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حصريا نسخة اكس بى بروفيشنال لـ 64 بت شهر ابريل Microsoft Windows XP x64 April 2011 بحجم 66

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حصريا نسخة اكس بى بروفيشنال لـ 64 بت شهر ابريل Microsoft Windows XP x64 April 2011 بحجم 66

[size=16]Microsoft Windows XP x64 April 2011

The ever-expanding data needs of business, academic, engineering and
scientific organizations push the limits and the capabilities of
existing information technology platforms. Today, gigabytes or even
terabytes of data need to be accessed in real time by millions of users
worldwide, and new technology is needed to meet this demand.

The 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® platform will provide high
availability, advanced scalability and large memory support based on the
Intel┬« ItaniumΓΓÇ₧ó processor family with its extensive
multiprocessing features, powerful floating-point arithmetic extensions
(up to 6.4 GFLOPS @800MHz when tuned for 3-D graphics performance) and
multimedia-specific instructions.

The initial release of the Intel Itanium processor, previously
code-named Merced, will primarily be deployed as a development and
evaluation platform and by early adopter customers who are pushing the
memory limitations of 32-bit systems. Customers only using 32-bit
applications and not working with data sets larger than 2 GB will find
that 32-bit systems continue to be the best environment for those

This copy of Windows
XP has been integrated with SATA-RAID-ACHI drivers, so you should have
no trouble installing this copy to a SATA hard drive. Also, as I myself
become very frustrated with Windows
Update, all updates that are possible to integrate have been integrated
into this installation disc, saving you valuable time from using Windows Update.

This copy uses a special type of activation. It tricks the computer into
thinking it has booted in safe mode, when it really has not. It loads
the key into your Windows setup files, making your copy forever genuine. The best part is that you can continue to use Windows Update without any worries of an update overwritting the activation!

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