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الترم الخامس ... سؤال؟
قام عاطف بالرد على موضوع لـ maye shammout في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
الترم الخامس ... سؤال؟
قام عاطف بالرد على موضوع لـ maye shammout في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
قراءه وتعبير باللغه العربيه(1) 211
قام عاطف بالرد على موضوع لـ alaa eldin fikry في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
قراءه وتعبير باللغه العربيه(1) 211
قام عاطف بالرد على موضوع لـ alaa eldin fikry في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
امتحان دور يناير 2009 قراءة وتعبير 211 أجب عن الأسئلة الآتية السؤال الأول إنه لما كثرت علوم الغرب وامتلأت الدنيا بأجهزته ومكائنه قلنا عنه إنه "مادى" لعين, وأما نحن بما نسبح فيه من ملكوت الوجدان فروحانيون أنقياء وأصفياء, كأنما العلم من وحى الشيطان, وكأنما أجهزته ومكائنه قد ركبتها الأبالسة. لماذا قلنا عنه إنه مادى لعين؟ وهل العلم من وحى الشيطان؟ (ب)كيف تكشف فى المعجم الوسيط عن: مكائن, ومادى, وروحانيون, وأصفياء. السؤال الثانى والقائلون إن "يعرب" هو أول من أعرب فى لسانه, وإنه أول من نطق بالعربية, وإن العربية إنما سميت به, فأخذت من اسمه, إنما هم القحطانيون ... ويأتون بشاهد من شعر حسان بن ثابت ... يقولون إنه قال: تعلمتم من منطق الشيخ يعرب أبينا فصرتم معربين ذوى نفر (أ)ما رأيك فى هذا القول؟ أعرب ما تحته خط فى هذه الأسطر. السؤال الثالث أعد كتابة الأسطر التالية, بعد تصويب الأخطاء, وضبط أواخر الكلمات, ووضع علامات الترقيم الملائمة: كشف استطلاع الاهرام التعلليم من خلال نتاءجه رفض 96% من رسائل أولياء الأمور تطبيق نظام التقويم الشامل ووصفوه بالنظام العقم لأنه أصاب التلاميذ فى المدارس الحكومية واللغات بالشلل الدماغى حيث أن أولياء الأمور هم الذين يقومون بعمل الأنشطة المتعلقه بهذا النظام وأصبحت المناهج التى يدرسها الطلاب صداعا مستمر لا يفيد معه عمل أية أنشطة أخرى لم يتعودو عليها أو تقوم المدرسه بتدريبهم عليها خلال العام الدراسى -
امتحانات يناير 2009 - الترم الثانى
قام عاطف بالرد على موضوع لـ عاطف في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
امتحان دور يناير 2009 Culture 125 I) Answer ten questions only: 1.In the past although two individuals working independently achieved the same innovation simultaneously, only one was recognized for the discover. Do you think this was fair? Why? Why not? 2.Discuss some of the positive and negative sides of computers. 3.Give some examples of some of the operations that were once thought impossible and have become common practice in the last half of the 20th century. 4What did Alexander Fleming discover? Why was it considered a discovery and not an invention? 5What are the two main factors that led to the reassessment of technology? 6Write a short paragraph describing Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) early childhood and explaining how a Bedouin family affected his character 7.How was Abou Bakr elected? What title did ha take for himself? 8.How did the Ummayad Caliphs affect at the Muslim Empire positively? 9.Name some of the “hadith” narrators. 10.How did Mohamed Ali help to modernize Egypt? 11.What were the terms of the Palestinian peace agreement with Israel? 12.Why did the United States launch a cruise missile attack against Iraq in June 1993? II) Give the English meaning of only ten words or put them in English sentences to show their meaning: Unconditionally in force coalition derailed revival schism succession quell dominated by alternatives sober infectious III) Translate the following paragraph into Arabic: At first, Muhammad divulged his experience only to his wife and his immediate circle. But as more revelations enjoined him to proclaim the oneness of God universally, his following grew, at first among the poor and the slaves, but later also among the most prominent men of Mecca. The revelations he received at this time and those he did so later are all incorporated in the Quran, the Scripture of Islam. -
امتحانات يناير 2009 - الترم الثانى
قام عاطف بالرد على موضوع لـ عاطف في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
امتحان دور يناير 2009 Translation(2) 124 A-Translate the following passage into Arabic: The Suez Canal is a major source of national income to Egypt. It has been closed several times because of war or political problems. The canal saves shipping companies a great deal of time and money because it is fastest crossing from the Atlantic Ocean. The idea of a tunnel connecting Britain with other nations of Europe was first proposed to the French Emperor Napoleon in the early eighteen hundreds. However it was never a serious idea. The technology to make such a tunnel did not exist. Europeans dreamed of such a tunnel. Crossing the English Channel by ship was often a terrible trip because of storms. Three serious attempts were made to build the tunnel. The first two failed. Political differences between France and Britain stopped the first attempt. Financial problems stopped the second. The third and successful attempt to build the Channel began in 1987 after France and Britain signed an agreement. It took seven years to finish the work. Today, the Chunnel is very busy. High-speed trains carry cars, trucks and passengers from Britain to France and back again. B-Translate the following lines into English: انتشرت ظاهرة الهجرة غير الشرعية للشباب المصرى إلى أوروبا بصورة ملحوظة ويرجع ذلك إلى اعتقادهم بأن العمل فى أوروبا سيحقق لهم الثراء السريع بالإضافة إلى عدم وجود فرص عمل فى مصر, ويتعرض الشباب فى هذه الرحلة لمخاطر كثيرة منها الموت غرقا وضياع أموالهم. ومطلوب توفير معلومات صحيحة عبر وسائل الإعلام عن الإجراءات التى يجب أن يتبعها راغبو الهجرة. -
امتحانات يناير 2009 - الترم الثانى
قام عاطف بالرد على موضوع لـ عاطف في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
