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Hamdy Tawfik-manar9

101 Ways to Have a Business & a Life

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101 Ways to Have a Business & a Life

101 Ways to Have a Business & a Lifen
Andrew Griffiths | 2007 | 273
pages | PDF | 1.87 MB
Tips for creating balance, harmony and
fulfilment in your buisiness life

What will you get out of this book?

Some of the benefits you will get from this
book are tangible, others less so, but all are equally as powerful.
These benefits include:
??? a clear understanding of what balance
means to you today;
??? identifying exactly how out of balance your
life currently is;
??? gaining a very specific mental picture of how
you would like your life to be;
??? and simple step-by-step tips that
will help you to make the changes that are necessary to embrace balance in your life.

The main reason nearly all of us struggle with
business?????life balance is that the changes which upset that balance occur slowly over time. They creep up on us, and all of a sudden we wake up and realise that we are out of control and we don???????t know what to do about it. That???????s exactly where this book steps in to help.

Download links:

rapidshare.com 101.ways.to.have.a.business._.a.life_downarchive.zip
megaupload.com mgd4jbka

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