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Light Life

  • مجموع الأنشطة

  • تاريخ الانضمام

  • آخر نشاط

كل منشورات العضو Light Life

  1. اللواء أمين عز الدين مدير أمن الإسكندرية قال اللواء أمين عز الدين، مدير أمن الإسكندرية، إنه تم ضبط خلية إرهابية تتكون من عناصر إخوانية تستهدف قوات الأمن والجيش، مشيرًا إلى أنه تم التوصل إليها عن طريق الخلايا الإرهابية التى تم ضبطها خلال الفترة الماضية. وأضاف "عز الدين" خلال مداخلة هاتفية لبرنامج "الحياة اليوم" على فضائية "الحياة"، أن جماعة الإخوان تعمل على إحياء الجهاز السرى للتنظيم بتشكيل مجموعات تسمى لجان نوعية، تقوم بارتكاب الحوادث الإرهابية من تفجير وشغب وعنف، لافتًا إلى أن المتهم الذى تم ضبطه حدد عناصر تشترك معه فى الأعمال الإرهابية، وجارٍ التوصل لهم.
  2. حمدين صباحى المرشح الرئاسى المحتمل قال حاتم العدوى، عضو حملة حمدين صباحى بالقليوبية، إنهم سلموا الحملة المركزية اليوم 900 توكيل من المحافظة، مشيرًا إلى أن الحملة مستمرة فى جمع التوكيلات. وقال محمد السيسى، عضو حملة حمدين صباحى ببولاق الدكرور لـ"اليوم السابع"، إنهم واجهوا بعض المشكلات عند تسليم التوكيلات إلى الشهر العقاري، تتمثل فى التعامل مع الموظفين وانحيازهم لمرشح دون الأخر، مشيرًا إلى أن تلك الأزمة بدأت تتلاشى مع الأيام.
  3. صورة أرشيفية دفعت أجهزة الأمن بالشرقية، منذ قليل، بتشكيلات من قوات الأمن لدعم القوات المتواجدة بمركز شرطة ههيا والسيطرة على شغب السجناء بعد قيامهم بتحطيم باب السجن للهروب. وكان اللواء رفعت خضر، مدير مباحث الشرقية، قد تلقى إخطارا من الرائد محمود الطحان، رئيس مباحث مركز شرطة ههيا، يفيد قيام سجناء بالمركز - بينهم مجموعة من الإخوان- محتجزين على ذمة قضايا سياسية بتحطيم باب السجن لمحاولة الهروب.
  4. صورة ارشيفية حاول السجناء بمركز شرطة ههيا بالشرقية, منذ قليل، الهروب بعد تكسير باب الحجز, فيما تقوم قوات الشرطة بإطلاق النيران للسيطرة على الموقف والأوضاع.
  5. صباحى وصل أعضاء حملة المرشح الرئاسى حمدين صباحى ببورسعيد، لمقر التيار الشعبى المصرى بالمهندسين، اليوم الجمعة، لتسليم جميع التوكيلات الذين قاموا بتحريرها ببورسعيد لصالح المرشح المحتمل لرئاسة الجمهورية حمدين صباحى، خلال العشرة أيام الماضية منذ فتح باب التوكيل الرئاسية للحملة الرئيسية بالقاهرة.
  6. حملة صباحى قال أحمد على، مسئول ملف التوكيلات بحملة المرشح الرئاسى حمدين صباحى، إن عدد التوكيلات التى استقبلتها الحملة، فى الفترة الماضية، لم تتخط الـ25 ألف توكيل، وهو العدد القانونى للتقدم بالترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية، كما حددته اللجنة العليا لانتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية. وأوضح مسئول ملف التوكيلات بحملة المرشح الرئاسى المحتمل، فى تصريحات خاصة لـ"اليوم السابع"، أنهم يستقبلون التوكيلات من المحافظات، وسيتم حصرها، والإعلان عن العدد النهائى يوم الاثنين المقبل، كما سيتم الإعلان عن موعد تقدم حمدين صباحى بأوراق ترشحه للجنة الانتخابات الرئاسية.
