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نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح

حلقة دراسية ترم تالت دور ابريل كلية الاداب 2011

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على فكرة تم تحديث امتحانات بدون حلول على الصفحة الخاصة بالطالب , وأنا على العموم معايا مادتين هما 211 و213 من التيرم الثالث , وهبقى هنزل آخر إمتحانات للمادة 213 على كل حال .

مع تمنياتي للجميع بالنجاح والتوفيق ...

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

برنامج: الترجمة (قسم اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها)
امتحان دور يوليو (داخل مصر)
التاريخ: / /2010
اسم المقرر: مقال Eng
كود المقرر : 213 الزمن: (2) ساعتان
3 ورقات

Question one:

The following sentences are run-ons. Correct the run –on. (4 marks)

1- During that time period many buyers preferred big cars.

2- Recently released the report was shocking.

3- We read the letter we received yesterday our colleagues reviewed it thoroughly.

4- Suzie believed but couldn't confirm that Billy had feelings for her.

Question Two

Combine the following sentences to have only one independent clause. (4 marks)

1- The sun was a big high.
I put on some sun block.

2- There was a big explosion.
It shook the windows and made people run into the street.

3- This computer does not make sense to me.
It came without a manual.

4- This country is very rich.
Not many people are well-off.

Question Three:

Re-write the following sentences to have more concise statements. (4 marks)

1- It goes without saying that what happened will affect the man's performance.

2- All things considered, the most efficient and accurate program will be chosen.

3- The microscope revealed a group of organisms that were round in shape and peculiar in shape.

4- We reviewed the letter thoroughly and meticulously.

- page 1 -

Question Four:

Re-write the following sentences to have more parallel constructions. (4 marks)

1- Your horse is much better than us.

2- He enjoys jogging and to watch football matches on TV.

3- Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than to try to do this.

4- What matters is not how you look but behaving.

Question Five:

Read the following passage and identify the function of the underlined sentence. (4 marks)

The theory of ' American exceptionalism' was first coined in 1905, and since then has been a topic of great historical debate. The lack of socialism in the US, its failure to appeal to the working classes and to find a place as a third party, has often been cited as the main reason that America is exceptional. However, there are other factors that go some way in proving that America is inherently different from other countries.(1)

The failure of socialism is undoubtedly a major factor in American independent, exceptional status. (2) The main factor that has led to the failure of socialism in America,
and a factor that has greatly helped socialism movements in other countries is the nature of the working class. In European countries the working classes were forged through struggle and oppression, where the workhorse and the soldier were manipulated and taxed by their social superiors. The centuries of oppression created a united class of resistance. America had none of this, its settlers being of one class. When there was suffering in the United States it was the suffering of all, rich or poor, classless in the struggle, individualistic and aspiring for themselves, not the abstract class system. Socialism had no appeal, as its utopia was based around a concept that already existed in become redundant. America has never needed or wanted socialism, as it is the land of the enterprising individual, not the united struggle of a class. Yet, there are other factors that warrant the U.S.'s claim of individuality.
America has never been invaded by a foreign country, and has never been occupied. The majority of European countries have had to bear the burden of occupation and the subjection to foreign rule, yet America has never been occupied, giving it an even greater sense of independence and isolation. Countries rebel when they are under occupation, and seek the help of other governments to relieve them of their occupation. This dependence on the actions of other countries, as well as the unifying effect of subjection to foreign rule has never taken place in America. (3) that is why it can be described as a country of individuals with a sense of individuality and isolation.

-page 2 -

Immigration is another aspect that enables historians to label America exceptional. The vast immigration to the 'land of opportunity' from 1850s onwards produced a diverse, multi cultural society, not nationalistic due to history, ethnicity or language, but united by the aspirational, opportunistic, enterprising nature that America proliferates. No other country in the world has had such immigration over so long a period, giving European countries natural identities based on heritage and ethnicity. America is tied to none of those ideals, but has a spirit of relationships and altruism exceptional to America and justifying historians ' usage of the word.
The lack of socialism in America is undoubtedly one of the key justifications for the historiographical focus on American exceptionalism but it is by no means the only one. Immigration, the frontier mentality, heritage and history as well as their exceptional social structure (or lack of it) all form justification for exceptionalism. (4)

- page 3 -

مع تمنياتنا لكم بالنجاح والتوفيق- مركز جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

برنامج: الترجمة (قسم اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها)
امتحان دور يناير 2011 (البلاد العربية)
التاريخ: 5/ 2 /2011
اسم المقرر: مقال 1 Eng
كود المقرر : 213 الزمن: ساعتان

Question One:

The Following sentences are run-ons. Correct the run- on. (4 marks)

1- Jonas Salk defeated a terrible disease he developed a polio vaccine.

2- When I watch good movie I forget about everything else.

3- However his negligence should not be disregarded.

