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المشاركات كُتبت بواسطة Maan


    -- Any time not spent in LOVE , is wasted .

    -- There's no difference between a Wise man and a fool , When they fall in LOVE .

    -- A man is not where he lives , but where he LOVES .

    -- LOVE is harder to accept than to give .

    -- True LOVE does not come by finding the perfect person , but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly .

    -- The only victory over than LOVE is flight .

    -- LOVE is a better teacher than duty .

    ,,, Thank you guys ,,,

    I'll be waiting for your comments

  2. (bad g!rl)

    $((EmOo Gi!rL))$
    ( Em!Nem) ( M!s$ JoJo )

    (...فعنــوســـه...) (No0oTy G!rL) (cool girl)

    (.......funy girl..) (.. 3boora ..) (..الدانة.......)
    (..الشريره الورديه ...)

    (ICE OF HOT) (.انـــا ود.) (براااااااااااطم نملــــــــــه) (LittlE m.Em.Z) (مهـ<<جدتهم)

    (teemoOo) (...مطـ>>ـيحتهم......) (الوحيدة.) (...اضواء الشهرة......)


    (..ريشة فنانه.......) (bOoOoOde) (... RoRo::...) ( DreAms) ( Loonny Rooz)

    (LOVEHEART) (قمـر ) (.... Best Boy« ..)(..LzZzeza»)

    (.......ريــــــ الغلا ـــــــم..) (.ryhana) (..هبوله المهبوله..) (ســــريلاكــــــcerelac.) (احلــــــى بنـــوتة)

    (.....TeEtOo....) (.....miss diamond.....)

    ( ريشة فنانة&جهنية وافكاري جهنمية&>Elissa< & احلى سارونة)

    (.لوكه..موكا......)( * m !$ s m o 0 o z h * ) (.........)

    (.........) (.........) (...جنون انثى......) (.........) (princess looloo) (.........)

    (...........) (أميرة دلع)

    ( prince !) (.........) (.........) (......GahRtHooM...) (Red BeRr!es..~) (smile !)

    (جور مينا)

    (بلاكي) (cool........) (Maan) (.........) (.........) (.........)

  • اضف...

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