  7. إخوان يتجمعون كتب مؤنس حواس تجمع منذ قليل، عناصر لجماعة الإخوان "الإرهابية" أمام مسجد التوحيد بكفر علو بمنطقة حلوان، استعدادًا للانطلاق بمسيرة فى شوارع الكفر، مرددين هتافات مناهضة لقيادات الجيش والداخلية. ويذكر أن قوات الأمن المركزي، فرقت مسيرة لعناصر جماعة الإخوان منطلقة عقب صلاة الجمعة مباشرة بكفر العلو، بعد إطلاق الغاز المسيل للدموع على المشاركين بها.
  8. رجال الحماية المدينة يمشطون شارع الهرم يمشط رجال الحماية المدنية بالجيزة، شارع الهرم بحثاً عن وجود أى أجسام غريبة بمنطقة الهرم، فيما تمركزت قوات الأمن أمام شارع مدكور بالهرم.
  9. مطار القاهرة تسببت إصابة راكبة كينية بحالة هياج عصبى، فى تأخر إقلاع طائرة مصر للطيران المتجهة اليوم الجمعة إلى نيروبى ٣٠ دقيقة، حيث تم إنزال حقائبها وإلغاء سفرها واستأنفت الطائرة رحلتها بدونها. كانت الراكبة قد وصلت "ترانزيت" من بيروت فى طريقها للسفر إلى بلدها، وبعد إنهاء إجراءات سفرها على رحلة مصر للطيران المتجهة إلى نيروبى، وأثناء تصعيد الركاب للطائرة أصيبت الراكبة بحالة هياج عصبى وحاولت الاعتداء على الركاب وبعد السيطرة عليها، تم إلغاء سفرها واستأنفت الطائرة رحلتها بدونها بعد تأخير نصف ساعة.
  10. صورة أرشيفية استقبلت مستشفى الزهور بالإسكندرية، منذ قليل، جثة الشاب عبد الحكيم الزمزمى، إثر إصابته بطلق خرطوش بالصدر، فى مظاهرات الإخوان شرق الإسكندرية.
  11. 01 I'm a Freak (feat. Pitbull) Let's go I tried to let it go But I'm addicted to her chemicals I got a piece, I want an overdose I Love the way she gets so physical ****s like an animal (oh) Day and night, I just imagine how you put your Love on me Lights off, lights on Ready for some action Baby, come and give it to me 'Cause I'm a freak The way you pop it and drop it All over me No, I don't want you to stop it Yeah, I'm a freak Baby, I can't lie When you move like that I got a one track mind 'Cause I'm a freak Yeah, I'm a freak 'Cause I'm a freak Yeah, I'm a freak Yeah, baby there you go Stealing my heart just like a criminal No turning back cuz time is critical You move your body like a miracle Baby, here we go Day and night, I just imagine how you put your Love on me Lights off, lights on Ready for some action Baby, come and give it to me 'Cause I'm a freak The way you pop it and drop it All over me No, I don't want you to stop it Yeah, I'm a freak Baby, I can't lie When you move like that I got a one track mind 'Cause I'm a freak, Yeah, I'm a freak 'Cause I'm a freak Yeah, I'm a freak [Pitbull] Baby you pop and lock it Drop it, I watch it for sure Baby you rollin and rocking Move it, I use it, let's go You know I lick it and do the things that'll make you explode You don't believe me, mami, just l-l-l-let me go low Because I'm a freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak, that, that you know Now can I get beat-beat-beat-beat-beat-beat-beat, baby back it up nice and slow I just wanna skip-skip-skip-skip-skip-skip-skip-skip ride out and go I came, I saw, I conquered, on to the next, let's go Yeah I'm a freak The way you pop it and drop it All over me No, I don't want you to stop it Yeah, I'm a freak Baby, I can't lie When you move like that I got a one track mind 'Cause I'm a freak Yeah, I'm a freak 'Cause I'm a freak Yeah, I'm a freak It's The Cataracs From the hotel room to the DJ booth On the bathroom sink, yes, I'm just a freak And when the sun goes down, gotta let it out Baby don't blame me, I-I'm just a freak ======== [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]02 There Goes My Baby (feat. Flo Rida) She came from nowhere and she stole my soul her Love was criminal I finally found what I was looking for Now I can't let it go We make up to break up you got me spinning like a yo yo yo But I know that you know that girl you will always be mine Hey! There goes my baby whoaa hey hey baby come back to me Hey! I get so high when she go down down low she work it nice and slow We going round and round and back and forth can't take it anymore We make up to break up you got me spinning like a yo yo yo But I know that you know that girl you will always be mine There goes my baby whoaa hey hey baby come back to me Hey! There goes my baby my wholesome lady hold me down if my whole world went crazy that' s what she spoke just what she said now that's a joke that talk is dead know I got to get over the Love I had the door I keep it open just in case she come back can't deal with the emotions to teh point I'm sad and I know my hearts broken but I'we got so attached baby come back I won't get no sleep she more than I want and all that I need locked up my heart and threw away the key so and when my baby come back I'm crossing my T's dotting my I's and now I can't eat out of my mind and that's how it's gonna be ======= [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]03 Bailando (feat. Descemer Bueno & Gente de Zona) Yo te miro, se me corta la respiraciَn Cuanto tu me miras se me sube el