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حلقة دراسية ترم سادس E دور ابريل 2012
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ marina في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم السادس
حلقة دراسية ترم سادس E دور ابريل 2012
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ marina في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم السادس
ده شرح لكل شخصيه فالمسرحيه All My Sons by Arthur Miller Characters of the play Joe Keller - Joe Keller was exonerated after being charged with shipping damaged airplane cylinder heads out of his factory during WWII, inadvertently causing the deaths of 21 pilots. For three and a half years he has placed the blame on his partner and former neighbour, Steven Deever. When the truth comes out, Joe justifies his actions by claiming that he did it for his family. Kate Keller (Mother) - Kate knows that Joe is guilty but lives in denial while mourning for her younger son Larry, who has been MIA for three years. She refuses to believe that Larry is dead and maintains that Ann Deever - who returns for a visit at the request of Larry's brother Chris - is still "Larry's girl" and also believes that he is coming back. Chris Keller – Chris, 32, returned home from World War II two years before the play begins, furious that the world was continuing as if nothing had happened. He has summoned Ann Deever to the Keller house in order to ask her hand in marriage, but their obstacle becomes Kate's unreasonable conviction that Larry will someday return. Chris's idolization of his father results in his devastation when he finds out the truth about what Joe did. Ann Deever - Ann, 26, arrives at the Keller home having shunned her 'guilty' father since his imprisonment. Throughout the play, Ann is often referred to as pretty, beautiful, and intelligent-looking. She had a relationship with Larry Keller before his disappearance, and has since moved on because she knows the truth of his fate. She hopes that the Kellers will consent to her marriage with Larry's brother, Chris, with whom she has corresponded by mail for two years. Ann soon finds out that the neighbors all believe that Joe is guilty, and eventually finds out the truth after a visit from her older brother George. Ann is the knowledge-bearer in the play: finally, unable to convince Kate that Larry is gone forever, Ann reveals a letter from Larry stating that he committed suicide on hearing of his father’s imprisonment. George Deever – George, 31, is Ann’s older brother: a successful New York lawyer and WWII veteran, and a childhood friend of Chris. He initially believed in his father’s guilt, but upon visiting Steve in jail, realizes his innocence and becomes enraged at the Kellers for deceiving him. He returns to save his sister from her marriage to Chris, creating the beginning of the explosion that destroys the Keller family. Frank Lubey – Frank, 32, was always one year ahead of the draft, so he never served in World War II, instead staying home to marry George's former sweetheart, Lydia. He draws up Larry's horoscope and tells Kate that Larry must still be alive, because the day he died was meant to be his 'favorable day.' This strengthens Kate's faith and makes it much harder for Ann to reveal the letter to her. Lydia Lubey - Lydia, 27, was George's love interest before the war; after he went away, she married Frank and they quickly had three children. She is a model of peaceful domesticity and lends a much-needed cheerful air to several moments of the play. Jim Bayliss – Jim is a successful doctor, but is frustrated with the stifling domesticity of his life. He wants to become a medical researcher, but continues in his job as it pays the bills. He is a close friend to the Keller family and spends a lot of time in their backyard. Sue Bayliss - Sue is Jim's wife: needling and dangerous but affectionate, she too is a friend of the Keller family, but is secretly resentful of what she sees as Chris's bad idealistic influence on Jim. Sue confronts Ann about her resentment of Chris in a particularly volatile scene, revealing to Ann that the neighbors all think Joe is guilty. Bert – Bert is a little boy who lives in the neighborhood; he is friends with the Bayliss' son Tommy and frequently visits the Kellers' yard to play "jail" with Joe. He only appears twice in the play. The first time he appears, his part seems pretty unimportant , but the second time he appears his character gets more important as he sparks a verbal attack from mother when mentioning "jail," which highlights Joe's secret. Other characters Note: The following characters do not appear in the play Larry Keller- Larry has been dead for some years at the start of the play, however he has an effect in the play through his Mother's insistence that he is still alive and his brother's love for his dead childhood sweetheart. Comparisons are made in the story between Larry and Chris with their father describing Larry as the more sensible one with a "head" for business. Steven Deever - ("Herbert" in the 1947 movie) George and Ann's father. Steve is sent to prison for the shipping of faulty parts - a crime which he did not commit which Keller successfully exonerated himself from. -
حلقة دراسية ترم سادس E دور ابريل 2012
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ marina في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم السادس
أهلين يا حلوين عاملين ايه فالمذاكره؟ انا مسكت مادة نصوص ادبيه انجيليزي2 و هنزل كام حاجه عن All my sons انا الصراحه لقيت اني ما استفدتش حاجه من المحضرات لان مالهاش شرح فعملت بحث من النت عشان ألاقي حل لأسئلة الامتحانات الي مش محلوله و لسه ما حلتش حاجه والله منها بس قلت أنزلكم الحجات الي جمعتها لحد دلوقتي و هتفيدنا باذن الله و لما أحل الاسئله هنزلهم و لو حد برضوحل ينزل لو سمحتو و ربنا يوفقنا -
تعارف اداب E
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ somya في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
تعارف اداب E
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ somya في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
تعارف اداب E
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ somya في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
تعارف اداب E
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ somya في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
تعارف اداب E
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ somya في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's أرشيف قسم الترجمه
قصة تاجر البندقية مترجمة الترم الخامس
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ mohamed alfarok في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
قصة تاجر البندقية مترجمة الترم الخامس
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ mohamed alfarok في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
قصة تاجر البندقية مترجمة الترم الخامس
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ mohamed alfarok في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
قصة تاجر البندقية مترجمة الترم الخامس
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ mohamed alfarok في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
أميره لو عندك فكره كيف بقدر نزل الصور قوليلي عشان نزلك ياهم نفسي ساعدك بس ما عارفه كيف بس بتعرفي شغله انت ادرسي المعاني و أعتقد ما رح تجيب ترجمه من تاجر البندقيه لو تلاحظي بالامتحانات الي قبل هيك كانت عشوائي انتي شوفي شرح المسرحيه الي هو بالانجليزي و أكيد هتعرفي تترجمي بالعربي الحوار لا تتوتري اكيد رح تعرفي كل كام سطر عن شو بيدور الحوار و رح تعرفي تترجمي و خصوصا لو حافظه معاني الكلمات.سهلي الماده عليكي لا تصعبيها و انتي اعملي الي عليكي ولا تتوتري .يا رب حد يقدر ينزلك ترجمة المسرحيه عشان ترتاحي أكتر -
قصة تاجر البندقية مترجمة الترم الخامس
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ mohamed alfarok في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
شكل امتحان 312
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ somya في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس
شكل امتحان 312
قام ra2osh بالرد على موضوع لـ somya في نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح's الترم الخامس