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المشاركات كُتبت بواسطة alffffffarok

  1. Run-on Sentences Exercise.

    In the following exercise, you will be presented with a series of sentences. Put a tick by the run-on sentences.


    <TABLE class=qinput summary="Layout table">

    <td vAlign=top width="4%"></TD>
    <td vAlign=top width="4%">a)</TD>
    <td vAlign=top width="92%">Greece is a fantastic country it has lovely people and great food. </TD></TR>
    <td vAlign=top width="4%"></TD>
    <td vAlign=top width="4%">b)</TD>
    <td vAlign=top width="92%">Despite a long flight, arriving in Athens is always a good feeling. </TD></TR>
    <td vAlign=top width="4%"></TD>
    <td vAlign=top width="4%">c)</TD>
    <td vAlign=top width="92%">She gave me a withering stare I was really scared.</TD></TR>
    <td vAlign=top width="4%"></TD>
    <td vAlign=top width="4%">d)</TD>
    <td vAlign=top width="92%">There is nothing better for a cold than a hot whisky and a big box of chocolates. </TD></TR>
    <td colSpan=3>a) Well done. This is definitely a run-on sentence. a) This is definitely a run-on sentence. It needs some punctuation between the two ideas. b) Correct. This is not a run-on sentence. The comma sets off the initial part of the sentence. b) This is not a run-on sentence. The comma sets off the initial part of the sentence. c) Well done. This is definitely a run-on sentence. c) This is definitely a run-on sentence. It needs some punctuation between the two ideas. d) Correct. Although this is a long sentence, it does not contain more than one idea. d) Although this is a long sentence, it does not contain more than one idea. </TD></TR></TABLE>
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