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Culture 125

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The exam of the Culture course 125 was totally out of the official text books,and we should all complain about it because this is a major mistake and the one behind this mistake should be punished

I scored A+ in the same course of the last term and now I don't think I will even pass simply because of the reckless professor who was clearly high on cheap drugs

This isn't a good sign for the quality of education in this university and we should never let it go because it will happen again if we don't take an action

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السلام عليكم ورحمة والله وبركاته

انا عايز اعرف انت امتحنت فين انا امتحنت في جامعة القاهرة والامتحان جه من الكتاب

ومكنش فيه اي مشاكل بالعكس الامتحان كان سهل بشكل مبالغ فيه

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ماكنش سهل اوى بس ربنا يستر وينجحنا كلنا الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات

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والله يارحاب هو بالنسبة لي كان سهل مش علشان انا متفوق ولا حاجة بس علشان كنت كل مااجي اذاكر المادة من المحاضرات الصهيونية كانت اول درس كنت اذاكرها ادخل علي بعدها اتخنق اروح قافل ومكملش مذاكرة
الحمد لله ربنا سترها معايا عقبال الباقي وان شاء الله النتايج تطلع كويسة ونتقابل في ترم تالت ان
شاء الله وبرضوا مع بعض

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رابط المشاركه
Answer the following questions

Why did the number of Jewish settlers increase in the region during the second quarter of the 20th century

When did the stone tools first appear

Sum up the major development that took place in Europe during the middle age

Complete the following sentences

The end of the stone age marked the begginning of...... a

Please can anyone tell me if this was the exam that you took in Cairo because this is the one we had in the Red Sea and it's completly out of the text books

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مظبوط هو ده الامتحان وانا كمان كنت رافع المقرر بالمحاضرات بتاعته بالتطبيقات علي المنتدي

بس عموما حصل خيير وتتعوض ان شاء الله

هو ممكن اللغبطة نكون حصلت في المركز عندكوا لان المنهج ده اتغيير الترم ده والدكتورة كمان اتغييرت
هو الكتاب الي انت درسته كان بيتكلم عن الكمبيوتر

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رابط المشاركه
so they changed the course without making an announcment.Moreover,they didn't make sure that everyone is informed!!!! if this is the case then the hell with them and the hell with this trash cairo OU because they made a big mistake and they should be held responsible for it

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