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بدأ Asmaa abdo متابعة اسلاميـــــات المناسبات و الترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد اخبار التعليم المفتوحو 6 اخرين
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قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ amaal1 في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's المناسبات و الترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد
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قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ *maryam في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's ساحة الحوار والنقاش
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
استاذ ابراهيم ميثاق الحريات لهنرى من السى دى اللى الدكتورة نزلتها فى اخرها والماجنا كارتا من ال3 ورقات اللى الدكتورة نزلتها على الصفحة الشخصية لكل طالب وعلى العموم سؤالهم اهو وفى سؤال مهم انك تقارن بين ميثلق الحريا لهنرى والماجنا كارتا لجون ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ الاجابة هى [ltr]( 11 ) Compare between the Charter of liberties of king Henry & The Magna Carta of king John .[/ltr] [ltr]( 1 ) The Charter of liberties of king Henry : [/ltr] [ltr]▪To win the barons, the clergy & the Anglo-Saxons, Henry issued a proclamation, The Charter of Liberties that limited the power of the king with the church leaders and nobles, like over-taxation of the barons, and the widespread of simony (buying church positions) and pluralism (enjoying more than one position) that characterized the rule of his brother King Rufus (William II).[/ltr] [ltr] [/ltr] [ltr]( 2 ) The Magna Carta of king John :[/ltr] [ltr]▪During the reign of king John ( 1199-1216 ) the crown was greatly pressed for money to finance the wars between him and Philip II of France ( he lost ) [/ltr] [ltr]▪The king taxed his barons heavily [/ltr] § When he lost those wars , almost all his French territories in 1204 and got involved in conflict with the church the barons combined with the church lords in 1215 to make him sign a charter , The Magna Carta § It's a charter of freedoms that set out the rights of the monarch's ( free ) subjects the tyranny of the king . § It established a council of 25 barons to ensure that those rights were upheld . § It's mainly nobles members were nominated by the king but the country gentry and merchants were also represented ( House of Lords & Commons ) . § The monarch had to consult the council before taxes could be raised . § The general sections of Magna Carta are still valid § English law : the council can be seen as a precursor of parliamen -
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
[ltr]( 1 ) Write about the Stonehenge people , their houses and the purposes of the Stonehenge?[/ltr] [ltr] ومنازلهم و ما هي الأغراض التي أستخدمت فيه أكتب عن شعب[/ltr] [ltr]▪ They were excellent astronomers , Had extraordinary engineering skills, Enjoyed a complex social organization , Agriculture and domestication of animals allowed for settlements , Many tribes lived individually and some gathered into small villages , The idea of community started to take shape then.▪Houses built were fairly advanced, They were made of stone, wood and whalebone.▪TheStonehengefunctioned as :Observatories: observing the night sky to determine the right time form cultivations: sowing and harvesting, Meeting places for trading of goods (market place), Defensive structures for protection[/ltr] [ltr]( 2 ) What was the knowledge did the Celts give to Britain ?[/ltr] ما هي المعرفة التي أعطاها الــCelts لبريطانيا ؟ ▪They were mainly farmers and hunters clans so they brought their hunting methods and farmingskills.▪Trade of Tin and Gold increased ▪They had a tightly knit family units with a chieftain-ruler.▪ They introduced iron work, soap, pottery wheels and horse shoes .▪They had druids, or priests who presided over religious ceremoniesThe duty of the druids was topeserve the people’s myths about the past. ▪The Celts had runes for inscriptions on statues and buildings, but most could not read [ltr]( 3 ) What was the main reason of the Roman failure in the first and the second expedition to Britain?ما هي الأسباب الرئيسية في فشل الحملة الأولي و الثانية للرومان علي بريطانيا ؟[/ltr] [ltr]▪The first expedition :The initial landing force had no cavalry , Bad weather and storm drove the roman cavalry and horses shipsback to France , The mobility of the operation was restricted▪The second expedition :Mounting problems back in Gaul and drove the Roman legions to leave Britain .[/ltr] [ltr]( 4 ) Decribe the Roman Conquest of Britain and the Roman contributions to life in Britain ?[/ltr] تكلم عن الغزو الرواني لبريطاني و ما هي الإسهامات التي قام بها الرومان في بريطانيا ؟ The Roman conquest : § Again, troops move from Boulogne § It was May 43 AD § Four legions + about 20,000 auxiliary troops § Land on the Kent coast § Defeat the Britons after a series of Skirmishes § Reinforcements arrive later with Emperor Claudius (including elephants) § Claudius accepted the surender of 11 tribal kings § AuliusPlautius is appointed first Governor of Britain The Roman contributions : [ltr]▪Constructing a system of military roads marked every 10.000 miles ▪Founded londonium▪Built a crossing over the Thames▪They built towns and cities ▪ Developed trade▪Introduced Christianity▪Introduced advanced farming tools , shops , theatres , cities , drains , fast food , glass , wine , fire pumps , olive oil and fish sauce .[/ltr] [ltr]( 5) Who were the Anglo- Saxons , The jutes and the Frisians??من هم الانجلو ساكسون و الجوتس و الفريزيان ؟[/ltr] [ltr]After the departure of the Romans around AD 410, tribes of fierce warriors began to invade the disorganized country, making their way from Europe over to Briton’s land :[/ltr] The Anglo-Saxons : came from German regions of Angeln& SaxonyThe Jutes and the Frisians :came from Coastal Denmark-Germany-Netherland ( 6 ) What makes the angles and Saxons ( Anglo-Saxons ) significant in the historyof England?ما الذي جعل الأنجلو ساكسون مميزين عن غيرهم في تاريخ بريطانيا ؟ ▪ The Anglo-Saxons settlers were effectively their own masters.▪They brought their own culture with them and did little to keep the legacy of the Romansalive.▪In their original homelands, they were untouched by the Romans. So, in England theyresumed theirold pattern of life.( 7 ) Write about the Britain's political landscape and the changes it underwent during the Anglo – Saxon Rule أكتب عن الشكل السياسي والتغيرات السياسية التي مر بها حكم الأنجلو ساكسون [ltr]▪The early settlers of Anglo-Saxons kept to small tribal groups ,These groups formed kingdoms and sub-kingdoms , a king is elected by a council of elders, the Witan .▪The king :elected by a council of elders, the Witan , The Barons: served the king and were granted positions as a reward for their services , The Earls : or warriors, or war lords, held a special position under the kings, whose crown depended on military force.The freemen :or free people held the land in common, and worked in commerce.Churls or serfs :bonded servants worked in the land in return for protection . Thralls: prisoners of war were enslaved. [/ltr] [ltr] [/ltr] [ltr](8 ) Write about the conflict over the throne after the death of king Edward the confessor ? أكتب عن الصراع على العرش بعد وفاة الملك إدوارد ▪when king Edward the confessor died in 1066, and with no son to take over the throne, three people claimed to be rightful heirs to the throne of England : ( 1 )William, Duke of Normandy( 2 )Harold Godwinson, the powerful Earl of Wessex( 3 )The Viking King Harald III of Norway, known as HaraldHardraada.▪Edward had supposedly willed the kingdom to William of Normandy (his French relative), but he also seemed to have favoured Harold Godwinson as his successor[/ltr] [ltr]( 9 ) How did the battle of Hastings go and write about the Bayeux tapestry??Hastingsأكتب عن معركة , Bayeux tapestry أكتب عن[/ltr] [ltr]▪In 1066 William set sail across the English Channel with a big fleetincludes Archers , Knights and Cavalry▪Harold Waits with an army in Sussex .▪Harold is Forced to march the army north to face the invasion of Harold Hardrada▪Harold Rushes back south to meet William at Hastings▪Both armies were quite well matched numerically (in numbers)But William had the advantage in terms of cavalry and William’s army was also fresh .▪The English lost the battle, Harold and the best of his men lay dead on the hill-top▪The battle was recorded by the skillful weavers of England in the famous Bayeux tapestry70m(10 ) What did the French ( Normans ) add to the English and the system of government ?ماذا أضاف الفرنسين ( النورمانز ) إلى إنجلترا و إلى نظام الحكم ؟[/ltr] [ltr]( 1 ) The System of Government: the Feudal System :▪William organized the government of England on the feudal system that had been so successful in Normandy .▪It was based on ownership of land ,William took the land away from its English owners and divided it among his Norman lords .▪The Feudal System during the Norman Period:Everybody serves the king( 2 ) The Domesday Book: ( First National Archive )▪Within twenty years of the conquest, William’s officials conducted an inquiry/survey into the wealth of the country in order to have an accurate basis for tax assessment. ( 3 ) Central Administration :▪He imposed a unified legal system, the common law. Everyone answers to the law.▪He devised the tax collectors, the shire reeves (sheriffs) who were checked and, if found to be corrupt, sacked.[/ltr] [ltr] [/ltr] [ltr]( 11 ) Compare between the Charter of liberties of king Henry & The Magna Carta of king John .[/ltr] [ltr]( 1 ) The Charter of liberties of king Henry : [/ltr] [ltr]▪To win the barons, the clergy & the Anglo-Saxons, Henry issued a proclamation, The Charter of Liberties that limited the power of the king with the church leaders and nobles, like over-taxation of the barons, and the widespread of simony (buying church positions) and pluralism (enjoying more than one position) that characterized the rule of his brother King Rufus (William II).