corazَn (Me palpita lento el corazon) Y en silencio tu mirada dice mil palabras La noche en la que te suplico que no salga el sol (Bailando, bailando, bailando, bailando) Tu cuerpo y el mio llenando el vacيo Subiendo y bajando (subiendo y bajando) (Bailando, bailando, bailando, bailando) Ese fuego por dentro me esta enloqueciendo Me va saturando Con tu fيsica y tu quيmica también tu anatomيa La cerveza y el tequila y tu boca con la mيa Ya no puedo mas (ya no puedo mas) Ya no puedo mas (ya no puedo mas) Con esta melodيa, tu color, tu fantasيa Con tu filosofيa mi cabeza esta vacيa Y ya no puedo mas (ya no puedo mas) Ya no puedo mas (ya no puedo mas) Yo quiero estar contigo, vivir contigo Bailar contigo, tener contigo Una noche loca (una noche loca) Ay besar tu boca (y besar tu boca) Yo quiero estar contigo, vivir contigo Bailar contigo, tener contigo una noche loca Con tremenda loca (Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh) Tu me miras y me llevas a otra dimensiَn (Estoy en otra dimensiَn) Tu latidos aceleran a mi corazَn (Tu latidos aceleran a mi corazَn) Que ironيa del destino no poder tocarte Abrazarte y sentir la magia de tu olor (Bailando, bailando, bailando, bailando) Tu cuerpo y el mio llenando el vacيo Subiendo y bajando (subiendo y bajando) (Bailando, bailando, bailando, bailando) Ese fuego por dentro me esta enloqueciendo Me va saturando Con tu fيsica y tu quيmica también tu anatomيa La cerveza y el tequila y tu boca con la mيa Ya no puedo mas (ya no puedo mas) Ya no puedo mas (ya no puedo mas) Con esta melodيa, tu color, tu fantasيa Con tu filosofيa mi cabeza esta vacيa Y ya no puedo mas (ya no puedo mas) Ya no puedo mas (ya no puedo mas) Yo quiero estar contigo, vivir contigo Bailar contigo, tener contigo Una noche loca (una noche loca) Ay besar tu boca (y besar tu boca) Yo quiero estar contigo, vivir contigo Bailar contigo, tener contigo una noche loca Con tremenda loca (Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh Ooooh bailando amor ooooh Bailando amor ooooh es que se me va el dolor Ooooh). ======== [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]04 Beautiful (feat. Kylie Minogue) It used to be, you and me Love like no other Our world around, could fall apart But we had each other Saw you walking, you were smiling And it hit me like the first time Feels like yesterday, has come and go But nothing's changed, when I look at you You, you are so beautiful You, you are so beautiful You're my eyes I just want you to know That after all this time You're still the one Still hurts sometimes Love on the line But we said forever Say it all, through the storms But we had together And now I just want you to know That after all this time You're still the one You, you are so beautiful You, you are so beautiful You're my eyes I just want you to know That after all this time You're still the one You, you are so beautiful You, you are so beautiful You're my eyes I just want you to know That after all this time You're still the one You, you are so beautiful You, you are so beautiful ======= [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]05 Heart Attack Loving you was easy thought you'd never leave me yeah yeah Wrapped around my finger see ya when I see ya yeah yeah Now I'm hearing around that you been running around I didn't think I'd miss you Now I'm feeling like a fool ooh ohh [Chorus] It hit me like a heart attack when you finally left me girl I thought I'd never want you back But I don't wanna live in a world with without you I don't wanna live in a world with without you [Verse 2] Never really noticed all the little things you did you did Never bought you roses always was around my friends my friends And now I'm hearing around that you been running around I didn't think I'd miss you Now I'm feeling like a fool ooh ohh [Chorus] It hit me like a heart attack when you finally left me girl I thought I'd never want you back But I don't wanna live in a world with without you I don't wanna live in a world with without you [Bridge] Never should have let you slip away Living in a world that's turned to grey Little did I know it hurt so bad Cause It hit me like a heart attack... [Chorus] It hit me like a heart attack when you finally left me girl I thought I'd never want you back But I don't wanna live in a world with without you I don't wanna live in a world with without you No oh [Outro] Now I'm hearing around that you been running around I didn't think I'd miss you Now I'm feeling like a fool ooh ohh ======= [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]06 Let Me Be Your Lover (feat. Pitbull) I'm falling in Love with party,friends and alcohol I'm falling in Love with party,friends and alcohol We falling in Love with party,friends and alcohol That's why I'm falling