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نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح

حلقة دراسية ...ترم تانى اداب انجليزى دور يناير 2011

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5-Thirty years of Danish raids on the east coast of England preceded the arrival, in 865, of a 'Great Army' equipped for conquest rather than quick booty.

6-because He is the first Anglo-Saxon ruler to be accepted as something akin to a national leader. The English saw him as such in those regions resisting Danish domination. With good cause he was the only king of England to be accorded the title 'the Great'.

7-Because The Danes drew much of their strength from their swift Viking long ships. It made sense for the Anglo-Saxon islanders to reply in kind

السؤال الثامن مش محتاج اختصار
ياريت تراجعوا الاجابات

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طريقة الأختصار اما انك توجد السبب مباشر في القطعة او انك تجمع الأجابة بطريقة موجزة من القطعة الطويلة

انا خلصت الأربع الأولي غير محتاجة اختصار والباقي هاضعه وفي نهاية تجميع الأسئلة نبقي نراجعهم كلنا سوا

2-One became a slave in the Dark Ages.

2-One became a slave in the Dark Ages.

[b]One could have the bad luck to be born a slave
, of course. , of course

Many conquered Celtic Britons would have become slaves.

In some cases a family would sell a child into slavery forthe child's survival


[b]People could also become slaves if they were unable to pay a fine.


[b]3-Slavery was not necessarily a

lifetime sentence.

3-Slavery was not necessarily a lifetime sentence.

[b]If a person became a slave because they were unable to pay a debt, they might be freed when the value of their labour reached the value of the original debt.

[b]4-Early Saxon pottery saw a return to pre-roman technology.

- Horses and oxen were raised in great numbers.

Early Saxon pottery sees a return to pre-Roman technology, in that the potters' wheel is largely abandoned in favour of hand building techniques and the kiln seems to give way to open firing.

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ودي اجابات من المحاضرة السادسه

1-Some foreign coins came to the British Isles.

Some foreign coins entered the region as a result of trading contacts both with Western
Europe and the Islamic world to the east

It was possible to have a precise system of trade and exchange even without a regular coinage.

Traders carried small scales which could measure weight very


5-The Vikings took their families with them when they moved from Scandinavia

Viking army operating in the years 892-5 was accompanied by women and children, who had to be put in a place of safety while the army fought and harried



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علي ما تينا تضع باقي اسئلة المحاضرة يا ريت نبتدي في المحاضرة ستة هي 14 سؤال

هاخد اول 5 اسئلة وخد انتي الخمسة الباقية وهيفضل اربعة تاخدهم تينا بعد ما تخلص علشان نستفيد من الوقت الباقي

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انا مشفتش المساهمة بتعتك يا ريت تضع ارقام الأسئلة علشان اكمل الباقي

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الخامس انت واضع رأس السؤال ولا يوجد اجابة راجع مساهمتك

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عموما انا خلصت هذه الأسئلة وسأضعها الآن في المحاضرة السادسة

1-Some foreign coins came to the British Isles.

Some foreign coins entered the region as a result of trading contacts both with Western Europe and the Islamic world to the east.

2-It was possible to have a precise system of trade and exchange even without a regular coinage.

Traders carried small scales which could measure weight very accurately, so it was possible to have a very precise system of trade and exchange even without a regular coinage.

3-Both in England and on the Continent, native rulers regularly paid the Viking raiders.

Both in England and on the Continent, native rulers regularly paid Viking raiders to leave them in peace.
The idea of 'Dane geld'(a land tax paid by landholders to the crown in late Anglo-Saxon and Norman times) is particularly associated today with the reign of Ethelred II (978-1016), whose policy of paying off the Vikings rather than fighting them was famously unsuccessful

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معلش يا عبد الرحمن انتي وتينا يا ريت لما تضعوا اجابتكم يا ريت تضع رأس السؤال بلون واجابتك بلون اخر وتضع رقم السؤال علشان عملية الترتيب

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6-The Viking women were not dressed alike.

Accounts for the divine origin of the three main social classes are so obvious. They also give us a snapshot of daily life in the Viking Age.

The Scandinavian breakfast was discouraging.

For breakfast the farmer helps himself to some of yesterday's left-over stew. It has been left in an iron cauldron. The stew itself also looks rather scary.

