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المشاركات كُتبت بواسطة somya

  1. مادة 222

    read the text following the stratigies

    learnt then answer the questions

    scarcity is not created by war it is a permanent characteristic of all human society and is the basis of the problem that faces and always faced the human race whatever its form of organization. it springs from the fact that the material resources of the world are limited and that our ability to make use of those resources is even more limited by our ignorance? everything that we need to satisfy our wants has to be derived finally from two sources the natural resources that are availble and the human ability to make use of them.

    as our knowledge grows and we increase our skill,we can exploit more and more of the opportunities that nature offers to us. the increase in communications for example, has brought within our reach the resources of vast areas that were closed to us before ; the development in scientific knowladge has made accessible many valuable minerals from depths below the earth's surface that could not be reached by earlier generations . but whatever the rate of development maybe , there is , at any one time , a limit of total of what can be produced

    here and now , there is only so much of the material resources of the world accessible to us and there are only so many people capable of work and endowed with the capacities and skills that they have developed . we may know that there are a immense miniral deposits waiting to be tapped in the arctic ciricle but until we find out how to get them they might as well noit exist as far as the satisfaction of our present wants is concerned
    no doubt we waste a lot by stupidity but even if the very best possible use is made of all the resources we can reach there is still a limit to what can be produced out of them , and it is out of that total that we must all satisfy our wants

    1- what , according to the writer , causes scarcity
    2- what can increasing knowledge and still bring us
    3- why is thare a (limit to the total of what can be produced)a
    4- are these statements true or false
    * - we smartly make good use of all resources
    * - the material resources of the world are unlimited
    5_ supply the text with a suitable title

    think of possible meanings of only four of the words in the text
    paragraph 1 : Springs
    paragraph 2 : Opportunities
    : Vast
    paragraph 3 : Capable
    paragraph 4 : Waste

    * - it was our first introduction to the Robinsons
    * - a small car arrived out of which emerged seven people, a man , a woman , and five children of various ages
    * - windows were flung open , furniture was put into place , and little faces peered inquisitively at us over the fence and disappeared
    * - the house next door had been empty for so long that we had quite forgotten what is was like to have neighbours
    * - the children hurried out and began laughing delightedly as the whole family trooped into the house
    * - one day , however , a great furniture - van drew up near our front gate , and in a short time tables , chairs , beds , pictures , and countless other things were heaped up on the pavement
    * - the Robinsons were frindly and helpful and when we left our house for the holidays , we knew we had nothing to fear so long as our neighbours were arround

    A - WRITE A SUMMARY OF THE PREVIOUS TEXT . your writing should be in a paragraph form ( Five to Seven sentences) and in your own words

    1- the best things in life are free
    2- happiness is a great feeling that we all are seeking . it might spring from wealth , or power , or health or other sources . what makes you happy ? and how do you express this incredible feeling

  2. المقال 213

    question one

    correct the run-on

    1- since research has shown that obesity may cause diabetes doctors put

    diabetic patients on a special diet

    2 according to one of his biographers he completed a medical degree in Munich

    3 in view of the extraordinary good results it was decided to try this technique again

    4 when they came everyone was happy


    Combine the sentences to have only one independent clause

    1 the child put his head on the pillow

    the child fell asleep

    2 frank's father was a shoe repairman

    frank's father died when he was young

    3 the writer was raised in a small town

    the writer was at his best when describing scenes of the countryside

    4 Mike wants to write a research paper

    he has hard time choosing a topic



    1 the basic fundamentals of how to dance were first learned by Jane

    2 At that point in time when Martine was a teenager, i was sixty

    3 it was Jane who was selected for the final competition

    4 to cut a long story short, the sea remained calm



    1 the customs in the US are different from your country

    2 good writers edit their work slowly,careful,and regularly

    3 the lazy student always takes a nap or watching television in the afternoon

    4 Pele was quick , skillfuland invention soccer player


    WRITE AWELL-DEVELOPED PARAGRAPH ( of not more than 15 lines) on one of the following topics

    1the internet has provided great benefits , but at the same time it has also created new problems and inequalities. is it possible to control some of these problems?

    2 the increasing role of english in the world means that the learning of other languages is being neglected. this will have serious results for the continued use of these languages, and of their cultures. what is your opinion???

  3. read the text following the stratigies learnt then answer the questions

    scarcity is not created by war it is a permanent characteristic of all human society and is the basis of the problem that faces and always faced the human race whatever its form of organization. it springs from the fact that the material resources of the world are limited and that our ability to make use of those resources is even more limited by our ignorance? everything that we need to satisfy our wants has to be derived finally from two sources the natural resources that are availble and the human ability to make use of them.

    as our knowledge grows and we increase our skill,we can exploit more and more of the opportunities that nature offers to us. the increase in communications for example, has brought within our reach the resources of vast areas that were closed to us before ; the development in scientific knowladge has made accessible many valuable minerals from depths below the earth's surface that could not be reached by earlier generations . but whatever the rate of development maybe , there is , at any one time , a limit of total of what can be produced

    here and now , there is only so much of the material resources of the world accessible to us and there are only so many people capable of work and endowed with the capacities and skills that they have developed . we may know that there are a immense miniral deposits waiting to be tapped in the arctic ciricle but until we find out how to get them they might as well noit exist as far as the satisfaction of our present wants is concerned
    no doubt we waste a lot by stupidity but even if the very best possible use is made of all the resources we can reach there is still a limit to what can be produced out of them , and it is out of that total that we must all satisfy our wants