in Love with you tonight Spent my whole life waiting for a girl like you baby tell me what I got to do We can leave this party, batk to my room You could show me a thing or two Cause I been spending all my money on these pretty girls and alcohol but honey they ain't got a thing on you You shook me once, you shook me twice now take me to your paradise you know theres just one thing left to do let me show you I'm talking about If you let me be your lover I'd do anything for you I could rock you like no other oh oh come on girl get loose Na na na na na na na Show me what that body is all about slow motion for me now (oh yeah) girl you got me going to turn around yeah you know what I talking about Cause I been spending all my money on these pretty girls and alcohol but honey they ain't got a thing on you You shook me once, you shook me twice now take me to your paradise you know theres just one thing left to If you len me be your lover I'd do anything for you I could rock you like no other oh oh come on girl get loose Na na na na na na na I'm the mailman I deliver take her to dinner conversate a little then I split her down the middle like Miam's river I like my women one up one down Kerry Kittles Here's a riddle Whats the opposite of walk ? run Whats the opposite of go ? come That means I hit it, you come fe fi fo fun Tear the club up ! All my sexy ladies that came to lose their minds put you hands up high Tear the club up! Let's drink that bottle and forget what we doing tonight Tear the club up! I ain't trying to be your lover for life just your lover tonight Thats night.... If you let me be your lover I'd do anything for you I could rock you like no other oh oh come on girt get loose Na na na na na na na ====== [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]07 You and I You and I In a field Full of stars We can hide From the world If we want All I need is your hand And your heart Let's be free Run away from it all Just you and I... Here we are Face to face One more time In the light In the dark We will shine There's nobody, we're alone-lone-lone Take all of your worries, let them go, let them go I'll bring you to a place that only we know tonight Just you and I... All I need is your hand And your heart Let's be free Run away from it all Oh, we go higher baby... ======= [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]08 Still Your King I wanna be that guy inside your wildest dreams So when you close your eyes your staring back at me And as the tears fall burning like gasoline I might be all out aces but baby I'm still your king Baby Yeah I might be a little faded and you might just think that I'm just hating but it seem to me that you downgraded I'm just saying Cause I still remember those craty nights Making Love under laser lights Rolling that body all over mine Now I see you with him you must be joking right I wanna be that guy inside your wildest dreams So when you close your eyes your staring back at me And as the tears fall burning like gasoline I might be all out aces but baby I'm still your king Lately I been thinkin about how we got crazy I hate to be the one to say this But I think your boyfriends overrated I'm just saying Cause I still remember those craty nights Making Love under laser lights Rolling that body all over mine Now I see you with him you must be joking right I wanna be that guy inside your wildest dreams So when you close your eyes your staring back at me And as the tears fall burning like gasoline I might be all out aces but baby I'm still your king I'm on one been drinking Wanna show you what I been thinking maybe we should get to leaving cause that bed is still my kingdom and that body's my castle hate to be the one top be the asshole but your boyfriend need to go home cause the king's back give me my throne Cause I still remember those craty nights Making Love under laser lights Rolling that body all over mine Now I see you with him you must be joking right I wanna be that guy inside your wildest dreams So when you close your eyes your staring back at me And as the tears fall burning like gasoline I might be all out aces but baby I'm still your king ======= [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]09 Only a Woman Only a woman can take away your cold hard chill Break your heart and make you Love her still Leave you thirsty when you've had your fill Only a woman can sit you high up on a throne Make you feel so damn alone Leave you begging baby come back home And it's only till she's gone Could you see that you were wrong Cause the seasons change and people come and go But when Love is fate best hold that woman close Take the hard road back and fall down at her door Cause that's your woman That's all I know Only a woman can make you fly so high