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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله اخوانى الاعزاء ده شكل الامتحان زى الدكتوره ما قالت فى اخر محاضره

الامتحان عباره عن ثلاثه اسئله
السؤال الاول عباره عن ثلاث فقرات a & b & c
هيكون عباره عن اكمل الكلمات الناقصه
هيكون فيه كلمه او كلمتين ناقصين وفى الغالب هتكون مبنيه عليهم الجمله هيكون ا & ب فى السؤال الاول من التطبيق الاول والثانى اللى هما الاكثر صعوبه على حد قولها والسؤال ج هيكون من التطبيق الثالث والرابع

اما السؤال الثانى هيكون تعريفات ومكون ايضا من ثلاثه اسئله
السؤال أ من السؤال التانى هيكون تعريف من التطبيق الاول والثانى اللى هما اكثر صعوبه على حد قولها
السؤال ب & ج هيكونوا من التطبيق الثالث والرابع اللى هما اسهل نوعا ما

السؤال الثالث قطعه ترجمه
بتكون متوسطه الصعوبه وكمان ممكن تكون EARLY ENGLISH OR MODERN ENGLISH

ومفيش شخصيات
وان شاء الله هرفع الاسئله بتاع السؤال التانى ودى تعريفات الموجوده فى التطبيقات على شكل اسئله ودى اجابه اسئله التطبيقات وبعدهم مذكره خارجيه تباع بجوار الجامعه ممكن تفيد احد لانها مبسطه الامور شويه وبالتوفيق

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1- Identity the importance of poetry in literature ?

- Generally said to be one of the three or four major literary genres, a term defined and described is so many ways that there are as many ways to characterize it as there are people.

2- State the impact of the use of metaphors in poetry ?

- Poetry tends to more concrete, replete with specific and detailed images

يعتبر الشعر بجميع المقاييس شيئاً قويا لأنه ملئ بالصور الخياليه القويه.

- The essence of poetry mean that poets commonly make use of figurative language and symbolism.

يكمن جوهر الشعر فى ان الشعراء يستخدمون لغه مجازيه ورمزيه.

3- Define the term " poetry" ?

- It defined in so many ways – poetry is contrasted with prose that which everyone agrees

يصرف الشعر بطرق كثيره ويعتبر عكس النثر وذلك ما اجمع عليه الجميع

- Poetry is subset of verse but it is distinguished by virtue of its imaginative, intricate, structure, serious or lofty subject or noble purpose

يتكون الشعر من مجموعه من الأبيات ولكنه يتميز بالصوره الخياليه وبنائه المعقد وموضوعه الجاد وهدفه النبيل.

4- The definition of poetry is variable Elaborate ?

- Today poetry is seen as a highly individualities endeavor as it deems so intensely personal.

يعتبر الشعر وسيله راقيه للتجربه الشخصيه

- No subject is off-limits to the poet.

لا يوجد موضوع غير مسموح للشعر بالتحدث به

- Poetry is the one literary area in which anything goes as long as the poets emotions have been are used

الشعر هو المنطقه التى يمكن التحدث عنها فى كل شيئ طالما اوقظت مشار واحاسيس الشاعر.

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Verse :-

1- Although " verse" is used as a synonym for " poetry " there is a great difference between them. Discuss.

- Is a lower form of expression then poetry. Where as poetry is characterized by imagination, a less obvious structure, and a lofty purpose.

طريقة التعبيى أقل من الشعر ولكن الشعر به خيال وهدف اسمى وبنائه واضح.

Drama :-

1- Define, briefly, the term, drama ?

- Generally, a literary work written in dialogue to be performed before an audience by actors on a stage.

- Essential to all forms of drama are a story, action, that develops the story, and actors who impersonate the characters.

- The term drama identifies anything from tragedy to melodrama from high comedy to farce

- Drama had it's origins in religious ceremonies. Greek comedy evolved from Dionysian fertility rites, Greek tragedy from rites concerned with life and death. Medieval drama evolved from rites commemorating the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

1- When was prose dialogue introduced ?

- Prose dialogue was introduced in the sixteenth century.

2- When was prose dominant ?

- By the eighteenth century prose had become dominant

3- The basic clement of drama have remained unchanged clarify ?

- The basic elements of drama have remained essentially unchanged.

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1- Define, briefly the term " play " ?

- A story, in verse or prose that is generally intended to be performed on stage by actors who deliver the dialogue, perform the action, and follow the stage direction written by the author.


1- What is the difference between prose and poetry ?

- While poetry is presented in lines of arbitrary length, often arranged in tightly structured stanza patterns, prose appears in a more or less continuous flow interrupted only occasionally by paragraph divisions.

2- What is prose characterized by ?

- Prose characterized by the sort of plain, straight forward statement found in everyday speech. It is the language of essays, short stories and the novels.


1- Define the term " novel " ?

- A lengthy fictional prose narrative. The novel is distinguished from the novella, a shorter fictional prose work that ranges from roughly fifty to one hundred pages in length from which many scholars have argued the novel developed.

