Emad Algzere
مجموع الأنشطة
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كل منشورات العضو Emad Algzere
يا رب تكون اجاباتي صحيحه 1 D 2 B 3 D 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 D 11 B 12 D 13 A 14 D 15 A 16 B Polar winters are long, dark, and cold enough to kill most plants. 17 D The remains of very ancient wood have turned into coal. 18 C In 1893, Henry Ford built his first car engine in his home workshop in Detroit. 19 C Armies of labours toiled for eight years to build the Erie Canal. 20 D Some of the stars in the closing stages of their lives become white dwarfs. 21 A The normal force of gravity at the Earth's surface is called 1g. 22 A Edward McDowell is remembered as the composer of such perennial favourites as " To a Wild Rose". 23 A Because it is gravitationally bounded to the Milky Way, the Andromida galaxy is currently approaching Earth. 24 C Cat scanners are used not only for detecting conditions, but also for observing the effects of therapy. 25 B The chain of rider stations along the way was crucial to the success of the Pony Express. 26 ? IS it correct? 27 D The Great Salt lake is the remnant of a vast inland sea. 28 C A desire to eradicate irregular spellings in English can be traced back to the sixteenth century. 29 **I can not grasp the correct answer. 30 B The number of electrons in an atom matches the number of charged particles, or protons. 31 B The new cortex becomes progressively more developed in the more advanced mammals. 32 A During his first attempts as a songwriter, George Gershwin diligently continued to study the piano, harmony, theory, and orchestration. 33 B Alexander Graham Bell was twenty-nine when he was granted a telephone patent in 1876. 34 C Early TV sets such as the RCA Victor model had small screens but contained a mass of additional components. 35 A A huge amounts of immigrants passed through thr Great Hall in Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954. 36 B The cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde were built in the thirteenth century by Native Americans who farmed the green plateau. 37 B The poet Walt whitman was an easily recognized figure with his long white beard and wide-brimmed hat. 38 D The sand dollars are a distinctive group of sea urchins that have adapted especially to lie on sandy shores. 39 A Someone who personifies the " American Dream" is Andrew carnegie, who immigrated to the United States from Scotland without money and made millions in the steel industry. 40 c The Nez Perce lived peacefully with the trappers and traders who traveled their lands until the discovery of gold in 1860 brought miners and settlers into the region.
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