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Walaa El-moataz

  • مجموع الأنشطة

  • تاريخ الانضمام

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كل منشورات العضو Walaa El-moataz

  1. جزاك الله خيرا اه المحاضرات المكتوبة كلها علينا بالاضافة للتطبيق التاسع للدكتورة امانى
  2. اوك يا هند انا حبتدى بالمقال اول محاضرتين مع الترم التانى بس عبد الرحمن فين مظهرش عشان يراجع معانا
  3. جزاك الله الجنة يا جورى على شرحك الجميل وربنا يكرمك يا شخصية انتى اللى زوق وجزاك الله الجنة
  4. كدة يبقى اول خمس محاضرات بس اللى مقررين علينا ان شاء الله والسادسة ملغية
  5. الله يسلمك يا مرمر هى الست دى ربنا مش حيهديها بقى وتشرح حاجة من المنهج
  6. الله يسلمك يا جورى ربنا يخليكى عايزين نشد حيلنا شوية الامتحان قرب اوى
  7. ازيكم يا جماعة الحمد لله النت اتصلح شوفى بقى حنبدأ بأيه وشجعونى الله يخليكم عشان الواحد مطنش شوية
  8. دى اسماء قطع الترجمة 1. Science and Technology 4. Margaret Thatcher 6. The Arab League Summit 10. China Quake Kills Hundreds ..................................................... بالنسبة للعربى اخر حاجة اتشرحت فى العربى المفعول المطلق والمفعول لاجله ودااخر المنهج بالنسبة للجرامر المنهج هو المحاضرات المكتوبة كلها ومفيش حاجة ملغية
  9. جزاك الله كل خير يا بلاك سيتاديل على تعبك ومجهودك ومعلش احنا كلنا اعصابنا مشدودة عشان الترم الملخبط دا انا مش معايا مادة العربى عشان افيدك
  10. الواحد مش عارف يقولك ايه بصراحه جزاك الله الجنة وجعله فى ميزان حسناتك وغفر لك ولوالديك ولاحبائك ........................................................... والدكتورة كانت قالت فى المحاضرات التليفزيونية ان اهم حاجة التكنولوجيا اللى فى كل عصر ولو فى شرح لالات وطريقة استخدامها او شرح لاحداث تاريخية فمش مهم ودا بس عشان نفهم الاحداث اللى حصلت فمثلا المهم اننا نعرف اسماء الالات الحربية والاسلحة لكن شرح استخدامها ملوش لازمة
  11. اهلا بيك ونورت االمنتدى ودا لينك لجروب كلية تجارة عافيس http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=48981638219#!/home.php?sk=group_153018847518 ودا جروب تانى معظم اللى فيه تجارة http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=48981638219#!/home.php?sk=group_151357811590883&ap=1
  12. وشرحت النهاردة prefixes suffixes بس انا مش عارفة هما فى انهى مراجعة وشرحت قطعه عن تنظيم الاسرة لو منزلتش عالفيس ان شاء الله لما ارجع حنزلها هنا .............................................. المقال شرحت المحاضرة السادسة وقالت ان السؤال دا بيجى فى الامتحان بيجيب برجراف واحنا نحدد نوع المقال ايه لو حكاية او وصف وكدة ومجبتش سيرة الامتحان خالص
  13. السلام عليكم المحاضرة اللى فاتت فى الكمبرهنشن 3 الدكتورة شرحت القطعة دى McGaffic College is a large school which not only boasts a beautiful campus, but also is surrounded by charming rural villages. It offers advantages, such as small classes, individual counseling and private dorm rooms, which few schools of its size can match. The college offers degrees in a wide range of liberal arts fields, though no longer in oriental languages, and has a wide-ranging sports program embracing most of the usual collegiate sports, with the exception of football. In contrast to nearby Perkins College, which requires students to live off-campus, McGaffic houses all its all-male student population in dormitories on campus. The college has a distinguished teaching faculty. In addition to its highly-qualified lecturers, the school has at least three artists in residence on campus each year. The college’s strong liberal arts bias underwent a significant shift in the mid-seventies, when it invested in a new science building instead of the new theater which many alumni, including two former state governors, would have preferred. However, the policy change seems to have paid off as all of the science departments, with the sole exceptions of the chemistry department, have had representatives win awards in national science competitions. Given this success, other policy changes might be expected, but the least likely, in the nineties at least, would be for McGaffic to become coed. 1- What is the main topic of the passage? A: The main topic of the passage is the advantages of McGaffic College. 2- According to the passage, what has proved that the college’s decision to build a new science building instead of a new theatre in the mid-seventies was a sound decision? A: The college’s decision to build a new science building instead of a new theatre in the mid-seventies proved to be a sound decision as many students won awards in national science competitions. 3- According to what you have read, is McGaffic a fairly large or small college? A: It is small college. 4- What does the word “it” in paragraph (2) line (3) refer to? A: “It” in paragraph (2) line (3) refers to the college. 5- What does the phrase “the least likely” in paragraph (3) line (1) refer to? A: “The least likely” refers to McGaffic College to become coed. 6- The word “match” in Paragraph (1) line (3) means ……(complete the sentence). A: The word “match” in Paragraph (1) line (3) means go with. 7- The word “bias” in paragraph (2) line (3) means……..( complete the sentence). A: It means partiality.
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