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The results and the SMS

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I would approciate it if anyone can tell me the meaning of the letters we recieve in the sms that we get from the university regarding the results of the exams.I recieved an sms but I have no idea how to convert those letters into results and if someone likes to help me then please write back to me in Arabic
Thanks and good luck to you all

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Thanks very much Honey Bunny,I think you carried some good news to me because i scored 3 A+ and 1B and I faild in the Arabic!! it's a good chance to refine my Arabic grammer

I hope calling you Honey Bunney wouldn't be a cross to the red lines Smile but it's a cuite nickname anyway

Thanks again and good luck to you


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darkbluesky75 كتب:

I hope calling you Honey Bunny wouldn't be a cross to the red lines but it's a cute nickname anyway

Thanks again and good luck to you


Hi again Sherif,
Firstly, congrats for your success. secondly, thanks for your tender, sweet words, which I've done nothing to deserve, thirdly, your words regrading my login hold a double-meaning. Would you kindly pinpoint which one exactly you've addressed me? that is, what's the trespass herein?

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Drear Honey Bunny

I would to thank you for your quick reponse and I'm really impressed with your language skills.I would like to assure you that my intentions were not meant to disappoint you or to offend in anyway because I really approciate your help and i tend to believe that you're a very unique person.I only wanted to let you know that dispit the fact that I don't know you well enough to call you "Honey Bunny" yet I had to use it because I don't know your real name,I personally like the name Honey Bunny but I just never used it with someone that I knew nothing about..I'm sorry anyway and if I offended you then please accept my apology
I know I shouldn't ask you to tell me your real name but what's your name anyway??Smile thanks and have a great day

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May Allah's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you Sherif

Well,Its not a mystery,all here knows that I'm your sister Rania Baibars. Talking bout uniqueness, I'm just an ordinary, normal human being, so don't wonder.

One more thing I wanna say here,that is, No More Thank You's.stick this tight into your mind while talking with me. We're all here belong to the same family" Al Manar"

Hopefully, things are clear-cut now, ain't it?

All the best.

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Loud and clear now that's for sure,now I know your name and it feels good to call you a sister because I never had one but I still have questions to ask about your language,where did you learn your English? and are you a student here and which year? I guess that's it for now

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مبروك النجاح ومعلش على المادة يا darkbluesky ونصيحتي زي ما بتتقن الكتابة بالإنجليش إكتب كمان بالعربي وياريت لو واجهتك أي مشكلة ترجع لينا في المنتدى عندنا ناس بتسهر على راحتنا وبتساعد من قلبها بجد وأهلا بيك دايما في المنتدى

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Thanks Rehab but it takes me 2 hours to type my name in Arabic so can you imagin how long it'll take me to type an email!! I know that's not a good excuse but I agree with you and I should practise typing in Arabic

I'm really good in Arabic and I love it but the exams are using a scare tactic that confuses me and makes me feel sick from the grammer exams.We can't change the world but I believe that I failed for a good reason and that is to refine my grammer skills

I agree with you that the people around here are very helpful and frindly specially "Honey Bunny" or Rania and now I add you to the friendly list and I wish you the best


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