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نادي جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح
Hamdy Tawfik-manar9

The Practice of Chinese Medicine

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The Practice of Chinese Medicine:
The Treatment of Diseases with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Churchill Livingstone | 2007 | ISBN: 0443074909 |
1546 pages | File type: PDF | 5,5 mb

The new edition
of this popular clinical text describes the application of traditional
Chinese medical theory to the diagnosis and treatment of up to 48
diseases, conditions and disorders. In addition to the existing 34
covered in the first edition, 14 new conditions and symptoms have been
added, and these include common, chronic and acute conditions which
clinicians may see in their practice. Each chapter contains aetiology
and pathology; differential diagnosis according to TCM; selection of
treatments with acupuncture and herbs, with explanation of choices; case
studies for illustration; summary of Western differential diagnosis;
and discussion of prognosis and prevention. This book again brings the
enormous wealth of the author's experience, and his insights in applying
TCM medicine to a Western context, to the support of all clinicians
whatever their own range of experiences

Download Links

hotfile.com 0443074909_chinese_medicine.rar.html


uploading.com 0443074909_chinese_medicine.rar/

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