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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله زملائى الاعزاء برجاء وضع اى تعليق يخص هذه الماده فى هذا الباب سواء كان تعليق من زملاءسبق ان درسو هذه المده فى التيرمات السابقه ووفقهم الله وأرادو المساعده بالنصح والارشاد او زملاء نشترك معهم فى نفس الماده ولديهم معلومه تفيد الزملاء مثل المقرر والمحزوف والملغى او اضافه تلخيص او خبره شخصيه او طلب اى شىء من الزملاء

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Answered Exam

July 2007

I- Comprehension

Read the following extract and
then answer the questions:

The Eiffel Tower
is one of Europe's most famous buildings. It
stands in the Champ de Mars, a park near the River Seine in Paris. It is 300 meters tall and was built by
Alexander Gustave Eiffel for the Paris
Universal Exposition in 1889. Expositions, or 'expos' as we now call them, are
places where people can see new inventions, new kinds of art, and new kinds of

the tower was such a tall building, Eiffel wanted to make it easy for people to
get to the top. He wanted to use a lift, which was a very new invention at the
time. Eiffel asked Elisha Otis to design a lift for the building.

French government did not like the first design that Otis showed them, and they
would not let him put the lift in. Instead, the first visitors had to climb
hundreds of stairs to the top. Later, Otis changed the design, and the
government allowed his company to build lifts for the tower. They were the
first proper lifts in the world.

The Eiffel Tower
cost over a million US dollars - a lot of money at that time. People who
invested in the building were worried that they would not get their money back.
However, in the first year they got much more than their money back. Thousands
of tickets were sold to people who wanted to go up and look at the view from
the top.

opening of the Eiffel
Tower took place on the
10th June 1889. Eiffel himself lived in the tower where he had his own
apartment. Many kings and queens visited the tower during the opening and, of
course, they visited Eiffel's apartment. Although Eiffel designed the tower for
people to visit, it was also used for scientific experiments. Nowadays, the tower
gets twice as many visitors as the other very famous building in Paris - the Louvre.

The writer Oscar Wilde said that he
liked the Eiffel Tower
because it was the only place in Paris from
which he could not see the Eiffel


What does the Eiffel
Tower stand near?

The Eiffel Tower
stands near the river Seine in Paris.

Who built it?

Alexander Gustave Eiffel died.

Who built the lift that went to the top of the Eiffel Tower?

Elisha Otis built the lift that went to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

What is an exposition?

An exposition is a place where people can
see new inventions, new kinds

of art, and new kinds of food.

How much did the Eiffel
Tower cost?

The Eiffel Tower
cost over a million us dollars at that time.

The tower is used by tourists. What else was it used for?

It was also used for scientific experiment.

g. Would you like to visit the Eiffel Tower?
Give a reason for your answer.

Yes, I'd
like to visit it because it is one of Europe's
most famous buildings.

II- Writing

Write an
extended paragraph on ONE only of the following topics:

1. The factors that make Al-Ahly one
of the leading Egyptian football teams.

2. How to enjoy life.

3. Friendship is rare in the
modern world.

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إمتحنات محلوله 2


Answered Exam

January 2007


Read the following extract and
then answer the questions:

was one of the greatest composers who ever lived. He was born in Salzburg. Austria,
in 1756. Even when he was young, Mozart loved music. His father, who was the
leader of an orchestra, was very happy that his son was so interested in music.
When Mozart was three years old, he learned to play the harpsichord, which is a
kind of piano. Mozart began to compose music at the age of five, and his father
took him to play in front of the kings and queens of Europe.

one concert, one of the violinists was missing from the orchestra. Mozart
picked up a violin and played the music without a mistake. Mozart's father and
the other players in the orchestra were surprised. Mozart had never been taught
to play the violin! Mozart continued traveling around Europe with his father,
who was his teacher in everything. He composed many pieces for the piano, the violin,
and later for full orchestra.

could write down a piece of music even if he had heard it only once. One day,
he went to a group of people singing in a big church in Rome. The song was very special. The church
leader said that people could sing the song only once a year, and only in his
church. No one else was allowed to have the music. Mozart listened to the song.
Although it was very difficult and long, Mozart went back home and wrote down
the whole piece from memory. The head of the church heard about this, and
instead of being angry with Mozart, he gave him a prize.

Mozart grew up, people were not so interested in him. He worked as a teacher
and pianist but he did not make much money. In 1791, at the age of 35, he died.
He was so poor that there was not enough money for him to have a proper grave.
No one knows where he is buried.


When was Mozart born?

Mozart was born in 1756.

