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قام ahmedmahgoub بالرد على موضوع لـ alaa eldin fikry في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم برنامج الترجمة (قسم اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها) امتحان دور يناير 2008 (ورقة - 1 -) اسم المقرر: معاجم كود المقرر: 225 التاريخ: / / 2008 الزمن: ساعتان Dictionaries I. Answer ONE of the following questions: [8 Marks] 1. Write an essay on a dictionary compiled using the synchronic approach. ANSWER: A Dictionary Compiled Using the Synchronic Approach. The synchronic approach deals with language as used in one time, for example the current time. A current English dictionary will ignore the historical meanings of words and give only the current senses. Thus, it deals with language synchronically not diachronically. Language is, by nature, an ever-changing human phenomenon. In general, a current English dictionary deals with the current meanings trying to give a complete inventory of the language. There are various levels of dictionaries, general-purpose being most common. They deal with the general use of the language. Specialized dictionaries cover narrow fields of knowledge (e.g., medicine or technology). An example of a current English dictionary is Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. This dictionary gives many pieces of information, such as pronunciation (British & American, recorded with human voice), part of speech and usage among others. For example, the entry “capable” gives the pronunciations, the part of speech (adj.), meanings, (e.g., able to do things effectively and skilfully, and to achieve results) and usages (She's a very capable woman/worker/judge. & He’s capable of doing something). Such a dictionary is essential to the reader of general modern texts, such as newspapers and magazines or non-specialised books. Looking up words in such a dictionary is so easy and interesting. In contrast, Arabic dictionaries are difficult to use; one has to reduce the word to its root. Arabic dictionaries are not updated since there is a belief that language does not change. They also lack the alluring appearance and design that would encourage the learner or children to use them. Other dictionaries: 1. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English 2. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 3. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 4. Webster’s New World Dictionary (of American English). 2. Write an essay on the two types of idioms in Arabic and English. II. Answer the following questions: [12 Marks] 1. In the following sentence, determine where the error is, correct it, and explain why such an error is common among Arabic-speaking learners of English: × “Some drugs can ruin a man’s health. It destroys parts of the nervous system.” ANSWER: The error here is in “It destroys” The correct sentence should be: “Some drugs can ruin a man’s health. They destroy parts of the nervous system.” The error occurred because of the influence of the mother tongue. In Arabic, non-persons are dealt with as singular (المخدرات ... تدمر .... وهى؛ وليس يدمرون ... وهم) 2. Guided by the explanations given translate the following idioms into Arabic. Show that you are not deceived by the literal meaning. A. “blow the gaff”: to cause trouble for someone by letting other people know something they were trying to keep secret, e.g., They killed him because he was about to blow the gaff on their illegal deals. ANSWER: يفشى السر يفضح الأمر يهتك الستر B. “be all mouth”: If someone is all mouth, they talk a lot about doing something but they never do it, e.g., She says she’ll complain to the manager, but I think she’s all mouth. ANSWER: أسمع جعجعة ولا أرى طحينا جعجاع يقولون ما لا يفعلون 3. Trace the historical development of the meanings of the word “dainty ” as given in the following extract of the Oxford English Dictionary. Give only four different meanings with an Arabic translation of each meaning. dainty, … etc. ANSWER: 1. valuable; choice, excellent, ذو قيمة عالية 2. precious; hence rare, ثمين، نادر 3. pleasing to the palate, مذاقه رائع 4. delicately pretty, made with delicate taste جمال يتسم بالذوق الرفيع -
القراءه والفهم (3) انجليزى 212
قام ahmedmahgoub بالرد على موضوع لـ alaa eldin fikry في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
إمتحنات محلوله 2 Comprehension Answered Exam January 2007 I- Comprehension Read the following extract and then answer the questions: Mozart was one of the greatest composers who ever lived. He was born in Salzburg. Austria, in 1756. Even when he was young, Mozart loved music. His father, who was the leader of an orchestra, was very happy that his son was so interested in music. When Mozart was three years old, he learned to play the harpsichord, which is a kind of piano. Mozart began to compose music at the age of five, and his father took him to play in front of the kings and queens of Europe. At one concert, one of the violinists was missing from the orchestra. Mozart picked up a violin and played the music without a mistake. Mozart's father and the other players in the orchestra were surprised. Mozart had never been taught to play the violin! Mozart continued traveling around Europe with his father, who was his teacher in everything. He composed many pieces for the piano, the violin, and later for full orchestra. Mozart could write down a piece of music even if he had heard it only once. One day, he went to a group of people singing in a big church in Rome. The song was very special. The church leader said that people could sing the song only once a year, and only in his church. No one else was allowed to have the music. Mozart listened to the song. Although it was very difficult and long, Mozart went back home and wrote down the whole piece from memory. The head of the church heard about this, and instead of being angry with Mozart, he gave him a prize. When Mozart grew up, people were not so interested in him. He worked as a teacher and pianist but he did not make much money. In 1791, at the age of 35, he died. He was so poor that there was not enough money for him to have a proper grave. No one knows where he is buried. Questions 1. When was Mozart born? Mozart was born in 1756. 2. What did Mozart's father do? Mozart's father was an orchestra leader. 3. How old was Mozart when he began to compose music? When he began to compose music, Mozart was at the age of five. 4. Why did Mozart pick up the violin and start playing? Mozart picked up the violin and started playing because one of the violinists was missing from the orchestra at one concert. 5. Who took Mozart around Europe? His father took him around Europe. 6. Why was the church song special? The church song was special because the church leader allowed people to sing the song only once a year and only in his church. No one else was allowed to have the music. 7. Why were kings and queens interested in Mozart's playing? The kings and queens were interested in Mozart playing because he was a genius to compose music at the age of five. 8. Why were people surprised when the church leader gave Mozart a prize? People were surprised when the church leader gave Mozart a prize because he should have been angry since no one was allowed to have this special song. II- Writing Write an extended paragraph on ONE only of the following topics: Childhood could be a sad phase in one's life. Taking decision is not always hard. An unforgettable time. One must accept one's fate. To scheme, one must be clever. -
القراءه والفهم (3) انجليزى 212
قام ahmedmahgoub بالرد على موضوع لـ alaa eldin fikry في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
Answered Exam July 2007 I- Comprehension Read the following extract and then answer the questions: The Eiffel Tower is one of Europe's most famous buildings. It stands in the Champ de Mars, a park near the River Seine in Paris. It is 300 meters tall and was built by Alexander Gustave Eiffel for the Paris Universal Exposition in 1889. Expositions, or 'expos' as we now call them, are places where people can see new inventions, new kinds of art, and new kinds of food. Because the tower was such a tall building, Eiffel wanted to make it easy for people to get to the top. He wanted to use a lift, which was a very new invention at the time. Eiffel asked Elisha Otis to design a lift for the building. The French government did not like the first design that Otis showed them, and they would not let him put the lift in. Instead, the first visitors had to climb hundreds of stairs to the top. Later, Otis changed the design, and the government allowed his company to build lifts for the tower. They were the first proper lifts in the world. The Eiffel Tower cost over a million US dollars - a lot of money at that time. People who invested in the building were worried that they would not get their money back. However, in the first year they got much more than their money back. Thousands of tickets were sold to people who wanted to go up and look at the view from the top. The opening of the Eiffel Tower took place on the 10th June 1889. Eiffel himself lived in the tower where he had his own apartment. Many kings and queens visited the tower during the opening and, of course, they visited Eiffel's apartment. Although Eiffel designed the tower for people to visit, it was also used for scientific experiments. Nowadays, the tower gets twice as many visitors as the other very famous building in Paris - the Louvre. The writer Oscar Wilde said that he liked the Eiffel Tower because it was the only place in Paris from which he could not see the Eiffel Tower! Questions a. What does the Eiffel Tower stand near? The Eiffel Tower stands near the river Seine in Paris. b. Who built it? Alexander Gustave Eiffel died. c. Who built the lift that went to the top of the Eiffel Tower? Elisha Otis built the lift that went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. d. What is an exposition? An exposition is a place where people can see new inventions, new kinds of art, and new kinds of food. e. How much did the Eiffel Tower cost? The Eiffel Tower cost over a million us dollars at that time. f. The tower is used by tourists. What else was it used for? It was also used for scientific experiment. g. Would you like to visit the Eiffel Tower? Give a reason for your answer. Yes, I'd like to visit it because it is one of Europe's most famous buildings. II- Writing Write an extended paragraph on ONE only of the following topics: 1. The factors that make Al-Ahly one of the leading Egyptian football teams. 2. How to enjoy life. 3. Friendship is rare in the modern world.