4- As the Kite soared high the boy rose too.

Question Two:

Combine the Following Sentences to have only One independent clause. (4 marks):

1- Brooke had never bowled before.
She got three strikes in a row.

2- Jasper does not pay his parking ticket.
The fine will double.

3- The cookies were Low in fat.
They were high in sugar.

4- The curtain fell.
The audience stood and applauded.

Question Three:

Re-Write the Following sentences to have more concise Statements. (4 marks)

1- Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness and exhaustion.

2- Expressionism is characterized by the use and utilization of certain colors.

3- He returned al what he took back.

4- As a matter of fact, they joined and connected the wires.

Question Four:

Re –Write the Following sentences to have more parallel constructions . (4 marks)

1- That area of Alaska is bigger than Texas.

2- Computer Languages are either classified as high level or low level.

3- Lichen both carries on photosynthesis and respiration.

4- Most visitors in New York City spend their time seeing Broadway plays, to visit some of the museums, and going shopping.

Question Five: (4marks)

Write a paragraph of twenty sentences on one of the Following to topics:

1- to be Successful in education it is more important to be good student than to have good teachers. Would you support that statement?

2- Modern technology has increased our material wealth, but not our happiness. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

ملاحظة هامة : أعتقد أن الدكتورة لن تطلب كتابة المقال في الإمتحان القادم هذا بناءا على ما ذكرته إحدى الزميلات في المنتدى .

مع تمنياتنا لكم بالنجاح والتوفيق- مركز جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح

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البقاء لله عبد الرحمن وربنا يصبرك ويصبر والديه لا داعي للأعتذار هو تقريبا الي الآن الحلقة فقط يوضع بها معلومات عن ما يحدث بالجامعة ولم نقم بالمراجعة النهائية واعذرني مش هنبتدي بالمراجعة النهائية الآن بسبب سفر ولاء اسبوع فأنا هانتظر عودتها حتي لا تزعل مني ممكن تبتدي انتي علشان تختصر الوقت وتحاول تخلص مادة العربي لأني انا وولاء معندناش المادة العربي

اشكرك عبد الرحمن علي الأمتحانات انا بحثت في صفحتي اليوم ما لقيت غير امتحانين للمقال وامتحان للصوتيات لكن باقي المواد لأ غير موجود اي تحديث لها

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رابط المشاركه
التحديث فعلا مش في كل المواد , أنا عندي تم التحديث في ثلاث مواد من عشرة على امتحانات بدون حلول فقط !

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رابط المشاركه
البقية فى حياتك يا اخى وربنا يصبرك ويجعلها اخر الاحزان وربنا يعدى السنة الدراسية بترمايها على خير للجميع يارب

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رابط المشاركه
شكرا لذوقك يا مارينامعلش انا كان عندي استفسارانا كنت عايز اعرف ايه المحاضرات والتطبيقات اللي اتشرحت في الخمس مواداو الحاجات المهمه اللي المفروض تتذاكروشكرا جزيلا

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رابط المشاركه
لاسف يا اخى انا ترم اول وتانى لكن انا كنت بحضر مادة علم الترجمة المهم فى علم الترجمة صفحة 58-63-64 ودا فيها ادويمز والدكتور قال حيجيب منها 10 ولو رجعت صفحة متاخر انا رفعة الورق دا ومترجم وكنت كمان رفعة محاضرة اللى فاتت من الترجمة 3 اما المقال فولاء ذاكرة ورافعة كل اللى اتشرح فية فمعليش ممكن تقرا الحلقة الدراسية ودا حيفيدك

اما علم الترجمة فالدكتور حجيب 10 ادومز وتترجمهم مع سوال اخر انك تذكر كلمة وتحطها امثلة وهو عايزة الكلمة دا فى كل مثل تدى معنى مختلف ودا ممكن تذكراها من محاضراتة وخاصة الاولى المكتوبة

وحجيب قطعة بسيطة تترجمها لعربى

ةبالتوفيق ان شاء اللة

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رابط المشاركه
عبد الرحمن حاول تراجع علي صفحات الحلقة السابقة وتجمع المعلومات وتنزل الحاجات اللي نزلناها في الحلقة وان شاء الله نبدأ بكرة بأذن الله ولاء وصلت وهتشارك معانا من يوم الأثنين بسبب النت لكن هتتواصل معانا تحب تبدأ بأي مادة

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رابط المشاركه
ازيكم يا جماعة
الحمد لله النت اتصلح
شوفى بقى حنبدأ بأيه وشجعونى الله يخليكم عشان الواحد مطنش شوية

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رابط المشاركه
انتي معاكي مقال3 وقراءة وفهم 2او مادة من ترم اولممكن نبتدي بالمادتين دول علشان نخلصهم وبعدين تبتدوا في مادتين تانيين لأنكم معاكم 10
من اليوم باقي 23 يوم علي الأمتحان
معلش اضغطوا نفسكوا شوية مادتين كل 4 يوم لعشر مواد = 20 يوم

يا دوب يفضل 3 ايام قبل اول مادة في الأمتحان

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رابط المشاركه
نبتدي اليوم بأول محاضرتيين في المقال وحددي انتي وباقي الزملاء المادة التانية والكمية

بالتوفيق والنجاح

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رابط المشاركه
اوك يا هند انا حبتدى بالمقال اول محاضرتين مع الترم التانى بس عبد الرحمن فين
مظهرش عشان يراجع معانا

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رابط المشاركه
اتفقنا ......... عبد الرحمن ظروفه ملخبطة احنا نبتدي اليوم علشان ضيق الوقت وانا هابعت لدعاء كمان او اكلمها وهو ان شاء الله يتابع معانا

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رابط المشاركه
هي دكتورة رانيا في المقال قالت انها هتجيب في اخر سؤال برجراف ولا قطعة وعليها اسئلة

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رابط المشاركه
اليوم المحاضرة رقم 3 و4 في المقال بالتوفيق

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رابط المشاركه

يا شباب نتقابل هنا يوم الأربعاء نكون خلصنا المادة علشان نحل الأسئلة عليها مع بعض


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رابط المشاركه
لو فيه حد فيكم فاهم وخلص محاضرة 3 Parallelism

يشرحها لي ببساطة انا مش فهماها ولا عارفة اطبق عليها حاجة

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رابط المشاركه
الثالثة في المحاضرات التليفزيونية انا بذاكر بترتيب المحاضرات التليفزيونية

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رابط المشاركه
هو فيه كام محاضرة باقية في الجامعة الأسبوع الجاي اخر اسبوع ولا لأ

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رابط المشاركه
لا فاضل اسبوعين اخر محاضرات السبت والجمعة 8و9-7 -2011

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رابط المشاركه
شكرا مارينا

ولاء انتي وعبد الرحمن يا تري المادة خلصت ولا لسة النهاردة اخر يوم لها ؟

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رابط المشاركه
ربنا يسهل يا ستار
انا بحاول والله بس الثقافية 2 ارفانى اوى ومش راضية تثبت فى مخى خالص
فباخد فيها وقت طويل
ربنا يستر

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رابط المشاركه
ربنا يوفقكم جميعا ياريييييييييييييييت اللى يعرف اى حاجه عن الماده قراءة وتعبير عربى 311 يفيدنا وكان نفسى الاقى حد ازاكر واراجع معاه زيكم ويكون فى تيرم خامس

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رابط المشاركه
ام مرام في ترم رابع وخامس ممكن تتواصلي معاها وتراجعوا سوا وان شااء الله تعدي الأمتحانات علي خير

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

ايه يا شباب خلصتوا ولا لسة سواء المادة خلصت ولا لأ
من بكرة نبتدي القراءة والفهم 3 لأن مفيش وقت انا عن نفسي باقي معايا محاضرة وهذاكرها مع القراءة لكن مينفعش نأخر يوم واحد في اي مادة لأن يدوب بالعافية كل مادة لها 4 ايام

ويا ريت يكون في مشاركة اكثر من كدة في الحلقة مش عارفة هو انتوا جاين علي اهم ايام ورايحيين تكسلوا rock

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
مش كسل والله يا ستار بس انتى عارفة لخمتى
واحنا مسترخمين اوى مواد ترم تانى مش عارفة ليه ومش راضية تثبت فى مخى خالص
وبتاخد وقت طويل معايا

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رابط المشاركه
كملي الثقافية 2 مع القرائة بكرة خدي بكرة محاضرة الأولي في القرأءة والفهم وانا وانتي ذاكرناها سوا قبل كدة فهتلاقيها سهلة ان شاء الله وربنا يعينكم علي ال 10 مواد

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رابط المشاركه

ولا فيه حس ولا خبر في الترم ده هو انتوا فين

small girl

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رابط المشاركه
انا النهارده حضرت محاضرة المقال والكومبرهنشن
والدكتورة قالت الامتحان بتاع الكومبرهنشن قطعتين اول قطعه هاتيجي من برة والتانيه واحده من موضعين
ودول في الورق اللي بتوزعه كل محاضرة
والقطعه اللي من برة كلماتها مش هاتخرج من الكلمات اللي في القطع اللي شرحتها

والمقال خمس اسئله من المحاضرات اللي شرحتها والتطبيقات

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
شكرا يا عبد الرحمن علي المعلومات انتي خلصت مراجعة المقال ولا لأ
واخبار باقي المواد ايه الترجمة وعلم الترجمة لو تعرف حد خليه يبلغك احنا من الأمس ابتديا في 4 ايام للقرأءة والفهم

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رابط المشاركه
ازيك يا ستار

انا حضرت بردو النهاردة وهى اكدت انها مش حتجيب كتابة برجراف فى امتحان المقال
وشرحت essay structure وقالت انه سؤال مضمون فى الامتحان لانه سهل

فى الكمبرهنشن شرحت appendix 7 وبيتكلم بردو اننا نحاول نخمن معنى الكلمة حتى لو مش عرفنها
وشرحت قطعة عن الاطفال والاهتمام بيهم
حبقى انزلها ان شاء الله

والمحاضرة اللى فاتت شرحت appendix 6 اللى فيه
suffixes & prefixes
بس الحاجات دى مهمة اوى وحتفدنا اننا نخمن معنى الكلمة

وهى قالت انها حتنزلهم عالنت 6& 7
وهما مكنوش مع حد خالص

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Appendix Six comprehension 3

Word Study: Stems and Affixes
1- Prefixes:
Contra, anti = against
Inter = Between
Post = After
Super = Above
Trans = Across
Circum = around
Intro-intra = within
Sub = Under, Following

2- Suffixes
Able,ible,ble capable of, fit of
Ous, lous, ose full of, of the nature of

3- Stems
Tel = far
Voc =call
Port = carry
Ced = go, move, yield
Vene = come
Mit, miss = send

Exercise One
In each item, select the best definition of the word or phrase in bold or answer the question.
1- The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a porter.
a- Man who sells ticket c- a taxicab
b- A man who carries luggage d- door to the luggage room
2- No matter what Fred said, Jane contradicted him.
a- Said the opposite c- laughed at him
b- Yelled at him d- didn’t listen to him

3- He circumvented the problem
a- Described c- solved
b- Went around, avoided d- wrote down, copy

Exercise Two
Join the word with its definition depending on your analysis of the words’ affixes or stems.

a- Circumscribe a- the observation of one’s
own thought.

b- Subsequent b- to come between points.

c- Intervene c- to send from one person
or place to another.

d- Introspection d- Following in time, order
or place.

e- Transmit e- to draw a line around.

Sentence Study
Exercise Three
Read the Following Sentences Carefully. The questions which follow are designed to test your comprehension of complex grammatical structures. Select the best answer.

1- The student revolt is not only a thorn in the side of the president’s new government, but it has international implications as well.
Who or what does this revolt effect?
1- The students
2- The side of the president’s body
3- Only the national government
4- National and international affairs
2- In order for you to follow the schedule set by the publisher, your paper must be looked-over over the weekend, revised, and handed in in its final form on Monday.
What must you do on Saturday and Sunday?
1- Meet the publisher
2- Examine your paper
3- Hand in the paper
4- Look over the weekend

3- Concepts like passivity, dependence, and aggression must need further research if they are to continue to be useful ways of thinking about human personalities.
What might require further research?
1- Human thought processes
2- Certain concepts
3- Human personalities
4- Useful ways of thinking

4-The real reason why the prices were, and still are, too high is complicated, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.
What word or phrase best describe prices?
1- Complicated
2- Adequately explained
3- Too high in the past, but now too low
4- Too high in the past and in the present.

Read comprehension Passages

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Appendix Seven comprehension 3
Word Study: Context Clues
Efficient reading requires the use of various problem-solving skills. For example, it is impossible for you to know the exact meaning of every word, but by developing your guessing ability, you will be able to understand enough to arrive at the total meaning of a sentence, paragraph or essay. One of these skills is to use the context to determine the meaning of a word or even a whole sentence. In using the context to decide the meaning of a word you have to use your knowledge of grammar and your understanding of the author’s ideas. Although there is no formula which you can memorize to improve your ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words, you should keep the following points in mind:
1- Use the meanings of other words in sentences (or paragraph) and the meaning of the sentence as a whole to reduce the number of possible meanings.
2- Use grammar and punctuation clues which point to the relationships among the various parts of the sentence.
3- Be content with a general idea about the unfamiliar word; the exact definition or synonym is not always necessary.
4- Learn to recognize situations in which it is not necessary to know the meaning of the word.
Exercise One:
Each of the sentences in this exercise contains a blank in order to encourage you to look only at the context provided as you attempt to determine the possible meanings of the missing word.Read each sentence quickly and supply a word for each blank. There is no single correct answer. You are to use context clues to help you provide a word which is appropriate in terms of grammar and meaning.

1- I removed the ….from the shelf and began to read.
2- Harvey is a thief. He would… the gold from his mother’s teeth and would not feel guilty.
3- Our uncle was a … an incurable wanderer who never could stay in one place.
4- Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome person, Hogarity is quite ……
5- The Asian…., like other apes, is specially adapted for life in trees.
6- But surely everyone knows that if you step on an egg, it will ….
7- Tom got a new …. For his birthday. It is a sports model, red, with white interior and bucket seats.
Exercise Two
In each sentence select the best definition of the word or phrase in Red
1- The small country was ruled by a monarch for 500 years.
a- King or queen
b- Oldest citizens
c- Single family
2- If a man is a bigamist, he…..
a- Is married to two women
b- Is divorced
c- Will never marry
3- Which of the following pairs of words are antonyms?
a- Good –bad
b- Two-too
c- Paul- peter
4- Dan says he is an atheist
a- One who believes in God
b- One who does not believe in God.
c- One who believes in many gods.
5- There was a great antipathy between the brothers.
a- Love
b- Difference
c- Dislike
Exercise Three
Skill: To identify restatements and inferences:
The following paragraphs are followed by three statements. Identify which of them is a restatement (R), an inference (I), a statement that is not stated and cannot be inferred from the passage (NS)
Paragraph One
Jack has many friends. They go out together a lot. Jane is among his best friends.
….a- Jack’s friends are numerous
…..b- Dora is among his friends.
….c- Jack is a sociable person
Paragraph Two

I saw by the clock of the city jail that it was past eleven, so I decided to go to the newspaper immediately. Outside the editor’s door I stopped to make sure my pages were in the right order; I smoothed them out carefully, stuck them back in my pocket, and knocked. I could hear my heart thumping as I walked in.
…..a. The teller of this story has just left the city jail.
……b. He has been carrying his papers in his pocket.
…..c. We know that the storyteller is a newspaper writer by profession.

Paragraph Three
Heavy smokers and drinkers run a fifteen-time greater risk of developing cancer of mouth and throat than non-smokers and non-drinkers
…a- People would probably be healthier if they did not drink and smoke too much.
…b- Heavy drinkers who go running have a greater risk of developing cancer than non-drinkers.
…c- Cancer of the mouth and throat is more likely to occur in heavy smokers and drinkers than in non-smokers and non-drinkers.
Paragraph Four
Acupuncture is the treatment of disease─ not just the alleviation of pain─ by inserting very fine needles into the body at specific points called loci.
…a- Pointed needles called loci are used in acupuncture.
….b- Those using acupuncture treat disease by placing
needles into the body at specific points.
….c- The author believes that some people do not know that acupuncture can be used to treat illness.
Paragraph Five
When there is an absence of reliable information about drugs, the risks involved in using them are greatly increased.
…..a- People should try to find out about drugs before using them.
……b- The risks involved in using drugs have increased.
……c- There are no risks involved in using drugs if we have reliable
information about them.
Exercise Four: Reading
Read the following passage and answer the questions

The healthy development of children is a major concern of all responsible and caring parents. The mother and father of a child naturally worry that both the mental and physical growth of their offspring is occurring normally. There is nourishment, hygiene and discipline to be considered in the upbringing of a child. If governments do not provide parental education in these three areas, there is a danger that children may be improperly raised.

Guidelines for nourishment are essential. If a government fails to inform the public about correct eating habits, a child may suffer nutritional deficiencies which result in bad teeth, weak bones, and poor eyesight. These in turn will place a financial burden on the medical services of the state, which has to provide treatment and care for the ailing child. Moreover, they will place an emotional strain on the parents of the child who is sick. Nutrition education will prevent these problems.

Hygiene is one of the factors which affect the child’s development. Research has shown that children who are not taught cleanliness develop unhygienic habits which tend to stay with them throughout their life. They then pass on these bad habits to their own children. A severe lack of hygienic habits may lead to illness, which again places a burden on the state’s health services. Furthermore, every one of those who are unhygienic is considered anti-social and so is not welcomed by those to whom these habits of cleanliness are important. It is, therefore, vital for the state to provide education about hygiene.

Finally, there is the problem of discipline. Parents who refuse to discipline their children or to exert any authority over them risk creating a child who is selfish and rude. Such a child will be disliked by most people and therefore could become unhappy and isolated later in life. Conversely, a mother or father who is too authoritarian could make the child frightened, introverted and lacking in self-confidence. It is therefore necessary to give parents guidelines so that they can decide on a balanced approach to ensure the healthy mental and emotional development of the child.

To summarize, each government throughout the world states has the responsibility to provide parents with information about childcare. This information should focus on nutrition, hygiene and discipline. Parents could be informed through pamphlets, childcare centers, and television and radio announcements. This would ensure that none of the parents have the excuse that he or she does not know about the subject. The benefits from such a campaign are that children would be both healthier and happier, growing up into responsible, well-adjusted adults.

1- According to the passage, why are nourishment guidelines, provided by the government for parents, important?
2- What are the consequences of the lack of hygienic habits, according to the text?
3- What are the means which the government can make use of to raise the parents’ awareness of the importance of nutrition, hygiene and discipline?
4- How can both too lenient and too rigid parents harm their children, as revealed in the text?
5- From the passage give synonyms for: data, important, regulation, afraid.

Answer Key
Exercise One: Possible Answers
1- Book, 2- steal, 3- nomad- roamer- traveller, 4- ugly, 5- ape-monkey, 6- break, 7-car.
Exercise Two: Possible Answers
1- a, 2- a, 3- a, 4- b, 5- c
Exercise Three: Possible answers
Paragraph One
Jack has many friends. They go out together a lot. Jane is among his best friends.
…(S). a- Jack’s friends are numerous
…(NS) b- Dora is among his friends.
…(I) c- Jack is a sociable person
Paragraph Two
I saw by the clock of the city jail that it was past eleven, so I decided to go to the newspaper immediately. Outside the editor’s door I stopped to make sure my pages were in the right order; I smoothed them out carefully, stuck them back in my pocket, and knocked. I could hear my heart thumping as I walked in.
…(S).. a. The teller of this story has just left the city jail.
…(I)… b. He has been carrying his papers in his pocket.
(NS)….. c. We know that the storyteller is a newspaper writer by

Paragraph Three
Heavy smokers and drinkers run a fifteen-time greater risk of developing cancer of mouth and throat than non-smokers and non-drinkers
(I) a- People would probably be healthier if they did not drink and smoke too much.
(NS) b- Heavy drinkers who go running have a greater risk of
developing cancer than non-drinkers.
(S) c- Cancer of the mouth and throat is more likely to occur in
heavy smokers and drinkers than in non-smokers and
Paragraph Four
Acupuncture is the treatment of disease─ not just the alleviation of pain─ by inserting very fine needles into the body at specific points called loci.
(NS) a- Pointed needles called loci are used in
(S) b- Those using acupuncture treat disease by placing
needles into the body at specific points.
(I) c- The author believes that some people do not know that acupuncture can be used to treat illness.
Paragraph Five
When there is an absence of reliable information about drugs, the risks involved in using them are greatly increased.
(I) a- People should try to find out about drugs before using them.
(NS) b- The risks involved in using drugs have increased.
(S) c- There are no risks involved in using drugs if we have reliable
information about them.
Exercise Four: Reading
1- Guidelines for nourishment are important because the absence of reliable information about proper nutrition may lead to an increase in the rates of child- sickness which will place a financial burden on the medical service of the state.
2- According to the text, a lack of hygienic habits may cause illness which places a burden on the state’s health services.
3- According to the passage, the government can make use of pamphlets, childcare centers, and television and radio announcements to inform parents about the importance of nutrition, hygiene and discipline.
4- Whereas too lenient parents create an egoistic and impolite child, too rigid parents create a shy, introverted child who lacks self- confidence.
5- Synonyms for: data: information
Important: essential
Regulations: guidelines
Afraid: frightened

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
Main points to be tackled: 6 . Essay writing 1
*Kinds of essays.
*Essay Structure
*Paragraph development.
*Kinds of essays.
1-Descriptive Essays which describe people or places or scenes. The whole essay can be descriptive or part of it .
2-Expository Essays which analyze a subject ,an event , a character , an issue or a theme. The whole essay can be expository or part of it .
3- Argumentative Essays which either support or refute a statement .It is used when both sides of an argument are represented.
4- Narrative Essays which tell a story or a series of events . The whole essay can be narrative or part of it .
*Essay Structure
1- Introduction to the subject of the essay
2- Developing the subject.
3- Concluding the essay.
*Paragraph development.
This can be achieved through any of the following:
1- Giving reasons
2- Giving causes and effects
3- Giving examples
4- Giving proof or evidence.
5- Making comparisons.
Read the paragraphs below which are extracted from essays written by different writers and decide which type of discourse treatment the writer has used.
Paragraph 1
Among your friends ,think of those who are engaged to be married .Many of them will probably follow through but broken engagements are becoming more common .For some ,the phenomenon has raised concern ,but for others the reality may not be altogether unhealthy.
Paragraph 2
For Christmas, I was given a new telephone –address book of sleek caramel-colored leather, made in France ,that smells like the inside of a fancy imported car. My name is embossed in gold in the lower right –hand corner .It is the first address book I have had with my name on it. The books I had before were like the ones from school days ,small and plastic ,and I usually bent them and tore them and finally lost them ,feeling nothing when I did . This one ,I think ,will outlast me ;its beauty seems so invincible.

Paragraph 3
There is no formula by which a man can become a writer ,and there is no end to the number of ways by which a man can be one .Writing can be an art , a trade, a craft ,or a hobby .The artist writes compulsively ,as away of knowing himself ,or of clarifying what he does not know about himself .He writes ,let us say ,for those glimpses of order that form can make momentarily visible. But add that he writes in about the way a drunkard drinks .His passion springs not from reason ,but from thirst.
John Ciardi
Paragraph 4
Certainly my own life ,my husband’s and my children’s lives are diminished by their absence .The daily calls or visits or just sightings of my mother’s car parked in town were like touching down for a moment, a warm spot in each day. There were always non-critical ears to hear my side of an argument ,a sensible voice to advise compromise .Mainly ,the balance they provided on a daily bases is missing ,the balance between past and present and the balance between my identity as a child and as a mother .That is all gone ,because phone communication is brief and all the news is edited .The daily aches ,fears and squabbles are deleted .Good news only ,kids, it’s grandma calling.
Paragraph 5
I am a police woman and so there have been many exciting days in my life because this profession is far from being calm and peaceful. However, one of the most exciting days occurred quite recently and involved the capture of a dangerous criminal who nearly killed me .
1- Argumentative
2- Descriptive
3- Expository
4- Narrative
5- Narrative
Read the following essay titles and decide which approach might be adopted in writing them
1- Nuclear weapons should be banned.
2- Along journey.
3- A day that I will never forget .
4- A lonely childhood.
5- A terrible experience.
6- Computers and societies.
7- University life.
8- Marriage .
9- Studying literature.
10- Fighting terrorism .
11- Smoking should be banned .
Possible answers
1- Argumentative or expository.
2- Narrative .
3- Narrative.
4- Narrative.
5- Narrative.
6- Expository.
7- Expository or Narrative.
8- Expository.
9- Expository.
10- Expository.
11- Argumentative or Expository

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
--(MS) . All his friends deserted him -----------------------(SS)
Possible Answers
Paragraph One
(TS) Two of the major religions of the world are Christianity and Islam
(MS) The Muslim , too, has a Holy book , the Koran, which guides his prayers and gives meaning to his life .
Paragraph Two
(MS) Environmental conditions such as blind corners, narrow streets , heavy fog or rain also contribute to the grisly accident statistics.
(SS) Excessive speed and the failure to signal a turn or a change from one Lane to another are examples of these errors .
Paragraph Three
(Thesis Statement ) There are many factors that lead to this result .
Paragraph Four
(SS) These can be used as guides.
(SS) A student should sleep at least seven hours before sitting for an exam .
Paragraph Five
(MS) She is rather fat .
(SS) They are almond shaped .
Paragraph Six
(Thesis statement) While some agree that smoking in public should be banned , others disagree and both have their convincing reasons .
Paragraph Seven
(TS) Our last summer holiday did not fulfill our expectations .
(SS) As a result we had to go back home .
(MS)We all got soaked as we tried to get a taxi to our hotel .
Paragraph Eight
(MS)It was through her that he lost his job .
(SS) This is due to her bad manners .
………………………………………….Best of luck

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
Main points to be tackled: 6 . Essay writing 1
*Kinds of essays.
*Essay Structure
*Paragraph development.
*Kinds of essays.
1-Descriptive Essays which describe people or places or scenes. The whole essay can be descriptive or part of it .
2-Expository Essays which analyze a subject ,an event , a character , an issue or a theme. The whole essay can be expository or part of it .
3- Argumentative Essays which either support or refute a statement .It is used when both sides of an argument are represented.
4- Narrative Essays which tell a story or a series of events . The whole essay can be narrative or part of it .
*Essay Structure
1- Introduction to the subject of the essay
2- Developing the subject.
3- Concluding the essay.
*Paragraph development.
This can be achieved through any of the following:
1- Giving reasons
2- Giving causes and effects
3- Giving examples
4- Giving proof or evidence.
5- Making comparisons.
Read the paragraphs below which are extracted from essays written by different writers and decide which type of discourse treatment the writer has used.
Paragraph 1
Among your friends ,think of those who are engaged to be married .Many of them will probably follow through but broken engagements are becoming more common .For some ,the phenomenon has raised concern ,but for others the reality may not be altogether unhealthy.
Paragraph 2
For Christmas, I was given a new telephone –address book of sleek caramel-colored leather, made in France ,that smells like the inside of a fancy imported car. My name is embossed in gold in the lower right –hand corner .It is the first address book I have had with my name on it. The books I had before were like the ones from school days ,small and plastic ,and I usually bent them and tore them and finally lost them ,feeling nothing when I did . This one ,I think ,will outlast me ;its beauty seems so invincible.