[/ltr] [ltr] [/ltr] [ltr]( 2 ) The Magna Carta of king John :[/ltr] [ltr]▪During the reign of king John ( 1199-1216 ) the crown was greatly pressed for money to finance the wars between him and Philip II of France ( he lost ) [/ltr] [ltr]▪The king taxed his barons heavily [/ltr] § When he lost those wars , almost all his French territories in 1204 and got involved in conflict with the church the barons combined with the church lords in 1215 to make him sign a charter , The Magna Carta § It's a charter of freedoms that set out the rights of the monarch's ( free ) subjects the tyranny of the king . § It established a council of 25 barons to ensure that those rights were upheld . § It's mainly nobles members were nominated by the king but the country gentry and merchants were also represented ( House of Lords & Commons ) . § The monarch had to consult the council before taxes could be raised . § The general sections of Magna Carta are still valid § English law : the council can be seen as a precursor of parliament ( 12 ) How did the English language come to it's position as a spken language in England after the French language ? كيف أستعادت اللغة الإنجليزية مكانتها كلغة المتكلم بها في انجلترا بعد اللغة الفرنسية [ltr]· let’s remember that the English language moved to a humble estate as the vernacular of a conquered people [/ltr] [ltr]· French was the LANGUAGE of the court, the nobility, the towns and the advancement.[/ltr] [ltr]· The war with France was a significant factor in its slow climb back to ascendancy as the national tongue. Why?[/ltr] [ltr]· French became the language of England’s enemy [/ltr] [ltr]· Devotion of England and its ancient vernacular had developed such strength that the great and energetic Edward (1239-1307) was able to rally the support of parliament in 1295 for the war against France by declaring that it was Philip’s [/ltr] [ltr]· Detestable purpose , which god forbid , to wipe out the English tongue [/ltr] ( 13 ) Write about the Hundred year's war ? أكتب عن حرب المائة عام . [ltr]· The English and the French entered into the hundred years’ war (1337-1453)[/ltr] [ltr]· with the end of the line in the capetian’s house or Royal dynasty ,two Royal houses in England (the house of valois and Plantagenet – both had French roots or blood, going back to William the conqueror were greedy for the territories of France which they lost during king John’s rule [/ltr] [ltr]· These long expensive and finally unsuccessful wars completed the transformation of feudal society [/ltr] [ltr]· New military tactics and tools had to be invented to win the many battles of these wars [/ltr] [ltr]· professional armies were needed for such long campaigns [/ltr] [ltr]· so ?common people started taking up to fight for their country [/ltr] [ltr]· England was no longer represented by the armor clad knight but by the green clad yeoman [/ltr] [ltr]· The knights were made obsolete through the invention of the longbow ; an ordinary foot soldier could now pierce their armour[/ltr] [ltr]· The so –called cannot de defeated strong castles of the great nobles lost their defensive function with the invention of gunpowder and canons [/ltr] ثانياً : أسئلة أخري متنوعة ( 1 ) What is the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle ? ما هو سجل تاريخ الأنجلو ساكسون ؟ § It is a year-by-year account of all the major events of the time of the Anglo-Saxons: § The Important battles of the period § The rise and fall of bishops, and kings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ( 2 ) What do you know about king Edward the Confessor ? أكتب ما تعرفه عن الملك إدوارد ؟ § Edward was an Anglo-Saxon king with Norman (French) relatives. § Edward was a good king, his reign was characterized by stability and peace. § He was wise and was able to bring together his powerful earls who were greedy not only for power, but also for the thrown. § The most powerful of those was Harold Godwinson of Wessex, brother of Edward’s wife. § Edward’s marriage was childless and his throne (because of his mixed Norman and Anglo-Saxon blood) was to be claimed by many parties after his death. [ltr] [/ltr] ( 3 ) What do you know about king William II ( William Rufus ) ? أكتب ما تعرفه عن الملك ويليام الثاني ؟ § Rufus was an ugly and evil character who scorned religion and took delight in cruelty. § When Rufus was shot dead while hunting in the New Forest, no one was sorry. [ltr] [/ltr] [ltr]( 4 ) When did the roman rule came to an end ?[/ltr] [ltr]متي وصل حكم الرومان في بريطانيا إلي نهايته ؟ [/ltr] § About 410 A.D When the Roman Empire began to come under attack from migrating Asian tribes, Gothic and Alaric … the English colony was abandoned. [ltr] [/ltr] -
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
