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كل منشورات العضو marina

  1. صورة غريبة فعلا مشكور على المجهود نرجو مزيد من الصور
  2. انا اول مرة اسمع الكلام دا ودا بالنسبة لجميع البرامج والاقسام اللى بتدرس فى المركز ولالا ارجو الرد علينا انا بس كل اللى اعرفة انة اطبق ان مفيش شهادة تجرح من اللى اتجرجوا حيستلمها حتى لو ناجح وجلص كل مواد الرنامج او القسم اللى اختارة الا لما يمتحن ويحصل على شهادة icdl من ميكروسفت واعتقد ان بدا تطبيقة من السنة اللى فاتت
  3. كمان الدكتورة حطت حاجات جديدة عن السنة اللى فات انا عابديزة الجديد اللى اتحط
  4. حلوة قوى الصورة لقمة العيش مجيبها صعبة شكرا على المجهود انا كمان شفت كل الصور السابقة بجد موضوع هايل وفعلا صور غريبة وطريفة واحيانا الصورة تخليك بين شعور الاستغراب وانك مش مصدق دا بيحصل وان فعلا المصريين بيستغلوا وبيبتكروا واحيانا تبكى على الحال
  5. هاى مساعدة ضرورية من طلبة ترم اول اداب انجليزى ترجمة دور يناير2011 ارجو حد يقولى هل عندك على صفحتة الدراسية اى امتحانات سواؤ محلولة اوغير محلولة او متعدة الاجابات بالنسبة ل5 مواد الترم لانهم شالوا من صفحتى الدراسية كل حاجة وبعبت شكوى انهم يرجعوا لى كل اللى كان موجود فى صفحتى ومحديش بيرد منهم على والامتحانات خالص مفضليش غير اسبوعين ارجو الرد سريعا ورفع الامتحانات دا شكرا
  6. هاى الجورىمساعدة ضرورية ممكن تقولى لى ان كان فى صفحتك الدراسية اى امتحانات سواء محلولة اوغير محلولة او متعدة الاجابات بالنسبة ل5 مواد الترم لانهم شالوا من صفحتى الدراسية كل حاجة وبعبت شكوى انهم يرجعوا لى كل اللى كان موجود فى صفحتى ومحديش بيرد منهم على والامتحانات خالص مفضليش غير اسبوعين ارجو الرد سريعا ورفع الامتحانات دا شكرا
  7. هاى مساعدة ضرورية من طلبة ترم اول اداب انجليزى ترجمة دور يناير2011 ارجو حد يقولى هل عندك على صفحتة الدراسية اى امتحانات سواؤ محلولة اوغير محلولة او متعدة الاجابات بالنسبة ل5 مواد الترم لانهم شالوا من صفحتى الدراسية كل حاجة وبعبت شكوى انهم يرجعوا لى كل اللى كان موجود فى صفحتى ومحديش بيرد منهم على والامتحانات خالص مفضليش غير اسبوعين ارجو الرد سريعا ورفع الامتحانات دا شكرا
  8. ميرسى على النصحية ستار star عامة انا كمان بنسى الكلمات رغم انى بحفظها اكتر من مرة
  9. شكرا للرد والايضاح وشكرا على مجهودك فى الموضوع
  10. الجورى انتى بتذكرى الرجمة ازاى انا نسيت القطعة الاولى اللى ذكراتها حطر اذاكرها واحفظ كاماتها من اول وجديد
  11. Like many other holidays, Valentine's Day is thought to be of American origin; but –like many other holidays---it Is not in ancient Rome people celebrated similar holiday in the middle of February. It was (lupercaicaile) The festival of fertility this date in fact is the only connection between the festival and the martyr st. valentine a roman priest from the 3rd century. Valentine lived during the reign of emperor Claudius 11, who did not, allow his soldiers to get married. Claudius believed that married soldiers would not make a good army .so, when he found out that valentine married young couples secretly. He had the priest arrested and sentenced of death. Valentine's Day has become the festival of love –lovers surprise each other with little presents, flowers or romantic dinner by candlelight .sending special greeting cards on that day is also very popular .valentines as these cards are called are sent to loved ones or even to secret lovers in order to win their hearts; if the sender doesn't want to be recognized .the card is signed ((your valentine)) 1-what is the origin of Valentine's Day? 2-when is Valentine's Day celebrated? 3-why did Emperor Claudius 11 refuse to let his soldiers marry? 4-how did emperor claudius11 punish st. valentine? Why? 5- Provide a suitable title for the passage?