Paragraph 3
There is no formula by which a man can become a writer ,and there is no end to the number of ways by which a man can be one .Writing can be an art , a trade, a craft ,or a hobby .The artist writes compulsively ,as away of knowing himself ,or of clarifying what he does not know about himself .He writes ,let us say ,for those glimpses of order that form can make momentarily visible. But add that he writes in about the way a drunkard drinks .His passion springs not from reason ,but from thirst.
John Ciardi
Paragraph 4
Certainly my own life ,my husband’s and my children’s lives are diminished by their absence .The daily calls or visits or just sightings of my mother’s car parked in town were like touching down for a moment, a warm spot in each day. There were always non-critical ears to hear my side of an argument ,a sensible voice to advise compromise .Mainly ,the balance they provided on a daily bases is missing ,the balance between past and present and the balance between my identity as a child and as a mother .That is all gone ,because phone communication is brief and all the news is edited .The daily aches ,fears and squabbles are deleted .Good news only ,kids, it’s grandma calling.
Paragraph 5
I am a police woman and so there have been many exciting days in my life because this profession is far from being calm and peaceful. However, one of the most exciting days occurred quite recently and involved the capture of a dangerous criminal who nearly killed me .
1- Argumentative
2- Descriptive
3- Expository
4- Narrative
5- Narrative
Read the following essay titles and decide which approach might be adopted in writing them
1- Nuclear weapons should be banned.
2- Along journey.
3- A day that I will never forget .
4- A lonely childhood.
5- A terrible experience.
6- Computers and societies.
7- University life.
8- Marriage .
9- Studying literature.
10- Fighting terrorism .
11- Smoking should be banned .
Possible answers
1- Argumentative or expository.
2- Narrative .
3- Narrative.
4- Narrative.
5- Narrative.
6- Expository.
7- Expository or Narrative.
8- Expository.
9- Expository.
10- Expository.
11- Argumentative or Expository

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

اشكركم جدا يا ولاء انتي ومارينا وعبد الرحمن مش عارفة كنت هاعمل ايه من غيركم

لكن انا مش فاهمة موضوع سؤال بنية المقال يعني هتجيب سؤال مباشر واحنا نكتب كل اللي كتباه مارينا ده ولا ايه بالظبط

لأن لو كان كدة يبقي اروح

فين الوقت اللي راح اكتب واشرح فيه ده كله

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
العفو يا ستار

بصى سؤال المقال عبارة عن انها بتجيب اكتر من برجراف

وتحط خط تحت اى جملة فى البرجراف

واحنا المفروض نحدد نوع الجملة دى بس يعنى مثلا

ا**ول جملة فى كل برجراف من المقال اسمها
topic sentence

** اخر جملة فى المقدمة اللى هى اول برجراف اسمها
thesis sentence
بالنسبة للbody اللى هو نص المقال

احنا قولنا ان اول جملة اسمها topic
اللى بعدها اسمها major sentence
وبيكون فيها فكرة جديدة

وفى support sentence
ودى حتى من اسمها بتدعم الجملة الاساسية ال major

بتفرقى بينهم ازاى
ان ال major بيكون فيها فكرة جديدة لكن ال support بتدعم الفكرة الجديدة دى وتوضحها
**اخر جملة فى المقال خالص اسمها
concluding sentence
هو دا شكل السؤال انك تحددىنوع الجملة لانها تقريبا بتجيب مقال كامل وبتحط خط تحت جمل فيه

وهو دا اللى اتشرح فى محاضرة امبارح
المحاضرة اللى قبلها كانت شرحت انواع المقال وهى باختصار

عبارة عن قصة او حكاية
event,stiry,chronological order
يعنى ترتيب زمنى

بيبقى عبارة عن وصف شئ وبيكون وصف حسى
descrption of people and places
يعنى دى طويلة قصيرة وكدة

عبارة عن مناقشة وجهتين نظر مع بعض
زى مثلا مميزات وعيوب شئ

only one point of view and the answer
وجهة نظر واحدة بس واقول اسباب الفشل مثلا او النجاح واقول حل المشكلة

هو دا بس اللى المفروض اننا نعرفه وهى قالت مفيش كتابة مقال
عايزة تتأكدى ممكن تبعتى لدكتورة رانيا تسأليها
انتى عارفة هى مشتركة فى الجروب معانا

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

السلام عليكم ياجماعه طبعا انا من مدة طويلة لم اتواصل معاكم بس ان الاوان لذلك كنت عايزه اعرف بالنسبة لنحو على مستوى النص لترم تانى كله مقرر لاننا وقعنا فى الفخ ده وسمعنا كلام زميلنا انهم 6 محاضرات وناس تانية قالت ان الكلام ده غير صحيح .
وبالنسبة للقراءة والتعبير انا حضرت مرة واحدة لان الدكتور بصراحة لاخبطلى كل اللى فى دماغى ومش عارف ايه نظام الامتحان بيسأل عن ايه ولا بيجى ازاى وطبعا هما حطينه اول يوم
اتمنى حد يفيدنى

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
يعني المطلوب بس في السؤال ده انك تقولي موقع الجملة في المقال زي ما شرحتي انت قبل كدة مش اننا نعرف بنية المقال ونعرفها والرغي ده كله

ريحتيني الله يريحك .......... شكرا ولاء علي مجهودك

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

انشئ حساب جديد او قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من اضافه تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل ؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

سجل دخولك الان

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