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كل منشورات العضو tamaraahmed

  1. does anyone know if the pardaise lost are existed in the literature 1 because i found it in the exams 2013
  2. please i am in your term but i have arabic from the first term and the secand term and i want to now if the lectures are changed or not. if any one has arbic please answer me because students in the first term didn t interact
  3. please i am like you in the fourth term and i have arabic from the first term and the secand one please do you know if the lectures are the same or not
  4. please i want to know if i shiould memorize the tiger and blossom and lucy
  5. please should we memorize the poetry in the lectures or only we apply the rules on it
  6. please i heard that the doctor in consective gave every time in his lectures a lot of important words can anyone show them please
  7. every student should contribute to the collrge journal once a week how i draw the diagram for this
  • اضف...

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