[b]The farmer breaks off a hunk of bread to dip into the stew. A rather stale crusty flat loaf, this bread was baked last week.


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8- The Viking pagan graves are particularly useful to archaeologists.

Pagan graves are particularly useful because the bodies were fully dressed and accompanied by personal belongings, some of which indicate important activities of the living. Pagan graves provide plentiful archaeological evidence for early Scandinavian settlement in England and Scotland, and for female settlers.[/b]

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يعني كدة باقي من المحاضرة 4 - - 9 10

انا هابتدي احل 9 - 4

وانت ابتدي في 10 اشكرك علي نشاطك بالتوفيق والنجاح ان شاء الله

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السؤال الرابع دي اكتر اختصار قدرت عليه لو فيه حد يقدر يختصر اكتر من كدة بدون اخلال يا ريت يضعها

4-Adopting coinage.

The reasons for adopting coinage were probably political and cultural as much as economic. Like many 'barbarian' invaders, the Vikings looked at the more 'civilised' peoples they had invaded, and wanted to be like them. Issuing coins was one of the established rights associated with Christian kingship in Europe in the early Middle Ages. The Anglo-Saxons themselves had adopted coinage as soon as they converted to Christianity, and the Vikings did just the same.[/b]

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الأسئلة الباقية في المحاضرة 6 الدكتورة طالبة وصف مختصر وموجز هابتدي في رقم 1 الأسئلة عددها 6

انا لسة مرجعتش علي اجابتك بعد ما نخلص نبقي نراجع يارب نقدر نخلص النهاردة وبكرة نراجع اجابتنا ان شاء الله

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2-The Dane Geld The idea of 'Dane geld'(a land tax paid by landholders to the crown in late Anglo-Saxon and Norman times) is particularly associated today with the reign of Ethelred II (978-1016), whose policy of paying off the Vikings rather than fighting them was famously unsuccessful, and led to the conquest of England by Svein Forkbeard and Cnut.

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القطعة الخاصة بالسؤال في المحاضرة المكتوبة وفي التليفزيونية لا اجدها مش عارفة ممكن يكون السؤال ده خارج الموضوع The Bullion Economy
هي بتتكلم في المحاضرة عن المجوهرات جزئية السبائك دي لا اجدها شكلي كدة هنجت

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4-The Viking food preservation techniques.

With n r freezers the Viking family has to take special measures to stop their food going bad. Meat and fish can be smoked or rubbed with salt. Fruit can be dried; grains are made into bread or ale. Dairy produce such as milk is made into cheese

Moreover, Bad weather may have meant they had to rely more on stored food.

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Star. H كتب:
القطعة الخاصة بالسؤال في المحاضرة المكتوبة وفي التليفزيونية لا اجدها مش عارفة ممكن يكون السؤال ده خارج الموضوع The Bullion Economy
هي بتتكلم في المحاضرة عن المجوهرات جزئية السبائك دي لا اجدها شكلي كدة هنجت

انا مش فاهم قصدك ايه ؟؟ اصل اليوم كان طويل جدا في الشغل وتقريبا مش شايف حاجه

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مش مهم انا حاولت استمع للجزئية دي في المحاضرة التليفزيونية لكن لقيت الدكتورة بتمشي بسرعة

علي المواضيع لأن الموضوعاات طويلة ومقدرتش اجمعها في المحاضرة المكتوبة المهم انا ريحت دماغي ترجمتها عربي وبعدين اختصرتها وادي اجابتي

1-The Bullion Economy

A bullion economy, is a system in which the weight and the purity of the precious metal are what is important, not what form the metal takes.
and the most common metal in the economy was silver, although gold

[b]Traders carried small scales which could measure weight very accurately, so it was possible to have a very precise system of trade and exchange even without a regular coinage.

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باستخدم ايزي لينجو وكامبردج واطلس وجوجل لكن جوجل ما بعتمدش علي ترجمته لأن اغلبها غلط

دي اجابة رقم 3 في المحاضرة 6

3-Thelink between issuing coins and Christian kingship.

[b]The link between issuing coins and Christian kingship is very clear in the coinage of Viking rulers in the British Isles. Some of the St Peter pennies carry the hammer of the pagan god Thor alongside the name of St Peter.

