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مالفرقر بين الopen & Restricted collocations. collecations

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السلام عليكم
اا في الترم الرابع ومو قادرة افرق بين ال
a)Restricted collocations.
b)Open collocations.
فما الفرق بينهما؟

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه
a) Open collocations: combination of two or more words co-occurring

together, without any specific relation between those two words.

Combination in which both elements are freely recombinable. Each

element is used in a common literal sense and they are translated easily

since they are used in both languages.

For instance

إذن / تصريح رسمي Official permission

b) Bound collocations: unites of lexical category behave as a bridge

between collocations and idioms.

For instance

حرب ضروس =Drastic war
معركة دامية =Bloody battle

c) Restricted collocations: combination of two or more words used in

one of their regular, non-idiomatic meaning, following certain

structural patterns, and restricted in their commutability not only

grammatical and semantic valence, but also by usage.

For instance

خسائر فادحة Gross losses
جريمة نكراء Heinous crime


شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

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