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اللعبه الاستراتيجيه الرائعه Knights and Merchants - The Peasants Rebellion

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Knights and Merchants - The Peasants Rebellion

After many battles, a former kingdom has been divided into many small
principalities and earldoms. The king's troops were pushed back into one
last royal province, and the rulers of the other provinces waged
terrible, destructive wars against one another. The whole land fell into
a state of chaos and now the former royal capital itself is under
siege by the armies of the rebel lords. You belong to the last
remaining group of loyalists, and have been commanded to go to the king
in light of the imminent attack.

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سطور حملت بين طياتها أجمل المعاني
دآآآم هــذا العطاء الخييير
كــــــان لي شرف المرور هنا
ودي وتقديري لك


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