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اسئلة على مادة ثقافية (عصر النهضة-مادة اعلامية) التيرم الاول قمت بوضعها بنفسي درس Roman Invasion

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بعد قرائتي للموضوع ودراسته جيدا قمت باستخراج جميع ما يمكن ان يكون سؤالا ً على الدرس , ان شاء الله تستفيدو بها

اسم الدرس : Roman Invasion (A.D 43 - A.D 410)

- Who is Aulus Plautus?

1- When did Aulus Plautus invaded Britain?

2- Who invaded Britain in May A.D 43?

3- What country did Aulus Plautus invade in May A.D 43?

4- How many legions did Aulus Plautus bring with him in A.D 43?

5- How many auxiliary troops did Aulus Plautus bring with him in A.D 43?

6- What did Aulus Plautus bring with him in May A.D 43?

7- Who landed on the Kent coast in May A.D 43?

8- Who defeated the Brition in a series of skirmishes in May A.D 43?

9- Where did the Roman army land on in May A.D 43?

10- What did the Roman army defeat in May A.D 43?

11- When did the emperor Claudius arrive with rainforcements?

12-What kind of rainforcements did the emperor Claudius arrive with in
the early Autumn?

13- Who personally supervised the capture of Colchester?

14- What did Emperor Claudius supervise?

15- How many surrended tribal kings did emperor Claudius accept?

16- Who pointed Aulus Plautius as the first governer of Britain?

17- Who did emperor Claudius point to be the first governer of Britain?

18- Where did emperor Claudius return to after pointing Aulus Plautius as the first governer of Britain?
19-Mention some conflicts that continued after emperor Claudius returned to Rome.

20- Mention some tribes that quickly accepted Roman influence and began to issimilate.

21- When did the legions penetrate as far south-west as Cornwall?

22- Where did the legions penetrate in A.D 47?

23- Mention the achievements of the Romans in A.D 47.

24- What did the Romans construct in A.D 47?

25- What kind of system did the Romans began constructing in A.D 47?

26- What did the Romans find in A.D 47?

27- What is Lindonium?

28- What did the Romans build in A.D 47?

29- What is Thames?

30- What happened to the frountier in A.D 60?

31- What happened to the tribes in A.D 60?

32- Under whose protection had more tribes been taken in A.D 60?

33- When were the Roman troops being continually withdrawn from Britain by A.D 410?

34- From what country were the Roman troops being withdrawn by A.D 410?

35- Why were the Roman troops being withdrawn from Britain by A.D 410?

36- To who did the citizens of the Romans Britain write a help request?

37- Why did the citizens of the Romans Britain write to Honorius?

38- Did Honorius accept to help the citizens of the Romans Britain in A.D 410? Explain your answer.

39- With who did Honorius have his own problems in A.D 410?

40- why did Honorius write write back to Britons?Or What did he tell to Britons when he wrote back to them after
they asked him for help with Saxon and the Pictish raiders and he refused to help?

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اسم الدرس
Unit 1: Ancient England
الصفحات في الكتاب: 9-10-11-12-13

1- What Country was England part of in pre-history?
England was part of mainland Europe.

2- What was England connected by in pre-history?
It was connected by a land Bridge.

3- What was the land bridge which connects England covered in?
It was covered in water.

4- What did the land bridge which connects England become after it has been subsequently covered in water?
It became the English Channel.

5- When were the Paleolithic tribes flourishing in the Britsh Isles in pre-history?
They were flourishing there by A.D 8000 BC.

6- When did the people living in the area that would become the British Isles emerge from Paleolithic and into Neolithic era?
Around A.D 4500 BC they emerged from the Paleolithic and what we now call Neolithic era.

7- What did the people who emerged from the Paleolithic and into Neolithic era build around A.D 4500 BC?
They began building fairly advanced houses out of stone, wood and whalebone.

8- What were the houses which were built by emerged people from Paleolithic and into Neolithic era made of?
They were made of stone, wood and whalebone.

9- What did people emerged from the Paleolithic and into Neolithic era learn around A.D 4500 BC?
They learnt agriculture and domestication of animals.

10- When did the stone structeres known as "Stonehenes" begin to appear
around the landscape?
They began to appear around the landscape during the early and middle Neolithic.

11- How did the Sonehenges serve many purposes?
Or(Mention some of the purposes the Stonehenges served in the Neolithic era).
1- They observed the night sky in order to know when to sow and when to harvest.
2- They were used as meeting places for trading goods
3- They were used as defensive structures.