It is also very noticeable that the coins of the Danelaw carry very Christian symbols. Many have the Christian cross, and some carry Christian inscriptions such as DOMINUS DEUS REX (Lord God and King) or MIRABILIA FECIT (He has done marvellous things).

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كدة مش باقي في المحاضرة السادسة غير 5 و 6

انت بتجاوب ايه علشان اخد التاني

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5-The Viking food and beverage tools.

The Vikings had bowls and plates very similar to our own, but made more often from wood rather than pottery. They ate with a sharp pointed knife, which served as both a knife and a fork

Spoons were made from wood, horn or

animal bone

Drink was taken in horns, similarly decorated and sometimes with metal tips and rims.

كده ناقص السؤال السادس

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السؤال السادس اجابته في القطعة الأولي منه وباقي الصفحة كلام ملهوش علاقة ذات اهمية انا وانت في الساعتين دول انتهينا من اجابة المحاضرة السادسة كلها 14 سؤال هتكمل معايا المحاضرة السابعة ولا هنجت خلاص

6-The Vikings styles of settlement.

There were remarkable differences in the way that the newcomers lived. There is a contrast between the essentially rural pattern of Norwegian settlement in Scotland, with its individual farms and family estates, and the urban development of Dublin and later Waterford in Ireland. There the Vikings established trading centres on the coastal fringe of a rural hinterland that was little affected by Scandinavian activities.

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خلاص ماشي وكمان تينا معانا علي النت هنشوف اللي حلته انا هابدأ في المحاضرة الأخيرة 7 وهي تقريبا 8 اسئلة

ارقام الأسئلة ويا ريت تينا تشاركنا علشان ننجز المحاضرات فيهم مواضيع كتيييييييييييييير

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انا جاوبت السؤال الأول فمتحلوهوش

1- Since the Norman Conquest in 1066 till 1485 the times were referred to as the Middle Ages.

[b]the middle period between the decline of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance called The Middle Ages, and it is also referred to as the Medieval era.

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3- The emergence of the Knight's Templar:

The crusades saw the emergence of religious knights including the Knights Templar.

The members of the orders of Religious knights

were both monks and knights

[b]- The emergence of the Hospitallers.

The Hospitaller is a member of a military religious order, the Knights of the Hospital of St John

also he is seen as a member of a religious order or charitable institution involved in the care of the sick, especially in hospital.

5- It was thought that Britain's 5th century great buildings and architecture fell into decay.

It used to be thought that once the Romans pulled out of Britain in the fifth century, their elegant villas, carefully-planned towns and engineering marvels like Hadrian's Wall simply fell into decay as British culture was plunged into the Dark Ages. It took the Norman Conquest of 1066 to bring back the light.


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رقم 2 القطعة الأولي بها السبب اما باقي القطعة فتتحدث عن فرسان المعبد وسبب ظهورهم وهذا ليس له علاقة بسبب الحرب الصليبية

2- The Crusades were made.

Pilgrimages to Jerusalem were made by people in the Middle Ages who had been guaranteed their safety in the city. In 1065 Jerusalem was taken by the Turks and Christians were treated so badly that throughout Christendom people were stirred to fight in crusades.

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وهذه رقم 6 هي فعلا اجابة الدكتورة قصيرة لكن السبب غير واضح وسط القطعة فعدلته ليصبح

6- The Anglo-Saxon building style didn't survive for long.

[b]Because the Anglo-Saxon buildings were made of wood.it had little survives to bear witness to their achievements.

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teeng ليه لم تضعي اجابتك للمحاضرة الخامسة احنا منتظرين او قوليلنا علشان ننتهي منها اليوم ان شاء الله مع السادسة والسابعة

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وهذه اجابة رقم 7

7- The period from 1066 to 1485 marks a flourishing era in British Architecture.

period between the Norman landing in 1066 and 1485 marks a rare flowering of British building. And it is all the more remarkable because the underlying ethos of medieval architecture was 'fitness for purpose'. The great cathedrals and parish churches that lifted up their towers to heaven were not only acts of devotion in stone; they were also fiercely functional buildings.

