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ريشة فنانه

Did yiu know it

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This is the meaning

of the days of the week

Most of Us know the weekdays ,
but unfortunately
don't know their
meanings either in Arabic or English...........

Saturday = day of Saturn = يوم زحل

Sunday = day of the sun = يوم الشمس

Monday = day of the moon= يوم القمر

Tuesday = The god of war day = يوم إله الحرب

Wednesday = the king of the gods .= يوم ملك الآلهه

Thursday = the god of sky day = يوم إله السماء

Friday = day of Frigg = يوم إله الحب

Now ,tell the truth

??Did you know it

good bye
my love
reshat fnana

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رابط المشاركه

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انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

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