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soha Al-sbai

أسئلة وإجابات القطعة الأولى مادة ثقافية ترم أول

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A First Course in Culture

1- When did tribes flourish in the British Isles?

Tribes flourished in the British Isles by 8000 BC.

2- When did people emerge from the Paleolithic era into the Neolithic era?

People emerged from the Paleolithic era into the Neolithic era around 4500 BC.

3- What were the characteristics of the Neolithic era?

The characteristics of the Neolithic era were:

1) People began building fairly advanced houses out of stone, wood and whalebone.
2) People practiced agriculture and domestication of animals.
3) Most of people still lived individually but some began to gather into small villages.
4) Stone structures known as "henges" began to appear around the landscape.

4- What purposes did stone structures “henges” serve into Neolithic era?

The stone structures “henges” served many purposes; to observe night sky to determine when to sow and when to harvest, as meeting places for trading of goods and as defensive structures.

5- When did the English society move into the Bronze Age?

The English society moved into the Bronze age around the time that Stonhenge was built.

6- Where did tin and gold came from in the Bronze Age?

The tin came from Cornwall, and the gold came from Wales.

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