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Walaa El-moataz

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كل منشورات العضو Walaa El-moataz

  1. كان جميل يا جورى الحمد لله اسهل من كمبرهنشن ترم اول كمان
  2. دا الكمبرهنشن يا احمد النهارده كان حلم الواحد مكنش مصدق نفسه والله
  3. يا امجد ترمات تانية يعنى هو مفيش حد بيمتحن الا احنا بس فى ترمات تانية كتير وكل الكليات بتمتحن
  4. اهدوا بقى شوية مش توترونى انا عندى كمبرهنشن 3 بكره ان شاء الله ازاى بقى هيبقى عندى كمبرهنشن وجرامر فى يوم واحد
  5. شكرا يا مرمر انا مكنتش مركزة فى السؤال دا جزاك الله خيرا
  6. دا امتحان الترم اللى فات بتاع مصر والدول العربية 4shared.com/file/IVcxEKG-/exam_grammer2.html ودا حل امتحان الدول العربية دا حل الدكتورة لامتحان الدول العربية السؤال الاول the president and vice president الفاعل وهنا نصلح الفعل plans هيبقى plan عشان الفاعل جمع 2_الفاعل fewer student والفعل صح 3_الفاعل person والفعل صح 4_الفاعل the war والفعل صح 5_الفاعل the explanation والفعل was هنغيره were عشان الفاعل جمع ........................................................................................... السؤالالتانى تحدد الجملة اللى فيها الاداة وتحددى نوع الجملة 1_ جملة although ونوعها adv 2_ جملة that ونوعها n 3_جملة who ونوعها adj 4_ جملة because ونوعها adv 5_ جملة whatever ونوعها n ......................................................................... السؤالالتالت1_ i 2_نوعها complex جملة الاداة because ونوعها adv 3_ Hardly had there been 4_running , excited نوعهم p.p 5_poor,little,its,hurt دول صفات hardly حال .............................................................. السؤالالرابعانا كتبت الاجابات بس مركزتش اوى وفى اجابة ناقصة gerund_1 3_participle 4_inf 5_gerund
  7. القطع دى المنهج القديم واتلغى والدكتورة بتشرح من ورق جديد خالص 4shared.com/file/OggEdl7M/comprehension3_2.html هتلاقى هنا 6 قطع و7 محاضرات القطعه رقم 2 و3 بعنوان energy & environment هتيجى منهم واحدة فى الامتحان ان شاء الله والقطعه الجديدة هتيجى نفس كلمات القطع التانية وممكن تيجى بردو من القطع الباقية بالنص وبنفس الاسئلة اهم حاجة دلوقتى ركزى عالقطعتين اللى فوق عشان تضمنى نص الامتحان ان شاء الله
  8. قطعه family planning Read the following passage and answer the questions Family planning is an issue that is currently being debated in many countries. The subject has become one of which concerns each human being due to the fact that world resources are being seriously dep...leted while the birth rate continues to soar. One of the most popular solutions proposed to this dilemma would be for governments to pass laws making it illegal for married couples to have more than two children in order for population growth to be controlled. This has become a highly controversial issue since it is undeniable that there are compelling both in favor of and in opposition to such a solution. Proponents of government regulation of family size argue that people will only limit the number of children they have if they are legally constrained to do so. Mere persuasion will not be effective. India is cited as an example of government failure to persuade people to have fewer offspring. Indian government launched a costly campaign to inform the nation about the dangers of overpopulation. Despite the publicity, the Indian birth rate continues to increase at an alarming pace. In contrast, China has enforced a one child policy with breaches punishable by law. The growth rate has dropped dramatically as a direct consequence of this. It is therefore argued that people will not voluntarily limit their families no matter how many incentives are offered. On the other hand, there is the argument opposing the legal enforcement of birth control. Every democratic constitution allows people the freedom to raise a family. Furthermore, the opposition cites texts from many religions which forbid any form of contraception .It is thus argued that a government enforcing birth control could be forcing people to act against their beliefs. For these reasons, it is argued that legal government control over the birth rate is unacceptable. It is clear that there are strong arguments in support of both sides of this issue. If government s assumes the legal right to limit the size of families, they will be able to protect their people from the evils of overpopulation. Conversely, if they carry out this legislation, they may be opposing democratic and religious values. Given the gravity of the counter-argument, non-intervention is probably the better and more humane choice. Therefore, government should educate their people so that the benefits of having smaller families are apparent to all. As a result, people could make an informed decision about the size of their family while respecting their religious and social tenets. In conclusion, governments should control the population rate by education, not by law.