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واخيرا اجابة رقم 8

8- The Pyramid of power shaped the British society of the Middle Ages.

[b] Middle Ages clothing and fashion like everything else was dictated by the Pyramid of Power which was the Middle Ages Feudal System. Medieval clothes provided information about the status of the person wearing them.

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ناقص الجزء الخاص بتينا تقريبا كدة مش عارفة انا هاراجع مساهمتنا من الأول واشوف ايه

الناقص بس مراجعة اجابتنا هبتدي بها بكرة ان شاء الله لأن مخي خلاص اتأكسد

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انا وانت جاوبنا ال7 اسئلة الأولي يعني باقي 5 اسئلة

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السؤال رقم 8 غير محتاج اختصار والنوع الثاني من الأسئلة في المحاضرة

رقم 1 غير محتاج لأختصار

اما رقم 2 و 4 محتاجين وقت طويل لأختصارهم فخليهم بكرة لأنهم عايزين مخ صاحي

اما رقم ثلاثة فاحنا جاوبنا عليه قبل كدة فاجابته هي

3- The difference between the Roman and the Anglo-Saxon pottery.

3- The difference between the Roman and the Anglo-Saxon pottery.

Early Saxon pottery sees a return to pre-Roman technology, in that the potters' wheel is largely abandoned in favour of hand building techniques and the kiln seems to give way to open firing.

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هذه اجابة السؤال الثاني في المحاضرة الخامسة هذا اقصي اختصار وصلت له من الصفحتين اجازته كثيرة وهذه ابرزها ولم ادخل في تفاصيل التاريخ وذلك لأنه غير مطلوب كما ذكرت الدكتورة في المحاضرة التليفزيونية فهو للمعرفة العامة فقط غير مقرر

2- King Alfred the Great.

[b]He is the first Anglo-Saxon ruler to be accepted as something akin to a national leader.

he was the only king of England to be accorded the title 'the Great'.

His authority derived from his successes against the Danes. His kingly virtues can also be seen, with hindsight, in his encouragement of learning. But his central achievement is the quarter-century of struggle which followed his victory over the Danes at Ashdown in 871.

And One of his first acts was to establish the beginnings of an English fleet.

The best successes the treaty with Guthrum. He and Alfred agreed a basis for coexistence between Anglo-Saxons in the south and west and Danes in the north and east of the country - the region which became known as Danelaw.


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واخيرا السؤال الرابع وكدة نكون انتهينا من الثلاث محاضرات ثقافية

4- The coexistence between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes on the British Isles.

The coexistence between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes on the British Isles.after the treaty with Guthrum. He and Alfred agreed a basis for coexistence between Anglo-Saxons in the south and west and Danes in the north and east of the country - the region which became known as Danelaw.

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لم الاحظ هذا من قبل لكن الدكتورة في المحاضرة السابعة واضعة الأجابة

ستلاحظوا الأجابة ملونة باللون الأحمر عند تجميع الكلمات المعلمة ستجد انها مناسبة للأجابة ولذلك فالأفضل ان نأخذ بأجابة الدكتورة

يا ريت عملت كدة في باقي المحاضرات لكن الحمد لله

اول ما يصلني ورق الترجمة النهائي سأضعه هنا ان شاء الله علمت بأن النحو العربي وصل الدكتور الي الحال لكن لا اعلم اذا كان حذف الباقي ام لا

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1- Since the Norman Conquest in 1066 till 1485 the times were

referred to as the Middle Ages.

[b] The Middle Ages are so called as the middle
period between the decline of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. The Middle Ages are also referred to as the Medieval era.

This includes events in England from the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and ending in the emergence of the English Renaissance period with the Tudor dynasty in 1485.

اجابة الدكتورة للسؤال معلمة بالأحمر في القطعة

هتكون الأجابة

period between the decline of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance.

[b]Medieval era.

[b]from the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and ending in the emergence of the English Renaissance period with the Tudor dynasty in 1485.


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الي الآن لا توجد اي اخبار عن الترجمة والمحاضرة النهائية الأيام القادمة الي 20 / 1 هتكون

للترجمة والجرامر مين هيكون معايا في المادتين دول

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انشئ حساب جديد او قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من اضافه تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

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