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تحميل اللعبه الحربيه الرائعه Hostile Waters - Antaeus Rising تحميل مباشر

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Hostile Waters - Antaeus Rising

The year is
2032... The world is at peace, after having banished war in the final
battle long ago. All weapons have been destroyed to ensure peace.
However, in the Pacific, a cabal of former magnates: ex-leaders,
ex-tycoons, ex-military, and more... have joined together and occupied
20 islands and is building new war machines... And there is no way to
fight them... Except this one last remaining "Adaptive Cruiser", the
Antaeus... Lost in the final battle with all hands, this was one of the
ultimate weapons... Complete with nano-factories that can build
air/ground/naval units out of resources and energy... Its crew's memory
engrams have been stored on "soulcatcher" chips... Reactivation signal
has been sent. Soon Antaeus will rise from the bottom, and you'll be
in command. Good luck, and good hunting

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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