله هنا
  5. لا اجابة الدكتورة فى التطبيقات التليفزيونية ولو فى حاجة غلط صلحوها
  6. يا جماعه دا اختصار التطبيق السابع والسادس 4shared.com/file/UIZoE57m/__2.html ودا اختصار سؤال الفريد فى التطبيق الخامس There is a valid basis for king Alfred's heroic status. 1- He is the first Anglo-Saxon ruler to be accepted as something akin to a national leader. 2- The English saw him as such in those regions resisting Danish domination. 3-His authority derived from his successes against the Danes. 4-His kingly virtues can also be seen, with hindsight, in his encouragement of learning 5_One of his first acts was to establish the beginnings of an English fleet. 6-By 875 Alfred could claim a small naval victory which was nevertheless a significant beginning
  7. دى الحاجات اللى قولتى عليها مهمه يا مرمر ......... فى تطبيق 7 سوال اذكر اسباب سوال 1 و2 و3 تاريخى اما 4 متكلمتيش علية بس هو تاريخى اكتر منة تكولوجيا 5- هام تكولوجيا 6- و7 تكولوجيا واجابتهم واحدة 8 - تاريخى ....................................................................... التطبيق السادس اذكر اسباب 6- تاريخى 7- تاريخى 8- هام لانة عن التكولوجيا اكتب عن 4- هام 5و6 غير هام قالت ان البس وطرق حفظ الطعام تكولوجيا ....................................................................
  8. السؤال الخامس فى التطبيق السابع انتى قولتى يا مارينا قبل كده انه مهم صح هو والسادس والسابع والباقى اسئلة تاريخية
  9. هو بصراحه المفروض الامتحان كله يبقى unseen لان دى ترجمه وهى حره وهى مجبتش حاجة من بره الا كام كلمه واحنا المفروض نكون عارفنهم بس احنا اللى معندناش حصيله لغوية الحكاية مش اننا نحفظ ونحل عشان نجيب درجات المهم اننا نتعلم صح بس الحمد لله هو فى مجمله كان كويس مش صعب اوى
  10. لا خلاص بقى مش مهم بس الحمد لله انا حاسه انه اسهل من القطع الغبية اللى فى الورق
  11. الحمد لله هى عملت كوكتيل من اكتر من قطعه القطاع الحكومى governmental sector بس انا غلط فيها بردو
  12. لا احفظها ليه بالنص المهم انك تعرف تترجم انت هتلاقى فى حاجات بتحفظها مع التكرار افرض غيرت فى القطعه ساعتها هنعمل ايه احنا اه عايزين ننجح بس فى نفس الوقت عايزين نستفاد من المادة ....والحكاية مش امتحان وخلاص
  13. بص يا امجد انا بزاكر كأنى بترجم من عربى لانجليزى عشان اسهل على نفسى وبحفظ الكلمات الاول بعد كدة بفضل اراجع عالترجمه كتير
  14. وانتى طيبه يا جينا هى اه غيرت كلامها معانا بس الحمد احسن من امتحانات كتير
  15. ربنا يخليكى يا امانى وجزاك الله الجنة وكل سنة وانتى طيبة
  16. اهم حاجة يا مرمر حفظ الكلمات كويس اوى ونقرا الترجمة كتير سواء عربى او انجليزى ونجرب نترجمها لوحدنا بس اهم حاجة حفظ الكلمات عشان لو غيرت فى لبقطعه
  17. وعليكم السلام وانتى طيبه يا قمر اهم حاجة التطبيقات والدكتورة للاسف ملغتش حاجة بس قالت نركز عالاسئلة التكنولوجى اكثر من الاسئلة التاريخية وركزى بردو على اخر 4 تطبيقات وراجعى امتحانات الترم اللى فات والترم دا بتاع الدول العربية لانها بتكرر الاسئلة وربنا معانا
  18. انسوا بقى الحاجات الصغيرة دى وركزوووووووووا على ترجمه 2 ربنا معانا
  19. هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه خيررررررر ابشررررررررررررروا
  20. انا قلت عليها يا مارينا وانتى قولتى لأ الحمد لله على كل شئ .................................. Iran has criticized the US and UN accusing(has accused) Washington to lunch a military strike against its nuclear facilities دى ترجمه الدكتورة فى المحاضرة
  21. التطبيق التاسع بتاع امانى ومحاضرات دكتور محمود ومفيش حاجة مهمه ..........كله مهم ان شاء الله ربنا يستر
  22. القطع اللى فى المحاضرات: 1_ food for all فى المحاضرة الاولى ……………………………………………………………………………………… فى التطبيقات: _the effects of tv فى التطبيق الاول _game reserves and zoos التطبيق الر ابع _nobel peace prize فى التطبيق الخامس _ التكنولوجيا الحديثة فى التطبيق 6
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