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لعبة Dark Souls II Crown of the Sunken King كاملة Full ISO

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لعبة Dark Souls II Crown of the Sunken King كاملة Full ISO
نسخة CODEX
بحجم 12.48 جيجا

تم تصغير هذه الصورة. إضغط هنا لرؤية الصورة كاملة. الحجم الأصلي للصورة هو 640 * 360.


Date of Release: 22 July 2014
Genre: RPG, Action, 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: FromSoftware, Inc
Publishing House: Namco Bandai Games
Developer Website http://www.darksoulsii.com/us/
Language: English/MULTi11
Platform: PC [Licence]
Tablet: CODEX
Game Version: 1.04

System Requirements:
✔ Operating System: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8
✔ Processor: AMD®️ Phenom II ™️ X2 555 3.2Ghz or Intel®️ Pentium Core ™️ 2 Duo E8500 3.17Ghz
✔ RAM: 2 GB
✔ Video Card: NVIDIA®️ GeForce®️ 9600GT, ATI Radeon ™️ HD 5870
✔ Free Space on the Hard Disk: 14 GB
✔ it's important : Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall

Crown of the Sunken King - plot supplement for the original Dark Souls ™️ II. It adds to the game of new enemies and new locations. In the story, the player learns how the main character goes to a long-lost city, in order to regain the crown of the king.

The main game Dark Souls ™️ II, an update to version 1.04
Preorder DLCs
Crown of the Sunken King DLC
Sewn crack text from ZoG

1) Mount image, install the game
2) Copy the contents of the folder CODEX in the game folder
3) Play


__ dark.souls.ii.crown.of.the.sunken.king.codex][size=32]للتحميل إضغط هنا __[/size]


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