2- What is the main concern of the novel ?
Usually the novel is concerned with the depiction of middle class and working class characters ( rather than legendary heroes ) engaged in such ordinary pursuits as falling in love getting married, traveling making money, contending with their environment, with other characters

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- or with their own limitations and struggling for advancement in their society or profession.

1- What is the impression the novelist tries to deliver through his novel ?

- The author while obviously inventing people and situations attempts to give the impression that he cr she is reporting the facts as they occurred.

2- The novel lacks neat and tidy classification Explain ?

- Because of tremendous variety in type, form, and subject matter, the novel resists neat and tidy classification.

3- Trace the emergence of the novel ?

- The roots of the novel reach back into classical literature and can be found later in such forms as the epic, the Italian novella, the picaresque tale and the medieval and French romances. The English novel did not emerge as clearly recognizable genre.

4- When did the English novel emerge as a literary genre?

- The English novel did not emerge as clearly recognizable genre until the eighteenth century.

5- Mention the first fully realized novel by the critics ?

- Many critics and literary historians credit ( Samuel Richard son's Pamela 1740 ) with being the first work that can be called a fully realized novel.

6- Mention two eighteenth century writers who contributed to the development of the novel ?

- Other eighteenth century writers important to development of the novel are ( Daniel Defoe – Moll Flanders ), ( Henry Fielding – Tom Jones ), ( Tobias Smollett – Roderick Random ), ( Laurence Sterna – Tristram Shandy ) ( Fanny Burney – Evelina ) and Ann Radcliff the mysteries of wdolpho.

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1- What is the first tuly American novel ?

- The first truly American novel, the power of sympathy by William Hill Brown, did not appear until 1789.

2- Who is the first important American novelist who wrote in the gothic tradition ?

- Charles Brock den Brown considered to be the first important American novelist who wrote in the gothic tradition.

11- By whom was the scarlet letter written ?

- Nathaniel Hawthorne's scarlet letter appeared in 1850.

12- Explain, briefly, the significance of the novel ever since it's emergence ?

- It's mode of life, political and social philosophies triumphs and failures fads and fashions, fears and aspiration mirrored in the novels of the time. Today the novel remains the most popular and most widely read form of the literature.

Short Story

1- Define, the term ( short story ), briefly ?

- A fictional narrative in prose, ranging in length from about 500 words to about 15000 words, limited to a very few characters, a single settinrrative in prose, ranging in length from about 500 words to about 15000 words, limited to a very few characters,g and single incident.

2- Sate edger Allan Poe’s description of the short story ?

- A short prose narrative, requiring from a half-hour to one or two hour in its perusal.

3- The short story has a unity of effect, tone, mood and impression explain ?

The short story has as its chief quality a consciously crafted unity of ( effect, tone, mood and impression ). Like the much longer novel, the short story may be tragic,

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- comic, or satiric. It may represent a work of realism, naturalism or fantasy.

1- There are similarities between the novel and short story ?

- The novel and the short story share most of the same elements and techniques of fiction.

2- State the difference between the short story and the novel ?

- The short story reveals character usually and by means of a single central and representative incident where as the novel traces the development of character through a series of incidents stretching over a span of time.

3- Where did the novel emerge ?

- Short prose narrative come to us from the Greeks and the Romans the Chinese and Japanese, the Hindus, the Hebrews and the Arabs.

4- What are the forms story telling took during the renaissance ?

- Story telling took the forms of beast fables, exempla, folktales and chivalric romances.

5- When did the short story emerge in a literary genre ?

- Until the nineteenth century that the modern short story emerged as a distinct genre.

6- How did the short story change in the 20th c ?

- The form has been greatly varied, refined and extended by such modern as o. Henry Katherine.

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1- Poetry is super to verse. Explain ?

- Poetry is a superior to verse, from which it distinguished land to which it is superior by virtue of its imaginative quality intricate structure serious or lofty subject matter or noble purpose.

2- Poetry is characterized as fiction, and therefore, any imaginative artistic work might be called poetic, Elaborate ?

- This distinction, however has proved more problematic because some poets and literary historians have characterized poetry as fiction as that which is not essentially tied to fact, to history. Seen from this angle any imaginative artistic work might be called poetic.

3- The aim of poetry is differently identified among the schools of thought. Mention these views ?

- Some see a didactic purpose in poetry, an aim to instruct. Some argue that poetry’s chief goal is to provide pleasure to the reader. Others argue that poetry provides a special even unique insight not possible in prose.

4- What was the role of poetry over since it’s emergence ?

- It played a major role in religious and other ceremonial events. It also helped to preserve a tribe’s or group’s history and its traditions this information was often passed orally from generation a process that continues in some groups even today.

5- No subjects is off-limits to the poet. Clarify ?

- Poetry is seen as a highly individualistic endeavor, perhaps no other form of expression is deemed so intensely personal, and therefore unique. No subject is off-limits to the poet.

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1- Although poetry can be approached intellectually it is equally an emotional experience Explain ?