12- Why did the Stonehenges serve to observe the night sky?
In order to know when to sow and when to harvest.

13- What were the most important among the stone structures in Neolithic era?
The most important stone structeres was of course Stonehenge.

14- Where did society move into in the time the Stonehenge was built?
Society moved into the bronze age.

15- When did society move into the bronze age?
Society moved into the bronze age in the time that Stonehenge was built.

16- What was the bronze used for in the bronze age?
Bronze was used to make tools.

17- What was the gold used for in the bronze age?
Gold was used to make jewellery.

18- Where did the Tin needed to make bronze come from in the bronze age?
Tin came from the Cornwall.

19- What was the Tin needed for?
Tin was needed to make bronze.

20- Where did gold came from in the bronze age?
Gold came from Wales.

21- Where were the products made from Gold and Tin traded?
Products of these materials were even traded in mainland Europe.

جميع الاسئلة من تأليفي بعد حفظي للدرس
وتذكر ان هذه هي جميع اسئلة الدرس
ولاحظ ان الدكتورة وضعت حوالي 8 اسئلة فقط على الدرس

لكني سهلتلك الدرس ووضعتلك عليه اسئلة بجميع الأساليب من كل جملة في الدرس لأني حافظ الدرس

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الكلام ده انتشرح امتى والدكتوره شرحت امتى الكلام ده
انا لسه ترم اول
واول محاضرة ليا كانت الجمعه السابقه واخذت فيها نحو وقراه وفهم

ممكن اعرف بقى ازاى اللى انت كاتبه ده اتشرح وامتى ؟


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اسم الدرس
Unit 5: Anglo-Saxon England
الصفحات في الكتاب: 26-27-28-29-30

1- When did the next wave of new-comers Anglo-Saxon appear in the British Isles?
Anglo-Saxon appeared in British Isles after the Roman Empire collapsed.

2- What does the term Anglo-Saxon refer to?
It refers to settlers from the German regions of Angeln and Saxony who made their way over to Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire around A.D 410.

3- What are the German regions which the term Anglo-Saxon refers to their settlers?
They are Angeln and Saxony.

4- Where did the settlers from the German regions(Angeln and Saxony) make their way?
They made their way over to Britain.

5- When did the settlers from the German regions of Angeln and Saxony make their way over to Britain?
After the fall of the Roman Empire around A.D 410.

6- When were the Jutes and the Frisians from Denmark settling in the British Isles?
They were settling there after the fall of the Roman Empire around A.D 410.

7- Where were the Jutes and the Frisians from Denmark settling in the British Isles after the fall of the Roman Empire around A.D 410?
There were settling in the British Isles.

8- Which settlers were the Jutes's and the Frisians's own masters in a new land?
The Anglo-Saxon settlers were their own masters in a new land.

9- Whose legacy did the Anglo-Saxon do a little to keep it alive?
The legacy of the Roman.

10- What did the Anglo-Saxon settlers replace the Roman stone buildings for?
They replaced the Roman stone buildings for their own wooden one.

11- Whose language gave the rise to the English spoken language today?
The language which the Anglo-Saxon settlers spoke as their own language.

12- What are the achievements of the Anglo-Saxon settlers after the fall of the Roman Empire around A.D 410?
A- They were Jutes's and Frisians's own masters in a new land.
B- They did a little to keep the legacy of the Roman alive.
C- They replaced the Roman stone buildings for their own wooden ones.
D- They spoke their own language which gave rise to the English spoken today.

13- What did the arrival of Saint Augastine in 597 convert most of the country to?
It converted most of the country to Christians.

14- How long did the Anglo-Saxon period last for?
It lasted for 600 years from A.D 410 to 1066.

15- What have the Britain's politicial landscapes done during the Anglo-Saxon period?
They underwent many changes during that period.

16- How many kingdoms was the country divided into by the ninth century?
They were four kingdoms.

17- What are the four kingdoms which was the country divided into by the ninth century?
Northumbia,Arcia,East Anglia,and Wessex

18- What did most of the information we have about Anglo-saxon come from?
It came from Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

19- What is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?
It is a year by year accoun all the major events of the time, and among other things it describes the fall and rise of the bishops and the kings and the important battles of Hasting.

20- What does the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle describe?
It describes the fall and rise of the bishops and the kings and the important battles of Hasting.

21- When did the Anglo-Saxon rule come to an end?
It came to an end soon after the death of Edward the confessor.

22- Who had no heir, and supposedly willed the kingdom to William of Normandy?
His name is Edward "the confessor".

23- Who was crowned a king immediately after Edward died?
Harold crowned a king after Edward died.

24- When was Harold crowna king?
He was crowned a king after Edward died.

25- How did Harold fail after he crowned king?
He fail in his attempt to protect his crown.

26- When did harold fail to defend his crown?
When William of Normandy and an invading army crossed the Channel from France to claim it for himself.

27- Who defeated Harold in October 1066?
Harold was defeated by the Normans.

28- What is the name of the battle which Harold was defeated by the Normans at?
It was the battle of Hastings.

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لا ماهي دي من الدروس المقررة علينا , التلات دروس دول
هو لسة ماتشرحش بس انا ذاكرت التلت دروس دول وطلعت عليهم اسألة

انا اساسا ً ماحضرتش الاسبوع اللي فات

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تمام شكرا
وان شاء الله نتقابل الاسبوه القادم بإذن الله

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انت في مصر صح؟
بس انا هاروح الكويت مع اهلي وهامتحن هناك

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اه مع الف سلامه وان كان لينا نصيب نتقابل هنتقابل ان شاء الله

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ان شاء الله باذن الله......
ربنا يوفقك في دراستك ان شاء الله!!

بس واضح ان الاسئلة اللي بتيجي في الامتحان مباشرة وبتيجي من المحاضرات بتاعت الدكتورة وحاجة تانية الدكتورة كاتبة في المحاضرات اسئلة صح وخطأ يعني تكتب جمب الجملة الصح كلمة (True) وجمب الجملة اللي فيها معلومة غلط تكتب كلمة (False) وماجبتش في الامتحان صح وخطأ خالص كلها اسألة مباشرة When - What - How - Why وترجمة وخلاص على كدة

دة انا على كدة بقى كاتب اسألة صعبة , وواجع دماغي وباحفص الدروس بالنص...

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ودة بيشتت مخي انزل الشارع انسى كام معلومة من الدرس

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والدكتورة بتحط شوية اسألة بطريقة غبية والسؤال حطيته بطريقة مختلفة زي مثلا:

Who led the Norman army which invaded England in 1066? What was the battle called?

وانا ماطلعتش سؤال زي دة بس حفظت الفقرة كلها من الكتاب بالنص كدة:
Harold was crowned a king immediately after Edward died, but he failed in his attempt to defend his crown, when William of Normandy and an invading army crossed the channel from France to claim it for himself, Harold was defeated by the Normans at the battle of Hasting in October 1066.

لو لاحظتو السؤال على الجملة اللي بالاحمر مفيش حاجة مرتبطة ب كلمة led خالص زي ما مكتوب في السؤال

يعني الحفظ بالنص ماكنش هايجيب نتيجة لو ماكنتش بصيت على اسئلة المحاضرة , ربنا يستر من حفظي...

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الحمد لله انا خلصت المادة دي ذاكرتها بس بمجرد النظر وحفظت اسئلة المحاضرات واجابتها...

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ماشاء الله حفظك كويس و صح

انا مستحيل احفظ بدون فهم

انا ناويه اعمل كده احفظ كتير ...مش علشان الامتحان وبس... لاء
علشان أطور من نفسي ولغتي
وكمان عاوزه اكون محترفه في الترجمه اللفظيه بعد التخرج انشالله

أستمر ....وربنا يوفقنا جميعاً

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Unique كتب:

ماشاء الله حفظك كويس و صح

انا مستحيل احفظ بدون فهم

انا ناويه اعمل كده احفظ كتير ...مش علشان الامتحان وبس... لاء
علشان أطور من نفسي ولغتي
وكمان عاوزه اكون محترفه في الترجمه اللفظيه بعد التخرج انشالله

أستمر ....وربنا يوفقنا جميعاً

بس عادي اختي
المادة محتاجة حفظ فقط ماظنش انها محتاجة فهم لان كلها معلومات حثت في التاريخ القديم
بخلاف مادة رياضيات والحساب عايزة فهم القوانين وطرية ةحل المسائل

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مع الشكر لمجهودك العظيم
اسمح لي أن بتعليق على لسؤالك الأخير

Who led the Norman army which invaded England in 1066? What was the battle called?

هذا السؤال موجود في التطبيقات ص 5 بإجابة سليمة وهي:William of Normandy led the Norman army which invaded England in 1066.
The battle was called the Battle of Hastings.

ومعك حق بالطبع الحفظ بالنص لا يجدي.

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