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تحميل لعبة Dungeon Gate

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[center]تحميل لعبة Dungeon Gate

About the Game
RPG dungeon gate is different. You can not equip your character. You
must drain the DNA of creatures to use their equipment, power or
Why do you shapeshift? Because it will take you deep in the game
You're too weak to fight or you want infiltrate an enemy camp, drain
the DNA of one of them and you turn them. Beings too tall to access a
passage, drain the DNA of a small creature to pass. You must transform
into different creatures through the adventure. You can drain the DNA
of all living things in the game, even dungeon bosses
Open World, you can walk as you want in a large valley, visiting
several houses and villages. You will pass through five dungeons in the
game dungeons with five different environments and different gameplay
صور من اللعبة


متطلبات التشغيل
OS: x86 or x64 bit versions of Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/Win7
Processo Intel Dual Core processor with a clock speed of 2.4 GHz
Memory: 2 GB
Graphics: 512 MB ​​VRAM
DirectX®️: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 4 GB HD space
Sound device: compatible with DirectX

uploaded.net df0yg8tb/Du...te-SKIDROW.iso


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