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نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح

اسئلة واجهتني بجرامر 122

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Identify the phrases, independent clause ,or dependent clauses in the following sentences.

- Having followed their instructions ,he was promoted.
الحل هو:
- Having followed their instructions: a phrase
he was promoted : an independent clause

الاستفسار 1 :
ليش اعتبروا Having followed their instructions فريز؟؟؟


الاستفسار 2 :
شو المقصود ب
ياريت لو ترجمتهم بالعربي لانو حاولت اترجمهم على جوجل مازبطت معي Sad
Adverbs of purpose
Adverbial clauses
Adjectival clauses
Noun clauses
reduce adverbial clauses to phrases
reduce adjectival clauses
reduce noun clause
Dangling participle
Inversion of word order
1-Subject -verb agreement.
2- Modal verbs.
3- Articles.
4- Confused Words
5- Prepositions with adjectives
6- Prepositions with nouns
7- Prepositions with verbs


استفسار 3 :

هذه اسئلة :انا ماعرفت كيف اسوي المطلوب
انا حكتب شو السؤال واكتب امثلة عنو
واللي يعرف شو القاعده وش المطلوب ياريت يخبرنا ,,,

Question One
Reduce the adjectival clauses in the following sentences to verbal adjectives

1- The director ,who is elected by the employees, is very .efficient
الحل : 1-The elected director is very efficient.

Question Two
Correct the following dangling participles.

1-Playing tennis, a little boy stopped me.
الحل :1-Playing tennis, I was stopped by a little boy.

question 3

Correct the verbal forming the following sentences

1-We saw an interested movie
الحل:1-We saw an interesting movie.

Question 4
Reduce the dependent clauses in the following sentences to phrase

1-He could succeed because he studied hard
الحل : 1-He could succeed having studied hard.

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
Hiiiiii again dear Amany,

Well,here we go:-

1)Having followed their instructions,he was promoted.

what we need here..... we need to think about what we have in this sentence and to analyse it carefully...
having followed their instructions,he was promoted.
Having followed here is not a verb...its a verbal (gerund participle) Amany took the place of a noun
their(pronoun) instructions(noun)

then back to the definition of the PHRASE:
a phrase is a group of words without a verb and thus no complete meaning.... right?
so do we've a verb in this formula?
surely not..... we just have a group of words without a verb .... so its definitely a phrase.

He was promoted.
this is an independent clause..... what for?
because it has subject,verb and a full meaning/a complete thought unit.
and such a formula can stand by itself even without the object or a complement (this depends on the verb itself)
in other words this is a sentence..... needn't to be preceded/followed by anything else.

2)Reduction of Adjectival Clauses:-

Firstly Amany,you should know that adjectival clause is a dependent clause functioning as an adjective ....

He's a boring(one word adjective) person.
That's the one whose car was stolen (العبارة كاملة تعمل كصفة)

then back to Reduction:-
here we've 2 stages to do so

1- Adjectival phrase. 2- One word verbal adjective.


1-The girl who is walking in the street now is my sister.
to make it an adjectival phrase you should delete the relative pronoun +V.to be.

The girl walking in the street now is my sister.

then to make it one word verbal adjective....
and here I wanna draw your attention to the following:
the ING verbal or what we call gerund participle..... always modifies the doer of the action
and the PP form mostly modifies the person or the thing who/which has been affected by the action itself
so what we gonna do now?
again to our example.....
let's see
what is this girl doing and what's her position in this sentence..
the girl is walking.... so she is the subject of the verb walking... the doer of the action ...... right?
yea sure
so we gonna render that to:
The walking girl is my sister.
in your question you simply did great...... :-)
you rendered it to one word verbal adjective
the elected director is very efficient.....good job!
you've another option which is:
the director elected by the employees is efficient...see!

The Dangling participle:-

In grammar, a dangling modifier is a
misplaced modifier — a word or phrase that is intended to modify one
element of a sentence but,
owing to its placement in the sentence, seems to modify another element or none
at all.

Dangling modifiers are commonly found in adverbial phrases
rather than modifying the grammatical subject of the sentence, seems to modify
an unintended noun or pronoun . due to the position the modifier within the

Now what can we do to avoid this error?
firstly we should know that the reduction process can't be applied unless the the subject of the first and second clause is the same.

When the dogs were barking loudly,I saw the thief.
apparently that the subject in both clauses is not the same...
and if we applied the reduction it'll be as following:-

Barking loudly, I saw the thief.
which is completely wrong.. as this means you're the one who barked instead of the dogs.......(does a human bark(?

so what we gonna do here is to clarify that the subject of both clauses is the same.
1-When I heard the dogs barking,I saw the thief.
2- Hearing/On hearing the dogs barking,I saw the thief.

If the subject of both clauses is not the same ... also you should clarify this but how this time?
here by adding a possessive pronoun to clarify that....
Note the following:-
Although he was away,his mother can't forget him.
see the subject in both clauses is not the same
so we gonna clarify it by adding a possessive pronoun as follow:
despite his absence/being away, his mother can't forget him.


Verbal forms:-

Here we stress on that the ING form mostly modifies the doer of the action and the PP form modifies the one who's affected by the action itself:-
Washing machine....... the machine that washes.
interesting movie....... yea right :-) good job.

the action disgusted the lady....... means that the lady was affected by the action.... the action disgusted her.


Independent/Dependent Clauses
1-He could succeed because he studied hard

you should firstly analyse the sentence you've:
where's the indep./depen.?