[ltr]The Middle Ages (1216-1347) and the Emergence of English Self-identity[/ltr] [ltr]The birth of parliament and the rise of the middle classes; (2) the end of the feudal system; (3) the restoration of the English language as the national tongue[/ltr] [ltr]The Birth of Parliament[/ltr] [ltr]Ò During the reign of King John (1199-1216), the crown – that is, the king - was greatly pressed for money to finance the wars between him and Phillip II of France [/ltr] [ltr]Ò The King taxed his barons heavily. [/ltr] [ltr]Ò The wars were not successful. King John lost almost all his French territories in 1204. As a result, he got involved in conflict with the church and his barons[/ltr] [ltr]Ò The barons combined with the church lords in 1215 sought to limit the powers of the King and united to make him sign a charter, the Magna Carta (the great charter). Remember that King Henry issued a Charter of Liberties (1100) that also limited his powers. But King Henry did that voluntarily, to win his Anglo-Saxon barons and church in order to help him unite England and Normandy and defeating his brother, Robert of Normandy in 1106[/ltr] [ltr]Ò It is a "charter of freedoms" that established the rights of the "free" subjects of the monarch (that is, the king) against his tyranny.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò The charter established a council of 25 barons. The council's main objective was to ensure that those rights were upheld. [/ltr] [ltr]Ò The 25 members who were nominated for the council also included country gentry and merchants. Those represented the common people. This was the beginning of what we now know as the House of Lords & the house of Commons [/ltr] [ltr]Ò The monarch had to consult the council before taxes could be raised.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò The general sections of Magna Carta are still valid English law.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò The council ; the council can be seen as a precursor of parliament [/ltr] [ltr]The Hundred Years’ War[/ltr] [ltr]Ò The English and the French entered into a long war that was called the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) [/ltr] [ltr]Ò With the end of the line in the Capetian’s House or Royal dynasty, two Royal Houses in England (the house of Valois and Plantagenet - both had French roots or blood, going back to William the Conqueror) were greedy for the territories of France which they lost during King John’s rule[/ltr] [ltr]Ò These long, expensive and finally unsuccessful wars completed the transformation of feudal society.[/ltr] [ltr]How?[/ltr] [ltr] New military tactics and tools had to be invented to win the many battles of this war:[/ltr] [ltr]Ò Professional armies were needed for such long campaigns. [/ltr] [ltr]Ò So? Common people started taking up to fight for their country.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò England was no longer represented by the armor clad (= dressed) knight but by the green clad yeoman [/ltr] [ltr]Ò The knights were made obsolete through the invention of the longbow: an ordinary Foot-soldier could now pierce their armour with their sharp arrows.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò The so-called “cannot be defeated” strong castles of the great nobles lost their defensive function with the invention of gunpowder and canons.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò Let’s remember that the English language moved to a humble estate as the vernacular of a conquered people.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò French was the language of the court, the nobility, the towns … and advancement. [/ltr] [ltr]Ò The war with France was a significant factor in its slow climb back to ascendancy as the national tongue. Why?[/ltr] [ltr]Ò French became the language of England's enemy.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò Devotion to England and its ancient vernacular had developed such strength that the great and energetic Edward I (1239-1307) was able to rally the support of Parliament in 1295 for the war against France by declaring that it was French king Philip's "detestable purpose, which God forbid, was to wipe out the English tongue."[/ltr] [ltr]The Black Death[/ltr] [ltr]Ò Another factor which hastened the transformation of society was the catastrophic epidemic which hit Britain 1348-49 . [/ltr] [ltr]Ò Bubonic plague came to Europe from Asia along the new trade routes killing probably over a third of the population within a few years. [/ltr] [ltr]Ò This created a huge labour shortage, which made it possible for many serfs to obtain their freedom while landlords were competing for workers.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò The population of England was cut by almost half, causing serious labor shortages. [/ltr] [ltr]Ò As a consequence, the importance of the working classes, of artisans and craftsmen, was greatly enhanced[/ltr] [ltr]Ò Wages increased and the resultant ascendancy of the yeoman in the country and the bourgeois in the town; both of whom only spoke English, strengthened the use of the native tongue against the French.[/ltr] [ltr]Ò Faced with a lack of academicians who are skillful in French and Latin, many schools resorted to English as a common medium of instruction. [/ltr] [ltr]Ò By 1385, the practice became general, and even universities and monastic institutions started to conduct their curricula, or academic courses, in English.[/ltr] -