  9. اجابات قطعه تنظيم الاسرة § ‎1- Suggest a title for the passage. Family planning 2- What is the main idea of paragraph three? The argument against the legal enforcement of birth control 3- What is the main debate referred to in the passage? The argument pro and cons the legal enforcement of birth control 4- What does the word 'this' in paragraph2 line7 refers to? The enforcement of one child policy 5- What is the author's opinion as expresses in the passage? Government should control the population rate by education, not by law. 6- Give synonyms from the passage for In opposition: conversely Doctrine: tenet Seriousness: gravity Willingly: voluntarily Result: consequence Radically: dramatically Inducement: incentive; motivations Knowledgeable: inform 7- Give the antonyms of: Vague * apparent Allow * forbid Hidden * apparent Acceptable * UN acceptable Decrease * soar Cheap * costly 1- Suggest a title for the passage. 2- What is the main idea of paragraph three? 3- What is the main debate referred to in the passage? 4- What does the word 'this' in paragraph2 line7 refers to? 5- What is the author's opinion as expresses in the passage? 6- Give synonyms from the passage for in opposition, doctrine, seriousness, willingly, result, radically, inducement, knowledgeable. 7- Give the antonyms of: vague, allow, hidden, acceptable, decrease, cheap. Answer for Family planing -------------solution 1- Suggest a title for the passage. Family planning 2- What is the main idea of paragraph three? The argument against the legal enforcement of birth control 3- What is the main debate referred to in the passage? The argument pro and cons the legal enforcement of birth control 4- What does the word 'this' in paragraph2 line7 refers to? The enforcement of one child policy 5- What is the author's opinion as expresses in the passage? Government should control the population rate by education, not by law. 6- Give synonyms from the passage for In opposition: conversely Doctrine: tenet Seriousness: gravity Willingly: voluntarily Result: consequence Radically: dramatically Inducement: incentive; motivations Knowledgeable: inform 7- Give the antonyms of: Vague * apparent Allow * forbid Hidden * apparent Acceptable * UN acceptable Decrease * soar Cheap * costly
  10. اجابات قطعه تنظيم الاسرة 1- Suggest a title for the passage. 2- What is the main idea of paragraph three? 3- What is the main debate referred to in the passage? 4- What does the word 'this' in paragraph2 line7 refers to? 5- What is the author's opinion as expresses in the passage? 6- Give synonyms from the passage for in opposition, doctrine, seriousness, willingly, result, radically, inducement, knowledgeable. 7- Give the antonyms of: vague, allow, hidden, acceptable, decrease, cheap. Answer for Family planing -------------solution 1- Suggest a title for the passage. Family planning 2- What is the main idea of paragraph three? The argument against the legal enforcement of birth control 3- What is the main debate referred to in the passage? The argument pro and cons the legal enforcement of birth control 4- What does the word 'this' in paragraph2 line7 refers to? The enforcement of one child policy 5- What is the author's opinion as expresses in the passage? Government should control the population rate by education, not by law. 6- Give synonyms from the passage for In opposition: conversely Doctrine: tenet Seriousness: gravity Willingly: voluntarily Result: consequence Radically: dramatically Inducement: incentive; motivations Knowledgeable: inform 7- Give the antonyms of: Vague * apparent Allow * forbid Hidden * apparent Acceptable * UN acceptable Decrease * soar Cheap * costly
  11. اه الحمد لله الواحد اتخض الاول لما فضلوا يوزعوا فى ورق كتير بس الحمد اسئلتها حلوة عقبال باقى المواد ان شاء الله
  12. جزاك الله كل خير يا احمد على مجهودك وربنا يوفقك
  13. لا يا نور والله انا مش كتبتها يا ريت حد يكون كتبها وينزلها
  14. امتحان الجرامر الترم اللى فات نزلوه محلول على صفحة المركز 4shared.com 03_113_9_12.html
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