    1- what , according to the writer , causes scarcity
    2- what can increasing knowledge and still bring us
    3- why is thare a (limit to the total of what can be produced)a
    4- are these statements true or false
    * - we smartly make good use of all resources
    * - the material resources of the world are unlimited
    5_ supply the text with a suitable title

    think of possible meanings of only four of the words in the text
    paragraph 1 : Springs
    paragraph 2 : Opportunities
    : Vast
    paragraph 3 : Capable
    paragraph 4 : Waste

    * - it was our first introduction to the Robinsons
    * - a small car arrived out of which emerged seven people, a man , a woman , and five children of various ages
    * - windows were flung open , furniture was put into place , and little faces peered inquisitively at us over the fence and disappeared
    * - the house next door had been empty for so long that we had quite forgotten what is was like to have neighbours
    * - the children hurried out and began laughing delightedly as the whole family trooped into the house
    * - one day , however , a great furniture - van drew up near our front gate , and in a short time tables , chairs , beds , pictures , and countless other things were heaped up on the pavement
    * - the Robinsons were frindly and helpful and when we left our house for the holidays , we knew we had nothing to fear so long as our neighbours were arround

    A - WRITE A SUMMARY OF THE PREVIOUS TEXT . your writing should be in a paragraph form ( Five to Seven sentences) and in your own words

    1- the best things in life are free
    2- happiness is a great feeling that we all are seeking . it might spring from wealth , or power , or health or other sources . what makes you happy ? and how do you express this incredible feeling ?

  4. اولا بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    انا بمتحن برة مصر

    والمواد الي امتحنتها انتو لسة هتمتحنوها
    فقلت احطها لكم عشان تستفيدو وتعرفوا هتيجي ازاي
    وربنا يوفقكو ويوفقني

    وادعولي امانة علييييييييكم

    اولا نبدأ بالعربي قراءة وتعبير 221

    اجب عن سؤالين فقط مما ياتي
    السؤال الاول صح وغلط

    1 تغني الكتب عن تجارب الحياة- في رأي العقاد
    2 ابرز ما ابدع طه حسين دواوينه الشعرية
    3 يرى طه حسين ان الادب العربي يتقدم على الادب اليوناني
    4 يرى الزيات ان الحواس جميعا تتساوى في الاحساس بالجمال
    5 استعادت الفنون التشكيلية المصرية مجدها في عصر محمد على
    6 ولد العقاد سنة 1889 وتوفى عام 1964
    7 يرى العقاد ان اقوى عاطفة انسانية هي عاطفة الحب المتبادل بين قلبين
    8 يرى طه حسين ان اللغة الفارسية مدينة للغة العربية
    9 عند الزيات انه الخصائص المميزة للجمال هي الوفرة , القوة, والجمال
    10 لم تتخلف المرأ المصرية عن ممارسة الفنون الجميلة

    السؤال الثاني اكتب في موضوع واحد مما ياتي مع عرض وجهة نظرك
    1 لماذا هويت القراءة للعقاد
    2 الادب العربي ومكانته بين الاداب العالمية الكبرى لطه حسين
    3 قي الجمال لاحمد حسن الزيات

    السؤال الثالث اكتب في موضوع واحد مما يلي
    1 ثورة 25 يناير في مصر .. المقدمات... والنتائج المتوقعة
    2 تحدث عن الترجمة من حيث : ما هيتها ومهمتها وادواتها
    3 الحضارة الاسلامية اهم خصائصها وملامح مستقبلها

    خلللللللللللللص العربي ندخل بقى على المقال وقراءة وفهم كود 222

  5. انا استلمت الكتب بس تاريخ االاصدار بتاعها سنة 1999 انا خايفة لتكون قديمة وملغية لان المحاضرات غير الكتب بتاتا

    اعمل اييييييييييييه

    يا خووووفي


    انا بجد هموت مش عارفة اتصرف ازاي

    ومفيش وقت

    ردو عليا


  6. يا جماعة حد يعرف دة صح ولالا

    انا سمعت اني ممكن ازود رسوم ويجيبولي المحاضرات والتطبيقات وكللللللللللل شي مطبوع جاهز دة صح ولالا؟؟؟؟

    اصل الطباعة بتتعب وخصوصا المنهج كبيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييير

    ولو واحدة فيكم تعرف ازاي اسجل في مصر اصل المصاريف غالية من برة مصر اوي

  7. ربنا يستر

    بس هما الي بيسجلو جوة مصر بياخدو الكتب في ساعتها اصلي بفكر ابعت لاهلي في مصر يسجلولي ويستلموا الكتب ويبعتوهالي احسن المصاريف من برة مصر غالية اوي غير فلوس الامتحانات كمان يعني (موت وخراب ديار) فبفكر ادفع رسوم التيرم في مصر وفلوس الامتحانات على حسب ما ربنا يسهل هكون برة ولا جوة مصر
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