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كل منشورات العضو mhaussien

  1. اشكركم جدا يازملائى وزميلاتى على اهتمامكم وشكرا ياشيماء ياريت لما تجوبى الاسئله تكتبيها علشان كثير من الزملاء يستفيدو منها علشان الماده ديه بتلخبط اوى وانا بلاقى فيها لخبطه كثير مع انى فهماها بس مش متأكده من الاجابات الى انا جوبتها وخايفه اكتبها هناتكون خلط لانى مش بحضر المحاضرات لانى بنزل مصر على الامتحانات بس وشكرا لكم جميعا. وفيه سؤال كمان نسيت اكتبه وهو Give examples in English and Arabic to show that there are differences between the uses of the word in the same languge
  2. 1waht is meant by semantic change 2what shoud a translator do to translate a text 3what consideration shoud a translator put in mind before attempting the translation of a text 4waht is one of the main sources of confusion in translating from /into Arabic 4Give examples in english and arabic to show that there are differences between the uses of the world in the same languge 5Give examples in Arabic and English to sho how context determines the meaning of word 7why should the translator consider his audience before translating 8How modern standard arabic has changed and the impact on translation
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