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
وفى سؤال مهم انك تقارن بين ميثلق الحريا لهنرى والماجنا كارتا لجون ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ الاجابة هى [ltr]( 11 ) Compare between the Charter of liberties of king Henry & The Magna Carta of king John .[/ltr] [ltr]( 1 ) The Charter of liberties of king Henry : [/ltr] [ltr]▪To win the barons, the clergy & the Anglo-Saxons, Henry issued a proclamation, The Charter of Liberties that limited the power of the king with the church leaders and nobles, like over-taxation of the barons, and the widespread of simony (buying church positions) and pluralism (enjoying more than one position) that characterized the rule of his brother King Rufus (William II).[/ltr] [ltr] [/ltr] [ltr]( 2 ) The Magna Carta of king John :[/ltr] [ltr]▪During the reign of king John ( 1199-1216 ) the crown was greatly pressed for money to finance the wars between him and Philip II of France ( he lost ) [/ltr] [ltr]▪The king taxed his barons heavily [/ltr] § When he lost those wars , almost all his French territories in 1204 and got involved in conflict with the church the barons combined with the church lords in 1215 to make him sign a charter , The Magna Carta § It's a charter of freedoms that set out the rights of the monarch's ( free ) subjects the tyranny of the king . § It established a council of 25 barons to ensure that those rights were upheld . § It's mainly nobles members were nominated by the king but the country gentry and merchants were also represented ( House of Lords & Commons ) . § The monarch had to consult the council before taxes could be raised . § The general sections of Magna Carta are still valid § English law : the council can be seen as a precursor of parliament -
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
The emergence of English self –identity The middle ages (1216-1347) William successors: king john During the reign of king john (1199- 1216). The crown was greatly pressed for money to finance the wars between him and Phillip II of France (he lost) * The king taxed his barons heavily. *When he lost those wars, almost all his French territories in 1204, and got involved in conflict with the church, the barons combined with the church lords 1215 to make him sign a charter, The Magna Carta 2 · it is a charter of freedoms that set out the rights of the monarch’s (free)subjects against the tyranny of the king · it established a council of 25 barons to ensure that those rights were upheld · its mainly noble members were nominated by the king but the country gentry and merchants were also represented (house of lords &commons) · the monarch had to consult the council before taxes could be raised · the general sections of Magna Carta are still valid English law ; the council can be seen as a precursor of parliament THE HUNDRED YEARA’WAR · the English and the French entered into the hundred years’ war (1337-1453) · with the end of the line in the capetian’s house or Royal dynasty ,two Royal houses in England (the house of valois and Plantagenet – both had French roots or blood, going back to William the conqueror were greedy for the territories of France which they lost during king John’s rule · these long expensive and finally unsuccessful wars completed the transformation of feudal society New military tactics and tools had to be invented to win the many battles of these wars · professional armies were needed for such long campaigns · so ?common people started taking up to fight for their country · England was no longer represented by the armor clad knight but by the green clad yeoman · The knights were made obsolete through the invention of the longbow ; an ordinary foot soldier could now pierce their armour · The so –called cannot be defeated strong castles of the great nobles lost their defensive function with the invention of gunpowder and canons ANOTHER IMPORTANT CHANGE LANGUAGE · let’s remember that the English language moved to a humble estate as the vernacular of a conquered people · French was the LANGUAGE of the court, the nobility, the towns and the advancement. · The war with France was a significant factor in its slow climb back to ascendancy as the national tongue. Why? · French became the language of England’s enemy · Devotion of England and its ancient vernacular had developed such strength that the great and energetic Edward (1239-1307) was able to rally the support of parliament in 1295 for the war against france by declaring that it was Philip’s · Detestable purpose , which god forbid , to wipe out the English tongue -
حلقة دراسية ترم أول آداب E دور يوليو 2013
قام Asmaa abdo بالرد على موضوع لـ ATOMIX في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه