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عناوين مواضيع المقال 3

Recommended Posts

1- Compare and contrast working in large
institutions or running your own business.

2- Compare and contrast shopping in two different
ways in your cities.

3- Write an essay on how to lose weight without
loosing your mind.

4- Write an essay on how to develop self

5- Write an essay on the effect of parent
,teachers or friend on you.

6- Write an essay on the influence of book or a
film on life.

7- Write an essay of how to live with limited

8- What is your definition of success?

9- What is your definition of happiness?

10- Style of clothing nowadays

11- Ways of saving money

12- Causes of people revolt on January 25

هذه المواضيع سيأتى منها موضوعين فى الامتحان نختار منهم موضوع نكتب فيه .


وهذه قطعة ترجمة تمت ترجمتها فى محاضرات الجامعة مع الدكتورة هدى عياد .

صدرى المتعب على اريكتى التى ارهقها حزنى , وبحلقت فى الحائط الذى فوقى
فرايت صورة الشهيدة اختى التى قتلها رصاصات الغدر الصهيونية . آه يا اختى ,
هل كان رحيلك حلما عندما يدركنا الصباح نسيناه ؟
اخبرينى بأن الذى صار كان حلما مرعبا سنفيق من كابوسة فى الصباح , ونفتح
الابواب للحبيب الذى رحل عنا وغاب ولن يترك لنا خبرا عن موعد الاياب ,
لنلقاه بالاحضان والحنان والترحاب , لنقول له ما صار كان كابوسا مزق القلب
من الضلوع كما تمزق لحوم الضان انياب الذئاب . وها نحن يا حبيبتنا نفيق من
حلمنا لنطرد الكابوس من وعينا كما تطرد بعد ضلوع الشمس اسراب السحاب.

I threw my tired body on the couch exhausted by my grief and stared
at ceiling .I then sow an image of my martyr sister killed by Zionist
Oh my sister, was you death an nightmare forgot when we wake up in the morning ?
Tell me that was a nightmare and we will wakeup in the morning And
open the door for our loved one who left us and did not tell when she
would come back .
We would welcome her with tender open arms and tell her that it was a
horrible night mare that tore our heart . like beasts tearing through
prey's flesh.

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جزاك الله خيرا زميلنا الفاضل ..وطبعا رقم 12 جاي بنسبة 99% هي قطعة الترجمة دي في اي مادة ؟؟
..ياريت يا اخ zk zk تفيدني باللي اتقال في الجامعة بالنسبة للمواد دة في حالة اذا معاك المواد دي !!(413_414_415_421)
وفقكم الله وجزاكم كل الخير

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بالتأكيد القطعة المترجمة في مادة ترجمة أدبية 424

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القطعة زى ماقال الاستاذ تهامى فى الترجمة الادبية
الدتورة ترجمتها فى اخر محاضرة
بالنسبة للمواد اللى حضرتك ذكرتيها هابقى اقول لحضرتك اللى اعرفه عنها فى اقرب وقت
واسف على التاخير فى الرد

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رابط المشاركه

بارك الله فيكم الزملاء الافاضل : zk zk و tohamy_33 الترجمة الادبية مش معايا الترم دة
ياريت تقولي باللي تعرفه من اي مادة من المواد اللي ذكرتها ويجزاك عنا خيرا ...طبعا اقصد في المحاضرة الاخيرة لكل مادة لأني عرفت ان الجمعة الماضية كانت هناك محاضرات بالجامعة
ياتري حد كتب مقال عن الثورة ولا لسة ؟

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رابط المشاركه
2- Compare and contrast shopping in two different
ways in your cities.

ياتري المطلوب في المقال دة وسائل المختلفة للتسوق (بمعني كاش او كرديت ) ولا يقصد ايه هنا ؟
الظاهر ان خلط علي الامر !!!

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momken tekon

online shopping or manual shopping


auctions/buy it now

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ياترى الدكتورة تمرنت معاكم بخصوص القطع ال 12 الي احتمال يجو في الامتحان انا تهت ما بينهم :?:

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رابط المشاركه
شوفي الرابط اللي انا حملت فيه اختبارنا ...جالنا موضوعيين (عن النجاح ,, وموضوع كيف تدخر المال)
وياريت حد من الناس اللي حضرت يرد عليكي

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اللهم اجزي كل من يساعدنا خير الجزاء ويجعله في ميزان حسناته امين امين امين وانا ان شاء الله اي امتحان اخده في الترم السابع او الثامن هنزله رائعthanxسلمت يداك

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الزميل ياسر انا امتحاني يوم الاحد كود422 يعني خلاص مافيش وقت وكنت اتمنى حد يرد علي من الي كانو بيحضرو المحاضرات : اصلي خايفة ومش عرفه ابدا اذاكر منين حزين

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رابط المشاركه

الزميلة flona
انصحك بالالتزام بطريقة د. جيهان انور لمادة مقال (2) لسهولة شرحها وتبسيطها لكل اساليب وطرق كتابة المقالات. لذلك يجب ان تركزي علي اسلوب كتابة المقال بشكل صحيح اسلوبيا و لغويا واملائيا. بغض النظر عن عناوين المقالات التي حددتها د. هدي عياد
يوجد في المرفقات شرح د. جيهان انور لمادة مقال (2)

بالنجاح والتوفيق

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رابط المشاركه
زملائي وزميلاتي ..ترم سابع وكل من معه مادة لغويات مقارنة // 413
لسة راجعة من الاختبار ...وفعلا كما قالت الدكتورة الاختبار كان من المحاضرة الاخيرة ولم تغير حرف واحد بل حتي صيغة السؤال نفس الموجود بالمحاضرة ,,,بالتوفيق ان شاء الله

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رابط المشاركه

انتي امتحنتي فين انا عندي المادة 413 بس يوم 28\7 وهل تعتقدي حتجيب نفس الامتحان وممكن تنزلي الامتحان لو تكرمتي ، انا عندي امتحان بكرة مادة المقال 422 وبصراحة حاسة اني ضيعة وخايفة ومش عرفة ابدا منين Sad

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رابط المشاركه
الزميلة flona لا داعي للقلق ...حاولي تنزلي الاختبار من الرابط ودة اختبار طلبة الخارج
في اختلاف في جداولنا هذا الترم (بين داخل مصر وخارج مصر) واعتقد اننا نسبقكم تقريبا في كل الاختبارات ...وايضا لديكي اخر اختبار محمل في صفحتك الدراسية لترم يناير 2011 (طلبة الخارج ) وهو اختبار رقم 15 ..ستجدي نوعية الاسئلة مشابهة بدرجة كبيرة ...
وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله

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رابط المشاركه

الف شكر وربنا ينجحنا كلنا Smile

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الزميله فلونا انا قعدت نزلت مقاله عن الثوره وعندي احساس اها هتحيب حاجه منها

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">The January 25th
revolution in Egypt was an incredible achievement by its people and a truly
inspiring example of the power of peaceful protest. Yet the work towards an
effective transition to democratic government within Egypt has just begun. Meanwhile a
debate continues to rage in the blogosphere as to the exact role played by
social media.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">While commentators such as Brian Solis and myself have argued against the off-hand dismissal of social
media by Malcolm Gladwell, Evgeny Morozov and Will Heaven, Jeff Jarvis and Jay Rosen made the sobering point that it’s silly to argue the issue in absolutist terms. Rosen argues “Factors are not causes,” and insists that social
media was neither fully responsible for the revolution in Egypt nor
irrelevant, and that social transformation is far more complex involving a high
degree of mystery.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">With sobriety and complexity
in mind, I want to take a closer look at the specific role that social media
played in terms of scaling awareness and support among anti-government
protesters that ultimately resulted in the resignation of President Mubarak.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">The role of social media is
critical because it helps to spread cognitive dissonance by connecting
thought leaders and activists to ordinary citizens rapidly expanding the
network of people who become willing to take action. Brian Solis describes this process as creating the necessary “density”
of connections, writing “If unity is the effect, density is the
cause.” Similarly, Stowe Boyd writes:

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">“Ideas spread more rapidly
in densely connected social networks. So tools that increase the density of
social connection are instrumental to the changes that spread. […] And, more
importantly, increased density of information flow (the number of times that
people hear things) and of the emotional density (as individuals experience
others’ perceptions about events, or ‘social contextualization’) leads to an
increased likelihood of radicalization: when people decide to join the
revolution instead of watching it.”

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">So how was such density
achieved in Egypt
and what impact will it have beyond its borders? Let’s consider this question
in three dimensions – vertically, horizontally and in the compounding effect
social media generates from one country to another.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">i) Vertical Threshold:
Compared to United States
and Europe, social media has little
penetration in the Arab world. In fact, there are only 21 million Facebook users across the Arab world. So how did
social media play such a significant role in fueling a popular revolution? Let
me explain by way of an example.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">As many commentators have noted, one of the early catalysts for the January 25th
revolution in Egypt was a Facebook page created in honor of Khaled Said, a young man who had been brutally beaten and
killed by the police. This page became a focal point around which 470,000
“fans” organized their dissidence while a YouTube video about his murder was viewed by more than
500,000 people fueling further public outrage.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">Inspired bytheprotests
against and the eventual overthrow of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on 14 January 2011,
the Khaled Said Facebook page then became a focal point for the
dissemination of popular protest throughout Egypt. As such, the limited
penetration of social media within the country was overcome by the fact that it
first scaled vertically through key Facebook sites such as those of Khaled
Said, 15-year old Asmaa Mahfouz and later, Google executive Wael Ghonim.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">ii) Horizontal Expansion: Buoyed
by the success of Tunisian protesters and emboldened by the courage of young
protesters on their own streets, social media also helped expand the ranks of
Egyptians in Tahrir Square from young, well-educated students to doctors, lawyers, judges, Christians, women and finally State TV personnel.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">Such alignment around shared values
counteracted attempts by President Mubarak to divide local and foreign
support for the protestors. Tweets, Facebook posts and You Tube videos flooded
the Internet also serving as critical, transparent content for the dominant
Egyptian media outlets such as television including Al Jazeera English (AJE).

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">iii) Compounding Effect:
From Tunisia
to Egypt to Syria to Iran
to Algeria and China, social media is also playing a pivotal role in
scaling connections between people, in achieving density, in disseminating
courage and in countering misinformation generated by oppressive regimes in
many countries around the world.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">The most powerful consequence
of this revolutionary tide is to challenge the false separation between a
country’s ideals and its interests. By allowing citizens from all professions
to align around shared values for the sake of their country’s future, they are
challenging the monopolies of power that have impoverished the lives of
millions allowing them to re-assert their core belief that government officials
are democratically elected to serve the interests of the people.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">Thomas Friedman,
columnist for the New York Times, observed thousands of Egyptians volunteering
to clean up Tahrir Square in the last 48 hours and wrote about the
experience quoting the aphorism that “in the history of the world no
one has ever washed a rented car.” As he concluded, Egyptians are now re-taking ownership of their
national identity, pride and country after thirty years of an oppressive

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">Just as Egypt followed Tunisia, citizens of other Arab
counties are rising to the challenge of shaping their own futures in the face
of political and military might. Social media did not make this happen
single-handedly, but by enabling people to connect more rapidly around shared
values, it is shifting power back to the people and allowing them to re-align
the interests of a country around the values that serve all its people.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">This phenomenon and the
contributory role played by social media are a powerful demonstration of what I
call a We First
(as opposed to Me First) thinking and behavior. This mindset involves a
fundamental recognition that communities, companies and countries must now
embrace and demonstrate an expanded definition of self-interest that includes
the greater good. To do otherwise not only threatens their own survival, but
invites a revolution led by those united by shared values and connected by
social technology.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto;
text-align:left;direction:ltr;unicode-bidi:embed">Do you believe the current
wave of revolution will continue through the Arab world? Do you believe such
instability is a positive development?


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الف شكر الزميل ياسر بس القطعة مش واضحة !!!! Sad ومفيش وقت !!!!

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فعلا انا سعيدة بمعرفكم جميعا وشكرا على الافادة

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اهى بيكى marmr عضوة جديدة بالمنتدى والتعليم المفتوح للعلم الموضوع دا قديم من الترم اللى فات

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رابط المشاركه
رائع جدا جدا وشكرا على مجهودكم الرائع والحمدلله انى عرفت المنتدي دة لانة كلة افادة

وافادكم الله واكرر شكررررررررررررررررى

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رابط المشاركه

انشئ حساب جديد او قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من اضافه تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل ؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

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