امتحان دور يناير 2009 قراءة وفهم (2) 123 I Read the following passage then answer the questions: (8 marks) Family Etiquette · A point is made in The Parent’s Pocket Book that success in marriage (and, by implication, in family life generally) is governed largely by manners - by standards of life as set by standards of upbringing (how to behave). Quoting from that section which deals with suitability (what is right) for marriage- · As broad examples: a girl who has been brought up in a home where meals are taken with moderate formality is likely to find the sight of a man dining in this shirt sleeves and braces quite intolerable; and a boy who has been brought up amongst quiet–spoken and courteous people will be constantly irritated by a girl who talks loudly and insistently , breaking into conversations with scant ceremony. · It is not suggested that in day-to-day family life all the details of more formal social manners and customs should be observed. It would be uncomfortable if , for example , a husband were to jump up every time busy wife wanted to leave a room (unless her hands were full and she really needed help ) , and it would be unreasonable for a wife to expect such an attention in the ordinary way . · But he should show her the attention on special occasions (e.g. when guests have been invited), and she for her part should act as though such an attention is expected. · From the point of view of the outside world , the most charming families to know and to visit are those who not only treat guests with courtesy , but who treat one another courteously also , both when guests are present and in private . Some Broad Family Rules: It is possible, from an examination of some of the things which disturb harmony in the lives of other families, to offer a few broad general rules of family etiquette; but it should be remembered, when considering these, that they are rules, and that, according to individual family circumstances and needs, there must be modifications of or exceptions to them in some cases. 1. In the home there should always be respect for individual privacy. There are times when each member of any family feels the need to be alone and undisturbed – to think about and do those things which are personal to himself and which he does not wish to share with others. Not only should such times always be respected, but also the desire for individual privacy should not be resented. 2. Intrusion – both physical and mental – should be avoided so far as it is possible Examples of intrusion are: opening the closed door of the personal room ( e.g. a bedroom , study) of anyone over the age of about 16 without first knocking and receiving permission to enter; borrowing the possessions of others without permission; reading or trying to insist upon reading letters addressed personally to someone else ; asking someone who is sitting quietly , “ what are you thinking about ? “ 3. No difference of any kind should ever be aired before any member of family who is not an actual party to the difference. 4. A personal friend of any member of a family is not necessarily a personal friend of all, and there should be no expectation of a right to share such a friend without invitation, or to interfere with the friendship without very good reason. Carlton Wallace, The Pocket Book of Etiquette Answer the following questions: What is the theme of the passage؟ What des the writer consider would be unreasonable for a wife to expect her husband to do every day? What makes certain families charming to know? Mention two rules of etiquette and explain why they are important. According to the writer, would it be courteous t take a friend to a party to which he/she has not been invented? Use the following words in sentences of your own: considerable – familiarity – upbringing – charming Turn the following words into a verb: observance – modification – permission – suitability. III. Write a paragraph of not less than six sentences on one of the following topic: (6 marks) What are the rules of etiquette that apply in our society? What is the impact of etiquette on different relationships– give examples? -
امتحان دور يناير 2009 Grammar (2) 122 I- Question 1: (5 marks) Identify and label the different parts of speech in the following sentences (e.g. noun, adjective, adverb---etc.) as shown below; underline the subject, circle the verb and put square brackets on the complement: 1. Reading the book in the library was an interesting experience. Verbal- art.- noun--- etc. 2. She lives in China and she is thinking of moving to Japan. 3. Listen carefully and you will soon find out the correct answer. 4. They can’t run very fast. 5. Did you notice the changes in the new building? II- Question 2: (5 marks) Identify the type of subordinate clauses in the following sentences (noun close, adverbial clause or adjectival): 1- If he wins the game, he will take a medal. 2- Before Sam stepped on the platform, he revised his speech. 3- Sarah reluctantly ate what was on her plate. 4- While he was in Egypt, he visited the Pyramids. 5- Next week, we play the team that is in first place. III- Question 3: (5 marks) Reduce the following subordinate clauses into phrases and make the necessary changes: 1- If there is an emergency, call the police office. 2- The girl who is walking across the street is my niece. 3- Can you tell me when he will come? 4- I studied hard so that I could get the highest marks. 5- The boy who lost turned out to be my cousin. IV- Question 4: (5 marks) A- Choose the correct form of verbal in the following sentences: 1- It’s …… how popular music is around the world. a. surprised b. surprising 2- I thought the movie was really…… a. bored b. boring 3- That tall new building over there really …me! a. fascinates b. fascinating 4- …The top is easy; the challenge is to stay there. a. Reached b. Reaching B- Identify the verbals (participles, gerunds or infinitives) and their functions in the sentences below: 1- Talking with my friends is my best hobby. 2- His biggest dream is to travel. 3- It was such a tiring journey that everyone needs to relax afterwards.