Hamdy Tawfik-manar9
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مادة المعاجم :: 225 :: استفسار
قام Hamdy Tawfik-manar9 بالرد على موضوع لـ ايثار الأريج في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الثالث
مادة المعاجم :: 225 :: استفسار
قام Hamdy Tawfik-manar9 بالرد على موضوع لـ ايثار الأريج في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الثالث
Trace the historical development of the meanings of the word السؤال ده انا فاكره كان دايما سؤال تقليدي في الامتحانات وهتلاقي اجابته في التطبيقات حوالي 3 او اربع سطور تحفظيهم وهو بيتكلم عن التطور التاريخي لمعاني الكلمات في اللغة الانجليزية واختلافها من حقبة لاخري وياريت تضربي امثلة بكام كلمة زي كلمة meat مثلا كانت تستخدم قديما بعني الطعام عامة اما الاستخدام الحديث فهو اللحم او كلمة lord مثلا واذرت اردتي مزيد من المعلومات ( ولو اني اعتقد ان الكتاب كافي ) اليك بعض الصفحات المفيدة http://www.uni-due.de/SHE/HE_Change_Semantic.htm http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/806/Semantic-Changes-and-Trends.html http://grammar.about.com/od/words/a/Etymologywords.htm http://docs.google.com/viewer? -
اين انتم؟؟؟؟ الي الامام الي الامام
قام Hamdy Tawfik-manar9 بالرد على موضوع لـ darkbluesky75 في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
حلقة دراسية ترم تانى دور ابريل 2011
قام Hamdy Tawfik-manar9 بالرد على موضوع لـ marina في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
تم تغير مواعيد العمل بالمركز
قام Hamdy Tawfik-manar9 بالرد على موضوع لـ marina في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's اخبار التعليم المفتوح
دروس في علم الصوتيات 223
قام Hamdy Tawfik-manar9 بالرد على موضوع لـ hend nga في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الثالث
A clause is a group of words that a subject and a verb. .Independent clauses are complete sentences.They contains a subject and verb Three diferent types of sentences contain independent clauses. 1-simple sentences are made up of one independent clause example: the cat ran 2-compound sentences are made up of two (or somtimes more) independent clauses that are joined by a conjunction such as "and" "but" or" "nor" and "yet" . for example: the cat ran and the dog chased it 3-Complex sentences are made up of one or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.(a dependent clause is an incomplete sentence) it need to be conncted to an independent clause for example: the cat that i saw ran A noun clauses has a subject and a verb.It is introduced by a clause marker and can be used in exactly the same way as a noun. 1-as subjects for example: Sam's jokes are very funny (noun noun clauses ) What Sam says is vey funny 2 As objects for example: The man told us the adress(noun The man told us where he lived (noum clause 3-As objects of the preposition for example:I wasn't asked about the party.)noun I wasn't asked about who was invited)noun clauses Adjective clauses: An adjective clause has a subject and a verb. It is a dependent clause because it does not form a complete sentence. It is used like an adjective to describe,identify,or give more information about nouns and indefinite pronouns such as "someone" anyone" and"everything". for example: ] the house that has the green shutters is for sale
a prepositional phrase is a phrase that starts with a preposition this prepositional phrase can work as an adjective and thus called adjective phrase e.g. I bought a car with a sun roof with a sun roof is a prepositional phrase that work as an adjective (describing the noun car also the prepositional phrase can work (function) as an adverb describing a verb e.g. The troop hiked through the forest describing an adverb e.g. They arrived late in the day and thus called an adverb phrase
phrase is a group of words without a verb and thus no complete meaning Ex: the beautiful girl. A clause a is a sentence....(subject+verb with/out a complement.. depending on the verb itself) and this category can be divided to Independent clauses and dependent clauses The Independent Clause is a sentence (subject+verb+object/complement.. depending on its verb)... and have a complete thought unit.. on other words can stand by itself.. because we've a full meaning.. Ex: This is the book I was searching for. As for the dependent clause.. here we've a sentence also but this time can't stand by itself.. needs other parts of speech to give a full meaning Ex: who's standing at the opposite side. as you see it has a subject , a verb but we still wanna know who is that guy who's standing at the opposite side.. right? The man who's standing at the opposite side is my manager. see!
حلقة دراسية ترم اول دور ابريل 2011
قام Hamdy Tawfik-manar9 بالرد على موضوع لـ marina في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه