اذهب الي المحتوي
أحلى نادي لأحلى أعضاء
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  • المزيد من الخيارات...
عرض النتائج التي تحتوي على:
إيجاد النتائج في:


  • مجموع الأنشطة

  • تاريخ الانضمام

  • آخر نشاط


0 Neutral
  1. يعنى قطعة من برة المنهج احنا مشوفنهاش ولا اشتغلنا فيها You mean Unseen???
  2. I wonder who has the papers that the professors gave us?? I want a copy; please? I am unable to attend ( the lectures) due to work problems
  3. This is unfair; my internet is not as fast as every one (USB) and the doctor forces us to download more things; I am unable to get all of this :/
  4. Hello every one. I am very stressed and it's my first term. I am bloody lost; whether to study from the CDs , the books, the lecture or from where? Please don't link me to another topic; I need short answers before . About the Culture why the book is not enought?
  • اضف...

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