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بدأ vanelia متابعة إختبارات القبول في التعليم المفتوح جامعة القاهرة الترم الاول أرشيف قسم الترجمهو 4 اخرين
روايات شكسبير (( الحق ونزلها واثري ثقافتك الادبية ))
قام vanelia بالرد على موضوع لـ Hana09 في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
حلقة دراسية ترم ثالث دور يناير2014 ... متجدد
قام vanelia بالرد على موضوع لـ Ibrahem Zain في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الثالث
حلقة دراسية ترم ثالث دور يناير2014 ... متجدد
قام vanelia بالرد على موضوع لـ Ibrahem Zain في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الثالث
النتيجه وبدأ الدراسه
قام vanelia بالرد على موضوع لـ man_reda في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's اخبار التعليم المفتوح
محاضرات وتطبيقات النحو ترم تاني
قام vanelia بالرد على موضوع لـ *maryam في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الاول
دى الاجابات الصح من الموقع الرسمى للجامعه 1- What is the main idea of the first paragraph? The main idea of the first paragraph is that Alfred Nobel was a man of contrasts. 2-What nationality was Alfred Nobel? Alfred Nobel was Swedish. 3-Why was Nobel considered يعتبر a man of many contrasts? Nobel was considered a man of many contrasts because his life and character contained احتوت many contradictions. متناقضات For example, he became a millionaire although his father was a bankrupt. Also, he was a scientist who loved literature. He was cheerful with others, but sad alone. 4-What did Nobel invent? He invented a new explosive, dynamite. 5-What was this invention meant to improve? It was meant to improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building. 6-What was it actually used for? It was actually used as weapon of war to kill and injure people. 7-What is the main idea of the second paragraph? The main idea of the second paragraph is Nobel's character and interests. 8-What was Nobel always searching for? He was always searching for a meaning to life. 9-What was he seriously interested in since his youth? Since his youth, he was seriously interested in literature and philosophy.
الاجابات اهيه خديها بقى كوبى Passage 1 1-The origin of Valentine’s Day is in ancient Rome .Lupercalia the festival of fertility 2-Valentine’s Day celebrated is the middle of February 3-Emperor Claudius II refused to let his soldiers marry because he believed that married soldiers would not make a good army 4-Emperor Claudius II punished St. Valentine he had the priest arrested and sentenced to death because he found out that Valentine married young couples secretly 5-Valentine ’s Day or – festival of Valentine Passage 4 1-Sleep is a natural body function during which we are relatively unconscious and the muscles that we normally control are relaxed 2-The physical effect is refreshment of the nervous system (including the brain) and of the muscled 3-Infants need from 12 to 14 hours of sleep and adults need from 6 to 8 hours of sleep 4- People should avoid caffeine and Alcohol and they should not take naps during the day to sleep well طبعا فى اسباب كتيرة ممكن نعملها عشان نقدر ننام كويس ودى مذكورة فى القطعة لكن السؤال طالب سببين بس 5-The medical term for "difficult sleeping" is insomnia Passage 7 1-people always had to draw pictures when they wanted to write something 2-there are seven major alphabets they consist of a fix set of written sign 3-some languages are easy to read because the letters nearly always mean exactly the same sound 4-the most important alphabet in the past was the Phoenician alphabet 5-the Phoenician spreaded that it was very useful for keeping business records and the Phoenician merchants took it with them wherever they went Passage 12 1-alfred nobel was the man of contrasts 2-alfred nobel was Swesish 3-nobel was considered a man of many contrasts because he was the son of a bankrupt ,but he became amillionaire: a scientist with a love for literature……….etc 4-nobel invented dynamite which was a new explosive 5-this invention was meant improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building 6-it was actually used as a weapon of war to kill and injure people 7-nobel and his concern 8-nobel always was searching for useful 9-he was seriously interested in literature and philosophy since his youth 10-nobel s greatest wish was to see an end to wars and ,thus, 11-nobel died in 1896 12- nobel s name has brought fame and glory to others after his death his famous will , in which he left money to provide prize for outstanding achievements in physics, medicine , literature, and peace 13-sadat, Mahfouz , zewel , and bradey