you wanna touch the sun When your wings melt and you come undone Catches you when you fall, she's the only one That steals your heart just like a thief Makes you lay roses at your feet But you know to kiss the rose, the thorns will make you bleed And it's only till she's gone Could you see that you were wrong Cause the seasons change and people come and go But when Love is fate best hold that woman close Take the hard road back and fall down at her door Cause that's your woman That's all I know You thank God you found her Ya can't live your life without her And every little thing about her is all you need All you need Cause the seasons change and people come and go But when Love is fate best hold that woman close Take the hard road back and fall down at her door Cause that's your woman That's all I know ====== [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]10 Physical (feat. Jennifer Lopez) You wanna dance you wanna move I'm on a mission to just Take you to the moon We like to party we're in the moon So turn it up And let the music Get you loose We're feeling high Gimme that bass Just get them drinks And put yo' hand up In the air You know you want me So make a move Come over here And show me what you're gonna do Tonight we're going all the way You want my lips to kiss the pain away Body to body we can cause a flame We can ignite, ignite, ignite We're gettin'physical, physical, physical oh Physical, physical We're gettin'physical, physical, physical oh Physical, physical You make me fly I'm losing my head Don't let me come down Pump it up until the end The club is bumping Blow up the roof So never mind if we all get a little rude Move to the right Move to the left Now back it up you know just What you gonna get You know you like it I know you do So turn it up and let the beat Just get you loose Tonight we're going all the way You want my lips to kiss the pain away Body to body we can cause a flame We can ignite, ignite, ignite We're gettin'physical, physical, physical oh Physical, physical We're gettin'physical, physical, physical oh Physical, physical You wanna dance You wanna move I'm on a mission to just Take you to the moon ====== [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]11 Turn the Night Up Baby, it's you and me, You see, we can turn the night up And if you feel the way I feel We can turn the night up (gimme some of that) (yeah) (gimme some of that) (gimme some of that) Damn you look so sexy Baby, you impress me I wanna get nasty, ah, nasty Girl you got the bom bom Take a shot, you want one Mama I can change your life (woo) (gimme some of that) The way you do it (woo) You got that something (woo) You got that something (woo) So keep it moving, (woo) You know I Love it (woo) You know I Love it (woo) Baby, it's you and me, You see, we can turn the night up And if you feel the way I feel We can turn the night up (gimme some of that) (yeah) (gimme some of that) Girl, your body's effing You know my intentions, I know you can go all night, go all night I just wanna touch you, Girl just let me touch you I know it's been on your mind Hey! (gimme some of that) The way you do it (woo) You got that something (woo) You got that something (woo) So keep it moving (woo) You know I Love it (woo) You know I Love it (woo) (gimme some of that) One love, one love From Madrid to Miami From Miami to the world Baby, it's you and me, You see, we can turn the night up And if you feel the way I feel We can turn the night up Baby, it's you and me, You see, we can turn the night up (turn it up) And if you feel the way I feel We can turn the night up (gimme some of that) (yeah) (gimme some of that) (gimme some of that) ===== [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]12 Loco (feat. India Martيnez) Te pido the rodillas, luna no te vayas Alumbrale la noche, a ese corazon, desilusionado A veces maltratado No te perdonare, y si me dejas solo Con los sentimientos, que pasan como el viento Lo revuelven todo, y me vuelve loco Loco, por besar tus labios Sin quede nada por dentro de mi diciendotelo todo Y yo, no te perdonare si me dejas por dentro con ese dolor, no te perdonare Si me vuelves loco (si me vuelves loco) Ay ay ay ay ay ay Te pido de rodillas (una y mil perdones) Que al llegar la aurora (no me digas adios) No dejes ir el llanto (de tantas canciones) De una luna rota (como una guitarra) Por tantas promesas (que se van volando) Que me vuelven loco Ay ay ay ay ay Loco, por besar tus labios Sin quede nada por dentro de mi diciendotelo todo Y yo, no te perdonare si me dejas por dentro con ese dolor, no te perdonare Si me vuelves loco [instrumental] Y es que estoy loco por besar tus labios Sin quede nada por dentro de mi diciendotelo todo Y yo, no te perdonare si me dejas por dentro con ese