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عملاق فتح المواقع المحجوبة و اخفاء الاى بى Super Hide IP فى اخر اصداراته

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Super hide IP

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هل تعانى من صعوبة الوصول لبعض المواقع بعينها؟

هل أنت ممنوع من زيارة بعض المواقع بسبب حجبها عن بلدك؟

هل تريد تصفخ الشبكة العنكبوتية دون ترك أى آثار على الاطلاق؟

هل تريد إخفاء الاى بى خاصتك حتى لا يعلم أحد من أين تتصفح الموقع ؟

إذا إليك الحل الامثل ... Super hide IP

يمكنك البرنامج من فتح جميع المواقع المحجوبة بلا استثناء

كما يمكنك من تغيير الى بى الخاص بك لاخفاء اثارك على الويب

يتيح لك البرنامج امكانية الاختيار من بين عدد كبير جدا من الدول لتصفح

الشبكة العنكبوتية من خلال ايبيهاتها

البرنامج سهل جد و بسيط جدا و يمكن للجميع التعامل معه

Use super hide IP
to keep your real IP address hidden, surf anonymously, secure all
the protocols on your PC, provide full encryption of your activity
while working in Internet, and much more. Get Platinum Online Privacy
Protection. With Free hide IP, you can surf anonymously, send
anonymous emails through any web based mail system, access blocked
websites or forums, get protected from any website that wants to
monitor your reading interests and spy upon you through your unique
IP address, etc. Your identity is secure, protected, and anonymized.

What's more,
super hide IP allows you to select your IP location such as
United States, United kingdom, France, etc. from the Choose IP
Country window.[/center]

Super hide IP
works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE and is
compatible with all types of routers, firewalls, home networks,
wireless networks and any other kind of Internet.]

Why hide My IP

connecting to the Internet, the computer (or network router) is
assigned a public IP address. As you visit websites, that IP address is
transmitted and recorded in log files kept on those servers. Access
logs leave behind a trail of your Internet activity. It is quite
necessary to hide your real IP address, if you do not want to be
traced by others.

How to hide My IP

one button click, Free hide IP enables you to keep your real IP
address hidden, surf anonymously, secure all the protocols on your PC,
provide full encryption of your activity while working in Internet,
and much more.[/center][/center]

Key Features

* Anonymize Your Web Surfing

Your real IP is hidden when you surf on the Internet, keeping your online activity from being tracked by others

* Protect Your Identity

web surfing enables you to prevent identity thieves from stealing
your identity or other personal information, and keep your computer
safe from hacker attacks or other risks.[/center][/center]

* Choose IP Country and Check IP

lists of many countries are enabled and you decide to select one
country from the Choose IP Country window. You can check the current IP
address directly.[/center][/center]

* Send Anonymous Emails

Send anonymous emails through any web based mail system such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.

* Get Unbanned from Forums and Blocked Websites

your IP address and then you can get yourself unbanned from any
forums or other blocked websites that have ever banned you.

* Operating Systems

Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 (32-bit and 64-bit

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