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نموذج امتحان كلتشر 2

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نماذج من امتحانات الثقافية 2 ترم تانى

امتحان الترم اللى فات مصر

Complete the following statements:

1-Precious metals were also a symbol of ……(1)…….and ……(2)…….

2- …(1)……….were used instead of cups for drinks.

3- History tells of ……(1)…… , ……(2) …..and ……(3).….. , ……(4) ….. .But for the details of everyday life , we depend on ……(5)..…. , ……(6)..….. from …(7)……..

4- The Anglo-Saxon ruled England for …(1)……..years , forming the basis of
its .......(2)…… , ..…(3)…….and ……(4).……..

5-……(1)…….and ……(2)…….are examples of the Roman wheels.

6-The Anglo-Saxon era was also referred to as ……(1)…….. ……(2)……

Give reasons for FOUR only of the following statements .

1-The Roman withdrew from the British Isles. ( two reasons )

2-The Period between the Norman landing in 1066 and 1485

marks a rare flowering of the British building and architecture.

(two reasons )

3-The Romans were keen on bathing.(two reasons)

4-One became a slave in the Dark Ages. ( four reasons )

5-Horses and oxen were raised in great numbers. (two reasons )

Write brief accounts on Two of the following topics.

1- The Bullion Economy.

2- The Viking food preservation techniques.

3- The Anglo-Saxon chronicle.

4-The coexistence between the Anglo-Saxons and

the Danes on the British Isles

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