What did Mozart's father do?

Mozart's father was an orchestra

How old was Mozart when he began to compose music?

When he began to compose music, Mozart was at the age of five.

Why did Mozart pick up the violin and start playing?

Mozart picked up the violin
and started playing because one of
the violinists was missing from the
orchestra at one concert.

5. Who took Mozart around Europe?

His father took
him around Europe.

6. Why was the church song special?

The church song was
special because the church leader allowed people to sing the song only once a
year and only in his church. No one else was allowed to have the music.

7. Why were kings and queens interested
in Mozart's playing?

The kings
and queens were interested in Mozart playing because he was a genius to compose
music at the age of five.

8. Why were people surprised when the
church leader gave Mozart a prize?

were surprised when the church leader gave Mozart a prize because he should
have been angry since no one was allowed to have this special song

II- Writing

Write an extended paragraph on
ONE only of the following topics:

  • Childhood could
    be a sad phase in one's life.

  • Taking decision
    is not always hard.

  • An unforgettable

  • One must accept
    one's fate.

  • To scheme, one must be clever.

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ملخص الكلمات الجديدة لمادة القراءة و الفهم يارب تنفع الجميع و بشكر طبعا الشخص اللى بيقوم ببذل مثل هذا المجهود جزاه الله عننا جميعا الخير ووفقه فى يحاته العلمية و العملية

mediafire.com download.php?znto2lazodz

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جزاك الله خيرا ياشيماء

ملحوظة لكل من يحمل الملف هو عباره عن ملف اكسل

تحتاج ان يكون برنامج Microsoft Excel

مثبت علي جهازك حتي تستطيع فتح الملف

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مفيش اي اخبار عن المادة دي؟؟؟ كلها مطلوبة مفيش ملغي ..؟؟

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الزميلة yasmeen
مادة القراءه والفهم لا يوجد بها مقرر وملغي

المادة عبارة عن امتحان قطعتين كل قطعة عليها بعض الاسئلة
المطلوب الاجابة علي الاسئلة بدقة وبدون اخطاء املائية او نحويه علي قدر المستطاع

يجب قراءة القطعه وفهمها جيدا ثم قراءة الاسئلة الخاصه بها وفهمها والاجابة عليها

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لا أقصد القطع الي هتيجي من الكتاب يعني من الدروس الي موجودة ؟؟ ولا بس اذاكر الكلمات من كل درس ؟

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السلام عليكم
علي حد علمي ان القطعتين هيكون من بره المنهج ,,فالبتالي لا ملغي ولا مقرر ,..فقط عليك التركيز علي بناء جملة صحيحة بجانب الفهم طبعا

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بس الدكتور قال في المحاضرات التفلفزيونية ان قطعة واحدة حتيجي من اللي درسناها و كذلك المعاني من نفس القطع و القطعة التانية جديدة

هو حصل تجديد و لا حاجة؟

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الحمدلله فعلا كان سهل جدا وربنا يوفق الجميع ...

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صحيح وكمان الي عنده اي معلومات على مادة 213 مايبخلش علينا

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الزميلة yasmeen
إمتحان الماده 213 - إن شاء الله - سوف يكون مثل باقي السنوات الماضيه.

سؤال في الParallel Construction
سؤال في ال Correct the run-on

سؤال في ال Combine each group of sentences
سؤال في ال

Types of each sentence

سؤال في ال concise statement sentences

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مممم ... ان شاءالله خير وييجي سهل

شكــــــــــرا جزيـــــــــلا

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شكرا جزيلا معظم الامتحانات من السنين الماضية موجودة ولكن لامحاضرات ولايحزنون وياريت لو حد يعرف يرفع الكلمات من عنده يعملها في اقرب وقت

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sweet_love كتب:
ملخص الكلمات الجديدة لمادة القراءة و الفهم يارب تنفع الجميع و بشكر طبعا الشخص اللى بيقوم ببذل مثل هذا المجهود جزاه الله عننا جميعا الخير ووفقه فى يحاته العلمية و العملية

mediafire.com download.php?znto2lazodz

رابط بديل عن الرابط الذي رفعته الاخت شيماء

4shared.com 212_vocabulary.html

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sweet_love كتب:
ملخص الكلمات الجديدة لمادة القراءة و الفهم يارب تنفع الجميع و بشكر طبعا الشخص اللى بيقوم ببذل مثل هذا المجهود جزاه الله عننا جميعا الخير ووفقه فى يحاته العلمية و العملية

mediafire.com download.php?znto2lazodz

رابط بديل سليم

4shared.com 212_vocabulary.html

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