He could succeed.
here we've a complete thought unit can stand by itself needn't anything else....... so its an independent clause.
because he studied hard.
he studied hard is in itself an independent clause
but we've a dependent marker which is because ....... that means that this clause should be preceded by other parts of speech to get complete meaning....... right?
so this is the one we'll work on
to render it to a phrase so we don't need verbs right.....?
and here you should revise your Grammar primer I
to know the words which's followed by phrases and the others followed by complete sentences.

back to our clause
because he studied hard ..... what can we say here?
because of his studying hard.
owing to his hard study.... and so on
but the one you mentioned above ......am afraid to say its not correct.

Now Amany I should step out dear so I'll complete answering your question once am back insh'allah.

Hope things clear now dear :-)
In the care of Allah.

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
السلام عليكم
hi smilingtears
your exposition is very good
thanks a lot

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
اماني كتب:

الاستفسار 2 :
شو المقصود ب
ياريت لو ترجمتهم بالعربي لانو حاولت اترجمهم على جوجل مازبطت معي Sad
Adverbs of purpose
Adverbial clauses
Adjectival clauses
Noun clauses
reduce adverbial clauses to phrases
reduce adjectival clauses
reduce noun clause
Dangling participle
Inversion of word order
1-Subject -verb agreement.
2- Modal verbs.
3- Articles.
4- Confused Words
5- Prepositions with adjectives
6- Prepositions with nouns
7- Prepositions with verbs

1- Verbals:-

Verbals are words derived or based on the form of the verb but in sentences they don't function as verbs....


Reading {ING verbal-gerund participle took the place of the subject in the
sentence for being a noun}is my favorite hobby.

I was reading{ a part of progressive/ past/present/perfect continuous forms of the verb} while the the telephone rang.

and this leads us to know the uses of verbals .... what're their function.

Uses/functions of verbals in a sentence:-

Again they can't be used as a verb in the sentence

we know that English sentence is being ordered like this:-

Subject(1)+verb(2)+complement(3) or rest of the sentence

so accordingly,if the verbal takes the second place of the sentence which is the verb's place.... that will be grammatically fetal error.

so what are their function:-

Verbals function sometimes as nouns,adjectives and other times as a part of the form of the verb.

as i've just mentioned above:

Reading(noun took the place of the subject) is my favorite hobby

I like this movie, Its just amazing (adjective)

The phone rang while i was reading ( part of progressive past verb form)the news.

Types of Verbals:

1- v+ing 2- to+inf. 3-PP form of the verb(التصريف التالت للفعل)

verb swim....... I like swimming (ing verbal took the place of the object for being a noun)

verb Read........ I like to read (same self thing to read here we simply can replace it by reading which is a noun)

write ...... I got a written ( PP form of the verb write.. write wrote written..مقال مكتوب article on same topic)

و بعبارة أخري the Verbals هي كلمات اشتقت من صورة الفعل الا أنها لا تحل محل الفعل في الجمله ولا تأخذ مكانه والا كان هذا خطأ نحوي جسيم ........لذلك يتبادر السؤال...اذاً ما هي وظيفتها في بناء الجملة؟

1-اسم 2- صفة 3-جزء من صيغة الافعال المستمرة.

سأعاود استكمال الرد علي استفسارتك قريباً باذن الله أماني... كل علي حدة يتطلب شرحاً وافيا...وفقنا الله لطاعته وجعل مداد كلماتنا شكرأ وحمدا لا ينقضي لنعمائه.

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
tota كتب:
السلام عليكم
hi smilingtears
your exposition is very good
thanks a lot

Am being spoiled here :D Thanks honey for those sweet words ..... hope am the one to deserve.... best luck.

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
امانى كيف احوالك خلى بالك ان الاسئلة دى فى المنهج الملغى ادخلى علي صفحتك الدراسية وستجدى المحاضرات الخاصة ب د نهلة حلمى وهى مختلفة عن المنهج السابق وانا بحضر فى الجامعة يةم الجمعة لو عايزة حاجة

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
نفرتارى كتب:
الاسئلة دى فى المنهج الملغى ادخلى علي صفحتك الدراسية وستجدى المحاضرات الخاصة ب د نهلة حلمى وهى مختلفة عن المنهج السابق وانا بحضر فى الجامعة يةم الجمعة لو عايزة حاجة

Hiii dear sister,

I just have a question..... is it true that Dr.Nahla abrogated all these items?
this is not logic at all... and you both should know that those grammar elements are very important and your coming first course of Essay is depending on them mainly....... am just running out of reasons why they do that

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
السلام عليكم
i don`t know how she can abrogate this , it`s very important to understand sentences ,both in writing or translation.

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

صح كلامك انا انصدمت بعد كتابتي للموضوع بيومين انو تم تحديث جميع المحاضرات
وكل اللي فوق التغى
طبعا اناكان باقيلي محاضرتين واخلص لانو انا حاولت اخلص بسرعه لاني بدي اسافر بشهر 6
طبعا هلأ رح ارجع ادرس من اول وجديدSad

smiling tears
يسلمووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو مليوووون على جهودك معانا
تستاهل كل خي اخي الكريم وماقصرت
وانا اكيد رح ادرس اللي انت كاتبو دام انو رح يفيدني الكورس القادم
وبعدين الجرامر مهم بتخصصنا يعني سوء التغى المنج او ماالتغى لازم يكون عندنا كم كبير من المعلومات
انا هلأ حرجع اقرأ الكلام اللي فوق واذا لقيت اي استفسار حسالSmile

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

انشئ حساب جديد او قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من اضافه تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل ؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

سجل دخولك الان

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