  12. دا هى القطعة الفالنتين داى اللى عطتها وشرحتها الدكتورة شاهيناز كامل وهى اخر قطعة لترم اول اداب انجليزى فسم ترجمة دور يناير 2011 Like many other holidays, Valentine's Day is thought to be of American origin; but –like many other holidays---it Is not in ancient Rome people celebrated similar holiday in the middle of February. It was (lupercaicaile) The festival of fertility this date in fact is the only connection between the festival and the martyr st. valentine a roman priest from the 3rd century. Valentine lived during the reign of emperor Claudius 11, who did not, allow his soldiers to get married. Claudius believed that married soldiers would not make a good army .so, when he found out that valentine married young couples secretly. He had the priest arrested and sentenced of death. Valentine's Day has become the festival of love –lovers surprise each other with little presents, flowers or romantic dinner by candlelight .sending special greeting cards on that day is also very popular .valentines as these cards are called are sent to loved ones or even to secret lovers in order to win their hearts; if the sender doesn't want to be recognized .the card is signed ((your valentine)) 1-what is the origin of Valentine's Day? 2-when is Valentine's Day celebrated? 3-why did Emperor Claudius 11 refuse to let his soldiers marry? 4-how did emperor claudius11 punish st. valentine? Why? 5- Provide a suitable title for the passage?
  13. Like many other holidays, Valentine's Day is thought to be of American origin; but –like many other holidays---it Is not in ancient Rome people celebrated similar holiday in the middle of February. It was (lupercaicaile) The festival of fertility this date in fact is the only connection between the festival and the martyr st. valentine a roman priest from the 3rd century. Valentine lived during the reign of emperor Claudius 11, who did not, allow his soldiers to get married. Claudius believed that married soldiers would not make a good army .so, when he found out that valentine married young couples secretly. He had the priest arrested and sentenced of death. Valentine's Day has become the festival of love –lovers surprise each other with little presents, flowers or romantic dinner by candlelight .sending special greeting cards on that day is also very popular .valentines as these cards are called are sent to loved ones or even to secret lovers in order to win their hearts; if the sender doesn't want to be recognized .the card is signed ((your valentine)) 1-what is the origin of Valentine's Day? 2-when is Valentine's Day celebrated? 3-why did Emperor Claudius 11 refuse to let his soldiers marry? 4-how did emperor claudius11 punish st. valentine? Why? 5- Provide a suitable title for the passage?
  14. دا هى القطعة الفالنتين داى اللى عطتها وشرحتها الدكتورة شاهيناز كامل وهى اخر قطعة لترم اول اداب انجليزى فسم ترجمة دور يناير 2011 Like many other holidays, Valentine's Day is thought to be of American origin; but –like many other holidays---it Is not in ancient Rome people celebrated similar holiday in the middle of February. It was (lupercaicaile) The festival of fertility this date in fact is the only connection between the festival and the martyr st. valentine a roman priest from the 3rd century. Valentine lived during the reign of emperor Claudius 11, who did not, allow his soldiers to get married. Claudius believed that married soldiers would not make a good army .so, when he found out that valentine married young couples secretly. He had the priest arrested and sentenced of death. Valentine's Day has become the festival of love –lovers surprise each other with little presents, flowers or romantic dinner by candlelight .sending special greeting cards on that day is also very popular .valentines as these cards are called are sent to loved ones or even to secret lovers in order to win their hearts; if the sender doesn't want to be recognized .the card is signed ((your valentine)) 1-what is the origin of Valentine's Day? 2-when is Valentine's Day celebrated? 3-why did Emperor Claudius 11 refuse to let his soldiers marry? 4-how did emperor claudius11 punish st. valentine? Why? 5- Provide a suitable title for the passage?
  15. ميرسى الجورى الحمدللة بحمل فى اخر محاضرة وكل الينكات شغلة ميرسى لكى
  16. حلو قوى الموضوع دا ياترى حلاقى المشاركات السابقة فين اقصدالصور السابعة السابقة
  17. يا بنتى حضيع وقتك على الفاضى المقرر 4قطع بس والمنهج كلة ملغى دا اصلا العيال فى المحاضرة قعدوا يشتكوا لها من ان القطع الاربعة مليانة اسماء وتواريخ واحنا يادكتورة بنلخبط بين 3 مواد واحنا بين ناس ثانوية عامة وجدد والناس اللى مش بتحضر وظروفهم وان الكامات صعبة وقالوها واللى فى الدول العربية والمحافظات يعملوا اية واللى مش قادر يحضر راحت قالت مش حاقرر شخصيات خالض وجاحيب من اللى شرحتة فقط وكمان مقررتش غير 4 فطع من الكمبومهنش اللى شرحتهم اما الترجمة فممكن العيال يطلبوا منها تقرر بس اللى شرحتة ودا حيتضح فى المحاضرة الاخيرة ان شاء اللة
  18. عامة شوفى الرابط دا يمكن يفيدك http://www.ou.cu.edu.eg/NewsDetails.aspx?NewNumber=133
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