مجموع الأنشطة
21 -
تاريخ الانضمام
آخر نشاط
المشاركات كُتبت بواسطة Nevey
الامتحان تأجل ...
ممكن رفع ال 11 ورقة مما وزعت د/ نهى محمود حلمى COMPREHENSION
Hello; can you lease upload the Grammar Lectures???
عطر الجنة كتب:laura hadeth كتب:قطعة انسين what does that mean?
يعنى قطعة من برة المنهج احنا مشوفنهاش ولا اشتغلنا فيها
You mean Unseen??? -
I wonder who has the papers that the professors gave us?? I want a copy; please?
I am unable to attend ( the lectures) due to work problems -
This is unfair; my internet is not as fast as every one (USB) and the doctor forces us to download more things; I am unable to get all of this :/ -
Hello every one.
I am very stressed and it's my first term.
I am bloody lost; whether to study from the CDs , the books, the lecture or from where?
Please don't link me to another topic; I need short answers before .
About the Culture why the book is not enought? -
*maryam كتب:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ورق امتحانات ترم اول لمادة : الترجمة و المادة الثقافية و القراءة والفهم اخر امتحان بتاريخ 7 / 2012
انا بشكر Emy Salem زميلتكم في ترم أول لانها هي اللي صورتهم سكانر وبعتتهم لي عشان ارفعهم على المنتدى جزاها الله خيرا شكرا يا إيمي
وان شاء الله ورق امتحان النحو منتظراها تبعتهولي وبالنسبة للجرامر دبسوه في ورق الاجابة ولم نأخذه مثل باقي المواد للأسف
تحميل الملف من هذا اللينك
The download is not working; can you please use another file host? -
elbanna23 كتب:Dear Colleagues: Why we don't write English ?
I Think it will be the best way to be a fantastic Translators.
please Let us Start...I do strongly agree with that -
™ DeTa ™ كتب:Welcome :
raafat sadek - Nevey - Miro_Potta
Nice to meet you all
That's. Any one know when will be the lectures? -
I would love to be part this circle
Thanks for sharing this; it's my favorite type of stories... -
™ DeTa ™ كتب:Usually he asking you about your self ``
or why you came to study here ? ``
or about some things of reality that we live in .... Etc
Thanks so much ) -
P.S. Any one know what can be the questions for the interview??? -
shosho88 كتب:انا نجحت
Congratulations -
Thanks so much. -
shosho88 كتب:السؤال الاول اكتب 5 سطور عن شخصه مهمه اثرت في حياتك
السؤال التاني ترجم الي العربيه
my worst vacation was last year.i want to chicago to visit a friend.we hed aplan to visit ameny Places,but in firts day i Fell and broke my leg.my friend celled an ambulance. i sped my vacation reast in hospital.
It was about an important character in your life. -
I think Publish is more about passion for books and getting them into life so it is different and Have no idea which to pick but as more Publishing is better for me.
حلقة دراسية ترم ثاني آداب E دور يوليو 2013 ( الجزء الثانى )
في أرشيف قسم الترجمه
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