- One might even say that poetry is meant to be experienced rather than simply read. Poetry is rich with a suggestiveness born from the interplay of words and sound.

2- Why is rhyme a common device in poetry ?

- Rhyme is a common device, perhaps because it is a chief contributor to establishing rhythm.

- When used unskillfully, however rhyme can detract from poetry since it can easily sound singsong or contrived.

3- When did poetry dispense with thyme ?

- Much twentieth century poetry has dispensed with rhyme.

4- What is meant by the “ poetic diction “ ?

- The care with which poets choose their words also distinguishes poetry from prose. This is not to say that authors writing in prose choose their words carelessly.

- The brevity of poetry affords it a particular intensity. Elaborate prose authors can afford to be more discursive than poets since prose works are typically much longer than poems. Since poets must be more economical, each word in a poem tends to be packed with meaning


1- What is the correct and incorrect definition of verse ?

- Verse is an individual line of poetry. A technically incorrect some critics make a distinction between poetry and verse, mating that all poetry is verse, but that not all verse is poetry.

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1- All poetry is verse, but that not all verse poetry. Explain ?

- Verse ia a lower form of expression than poetry verse they suggest is notable mainly for its rhythmic and metrical form, whereas poetry is characterized by imagination.

2- Some scholars believe that verse, as a term, is more inclusive than poetry. Clarify ?

- Other scholars distinguish between verse and poetry in a less loaded manner simply stating that verse is the more inclusive term, covering forms ( such a light verse ) that are typically not classified as poetry.


1- What is the origin of drama ?

- A serious literary work usually intended for performance before an audience.

2- How did drama develop during the renaissance ?

- The term drama originally encompassed all works, whether prose or verse, written to be performed theatrically. Beginning with mid-eighteenth century French productions of plays by Diderot however, the term come to be applied specifically to serious ( as apposed to comic ) plays which, whether they end happily or unhappily

3- What are the two major divisions of drama ?

- Although and comedy are still often defined as the two major divisions of drama.

4- Some movies are classified in the drama section of video stories clarify ?

- The term drama to be applied to a wide range of serious works. Thus the movies an officer and a Gentleman (1982) dances with wolves ( 1990 ) are typically classified in the drama section of video stores.

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Play ( Drama )

1- Define the term “ play “, briefly ?

- A story in verse or prose, that is generally intended to performed onstage ( in a theater in the presence of an audience ) by actors who deliver the dialogue, perform the action and follow the stage directions written by the author.


1- How does the work of prose become more artful ?

- The more “ artful “ or “ literary “ the work of prose the more it tends to employ what would be considered poetic devices such as a certain mode of rhythm, imagery and sonority.

2- Poets innovate and writers imitate. Explain ?

- Poets tend to innovate, prose writers by contrast, tend to limitate, making belated use of use of those poetic innovations that can be adapted to the prose environment.


1- What is a “ novella “ ?

- A shorter fictional prose work that ranges from roughly fifty to one hundred pages in length, from which many scholars have argued the novel developed.

2- What are the advantages of the lengthy novel ?

- Permits authors to develop one or more characters and establish their motivation, as well as to construct intricate plots, some authors and critics mountain that its possible to write a nonfiction or documentary.

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1- Where did the novel first appear on the literary scene ?

- Some bestow this distinction on shikibu murasaki a Japanese court lady, for her tale of Genji ( C. 1000 R.D ).

2- Who was the first English woman to support herself as a writer ?

- Alphra Dehn, the first English woman to support herself as a writer.

3- What the significance of Don Quixote in literature ?

- The ( Don Quixote ) qualifies as a close ancestor of the first novel. Certainly it was the most famous and influential of the picaresque.

4- What are picaresque narrative characterized by ?

- Picaresque narratives can be seen as a framed set of tales episodic in structure they recount a series of events linked by the presence of a single usually roguish, protagonist or main character.

5- Don Quixote played a major a role in the development of the realistic novel. Explain ?

- By debunking the idealized form of the romance and by legitimizing a fairly systematic examination of a specific theme or problem.

6- What do medieval romances and written during the renaissance share ?

- Medieval romances (sometimes called chivalric romances) and romances written subsequently during the renaissance also exhibit the length characteristic of the novel, as well as an intricate.

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Short story

1- What the difference between the short story and the ….. ?

- Short story a fictional prose narrative that may range from about five hundred to two thousand ( one dote ) by its meticulous and definite plot structure, complexity of characterization, and often a point of view from which the story is told.

2- What is the difference between the short story and the novel ?

- Novel it’s relatively simple purpose which is generally to reveal essential aspects of a character or characters not show character development over time.

- Short story unlike novels, short stories usually have a single focus and produce a specific dramatic revelation or effect.

3- When did the short story emerge as a dominant literary genre ?

- In the twentieth century the short story emerged as a dominant literary genre.

4- The presentation of action in the short story declined in the th century ?

- As short story writers have chosen to emphasize such things as the harsh realities of modern life their characters internal psychological states.

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