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  • مجموع الأنشطة

  • تاريخ الانضمام

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كل منشورات العضو ايمى_دودى

  1. انا معايا من التيرم الاول ترجمة ويااااااااااااريت نشجع بعض حنبدأ امتى
  2. ها عملتوا ايه انا بصراحة ماذاكرتش غير اللى مكتوب فوق بس انا ناوية اشد بقى ياله هه مين معااااااااايا
  3. ان شاء الله ياجوجو ربنا يوفقهم ويوفقنا معاهم انا برده بقالى اسبوع واقفة بس عندى مناسبااااات كتيرة ياله شدوا حيلكم عشان نبدأ مع بعض انتى واخدة مواد ايه عشان ممكن نقسمها مع بعض
  4. ياله بقى نتشجع كلنا عشان خلااااااااص الوقت بيجرى ربنا معاكم ومعانا ان شاء الله.
  5. اه المفروض ياوليد انا خلصت 3 محاضرات جرامر محاضرتين عربى وواحدة ثقافية وربنا يعينى على الباقى انتوا عملتوا ايييييييييه
  6. ياله معلش بقى الاسبوع اللى جاى عليك لانى مش حاقدر اروح . اهم حاجة عايزين نعرف الاسئلة فى العربى بتيجى ازاااااااااى خصوصا ان المنهج اتغير.
  7. ههههههههههههههههههههههههه اللع اعلم يمكن انا اللى حلولى غلط نفسى نلاقى حد معاااااااااااانااااااااا
  8. انا حضرت محاضرات الثقافية والجرامر بالنسبة اللثقافية المحاضرة اللى فاتت كان فيها invention وcomputer والمحاضرة دى كانت التانية خدنا فيها 20th Century Medicine و Reassessments of technology وبالنسبة للجرامر خدنا الـ adverbs و subject-verb agreement .
  9. السؤال الثاني: -كلّ : تنزين عوض عن جمله محذوفة ، فلك : تنوين التمكين - يومئذ : تنويض عوض - ماعرفت حلها - بعض : التمكين - طالب: تمكين ، نبيل: تمكين ، طالبات : مقابلة ، مجدات : مقابلة ، ناحية :تمكين ،نواح : تمكين ، متعددة : تمكين الحل بتاعى اول جملة نفس الحل التانية نفس الحل التالتة تنوين عوض عن الياء الاصل (غواشى) الرابعة بعض: تنوين عوض عن كلمة (الطلاب) الخامسة:نواح: تنوين عوض عن الياء الاصل (نواحى) والباقى ياريت نلاقى حد تالت يراجع معانا
  10. ربنا يوفقك ياوليد ياااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااارب.
  11. 1- The police is still looking for him. are 8- The rest of the staff are coming later. is 9- Fish and chips is my best snack meal.is دول الحاجات اللى انتى مش متأكدة منها من حلول الكتاب.
  12. على فكرة ياأمانى انا راجعت الإجابات من حلول الكتاب لقيت ان الاجابات اللى انا كاتباها صح بالنسبة ل 4-With the forthcoming elections, most voters _____ tired of listening to the promises of the candidates. a- gets b- get [b]8- The police___ made a lot of interrogations to solve the murder mystery. a- has b- have
  13. انا عايزة اعرف هما وصلوا لفين ولو فى حاجة مهمة وشكرا ليك ياوليد.
  14. انا التانية ومسجلة فى 4 مواد 121 122 125 114 من التيرم الأول
  15. انا بيتهيألى the police ده جمع لان لما تيجى تحطى مكانها ضمير بيبقى they و they بتاخد have والله اعلم اللى عنده رد ياريت يساعدنا. ونفس الحكاية بالنسبة ل most voters
  16. معلش يامانى النت فصل امبارح باقى الاجابات B- Choose the correct answer: 1- Despite the heat waves we have had in the past summer, everybody___ to enjoy the summer. a-seem b- seems 2- The admiration of the majority of people ______ not necessarily the most important thing.. a- is b- are 3- The colors of the sunset __________ brilliantly. a- glows b- glow 4- With the forthcoming elections, most voters _____ tired of listening to the promises of the candidates. a- gets b- get 5- Neither the coach nor the players ___ to quit the field. a- accept b- accepts 6- Much of the furniture in the antique hall ___ unusable. a- is [b] b- are 7- Never ___ the traffic been so bad in the months of June and July. . a- has b- have 8- The police___ made a lot of interrogations to solve the murder mystery. a- has b- have POSTTEST: A- Correct the sentences below: 1- The police is still looking for him. are 2- Athletics are my favorite sport. is 3- Those is nice trousers. are 4- Twenty pounds are a lot of money. is 5- My scissors is cutting properly. are 6- Economics are very tough subject to understand. is 7- Fish and chips is nice to eat. are 8- Fish and chips is my best snack meal. are 9- The rest of the staff are coming later. is 10- Three years are such a long time. is امانى مستنية باقى الحلول بتاعتك بس ياريت لو فى حد كمان عشان نتأكد انه صح.[/b]
  17. وليد للأسف انا ماروحتش الإسبوع اللى فات احنا كنا معتمدين عليك بس ان شاء الله حاروح الاسبوع اللى جاى وربنا يسهل.
  18. PRACTICE A- Identify the errors in the sentences below and correct them: 1- The last questions on the test were very difficult. Correct Incorrect 2- John, as well as his younger brothers, is going to study at Open University. Correct Incorrect 3- People from the South is very friendly. Correct Incorrect are 4- Everyone need to be loved. Correct Incorrect needs 5- Part of the money has to go to charity. Correct Incorrect 6- Statistics hasn't been revised as a course approach for too long. Correct Incorrect 7- Either the president or the vice has signed the document. Correct Incorrect [b]1- No news are good news. Correct Incorrect is 2- You and I am supposed to clean this mess before Mum arrives. Correct Incorrect me 3- Neither of the statements is true. Correct Incorrect [/b]
  19. A- Put (D), (I), (IM), or (E) in front of each sentence below: - I read the book D. - She lives in China D. - I did not read the book D. - They can't run very fast D - Did you read the book I - Have you seen the news I [b]- Shut up IM - Get out IM - Help E - What a load of rubbish E [b]POSTTEST A- Put (D), (I), (IM), or (E) in front of each sentence below: Stand next to your desk IM Why are you smelling the rose I Thank you E Who is standing next to her desk I What is Maria doing I Look at this- this is unbelievable E Watch out- a car is coming in full speed E Shake hands with someone IM The coach is looking at his watch D Stop biting your fingernails IM Count aloud the number of people in the room IM Read your grammar book IM Roger had just walked into his office when he was told that his plan had finally been approved D. Amazingly enough, I have found things to like in every country I have visited D. 15.You are al ways coming lateD[/b] [/b]
  20. ماهو انا اتعقدت خلاص ياشيماء بس فعلا فى فرق واضح بين التيرم الأول والتانى.
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