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مجموعة عامة  ·  24130 اعضاء

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Ramadhan! we will miss you

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Days go faster than we can imagine.Time is running too .I still remember the first topic I have posted here about Ramadhan.It is just as if it were written yesterday!!

!How happy we were to recieve Ramadhan and now it is about to leave silently Sad .We will miss you Ramadhan indeed .Ramadhan should not be gone just as if none happened.We must utilize what we have learned of it .It was the month of mercy .So , we have to show mercy .It was the month of being soooo close to Allah.So it is better to keep it on throughout the whole year.Ramadhan was the month of doing good deeds.Thus, we must not give it up doing that throughout the whole days of ours .

Ramadhan comes regularly once per year not because it is a habit , a custom or something new to us,but because of reminding us about Allah and those ritual rights we are supposed to do during our life .It is a reminder to have a close look about ourselves much more better.Ramadhan!! you will go ,but your lessons are gonna be kept inside of each muslim on this earth .It is a spirtual circulation to renew and strengthen our spirtual power towards Allah .

best regards

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