dolor, no te perdonare Si me vuelves loco Te pido de rodillas Luna no te vayas ====== [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]13 Finally Found You (feat. Sammy Adams) You know I'm gon get ya, yeah Whatever it takes to get there No I won't drop you Like everybody else does Forget about your friends they don't care where we go If they do, we'll get lost in a crowd of people I've been looking for you forever baby we go Together baby we go, we go In this crazy world of choices I've only got a few Either you're coming with me, or I'm coming with you Cause I finally found, I finally found you You never have to worry if what I say is true Girl I've been looking for you And when I saw you I knew That I finally found, I finally found you [beat break] I'm coming i'll get ya, yeah We have a connection, that's right This girl I'm not letting go I'm gonna make you feel right, oh yea Forget about your friends they don't care where we go If they do, we'll get lost in a crowd of people I've been looking for you forever baby we go Together baby we go, we go In this crazy world of choices I've only got a few Either you're coming with me, or I'm coming with you Cause I finally found, I finally found you You never have to worry if what I say is true Girl I've been looking for you And when I saw you I knew That I finally found, I finally found you [beat break] I finally found, I finally found you [Sammy Adams] Yeah, can I get love, too much to ask for Really so tough, fight yourself, move away Way to sex in the drums Got my hands full, grabbin' all these girls, girls Hands up, hands up, just flo chilling with ho two cups Can't stop spilling, cause i'm drunk as f-ck And my song comes on, and the club goes nuts Every time the side goes, seems to ya sleep, best that to ya know Running around, and doing all these shows Round the whole globe, I come, and you go girl And you need to think of it Just wrap for the night, baby live a bit With a place to hit, and your pants to see You can make a scene and party, are you into it In this crazy world of choices I've only got a few Either you're coming with me, or I'm coming with you Cause I finally found, I finally found you Finally finally finally found you Finally finally finally found Finally found, I finally found you You know I'm gonna get ya ======= [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]14 I Like How It Feels (feat. Pitbull & The WAV.s) It's my time, It's my life, I can do what I like For the price of a smile, I got a ticket to ride, So I keep living, 'cause it feels right And it's so nice, And I'd do it all again This time, it's forever It gets better, and I, I, I like how it feels I like how it feels, I like how it feels I like how it feels, I like how it feels I like how it feels, So just turn it up, let me go I'm alive, yes you know, never stop Give me more, more, more 'Cause I like how it feels Oh yeah, I like how it feels You know I like how it feels Oh yeah I like how it feels Show me love, make us one, Let's make a beautiful world Take my hand, it's alright 'Cause tonight we can fly So we keep living, 'cause it feels right And it's so nice, and I'd do it all again This time, it's forever It gets better, and I, I, I like how it feels I like how it feels, I like how it feels I like how it feels, I like how it feels I like how it feels, So just turn it up, let me go I'm alive, yes you know, never stop Give me more, more, more 'Cause I like how it feels Oh yeah, I like how it feels You know I like how it feels Oh yeah I like how it feels ======= [color:8e33=rgb(255, 140, 0)]15 El Perdedor (feat. Marco Antonio Solيs) Qué mلs quieres de mي Si el pasado estل a prueba de tu amor Y no tengo el valor De escapar para siempre del dolor Demasiado pedir Que sigamos en esta hipocresيa Cuلnto tiempo mلs podré vivir En la misma mentira No, no vayas presumiendo, no Que me has robado el corazَn Y no me queda nada mلs Si, prefiero ser el perdedor Que te lo ha dado todo Y no me queda nada mلs No me queda mلs... Ya no puedo seguir Resistiendo esa extraٌa sensaciَn Que me hiela la piel Como invierno fuera de estaciَn Tْ mirada y la mيa Ignorلndose en una lejanيa Todo pierde sentido Y es mejor el vacيo que el olvido Yo prefiero dejarte partir Que ser tu prisionero Y no vayas por ahي Diciendo ser la dueٌa de mis sentimientos No, no vayas presumiendo, no Que me has robado el corazَn Y no me queda nada mلs Si, prefiero ser el perdedor Que te lo ha dado todo Y no me queda nada mلs No, no vayas presumiendo, no Que me has robado el corazَn Y no me queda nada mلs Si, prefiero ser un perdedor Que te lo ha dado todo Y no le queda nada mلs No me queda mلs... Qué mلs quieres de mي Si el pasado estل a prueba de tu amor
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